February 2017 Minutes


Minutes for February 13, 2017

The fourth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2016-2017 academic year was held Monday, February 13, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Jennifer Adams, Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Sandra Warren for Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Angie McCoy (visitor), Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Nicole Smith, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Shari Steadman, Student Representative Jennifer Jones (GR), Liz Doster-Taft, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.  Absent were Laura Bilbro-Berry (visitor), Lena Carawan, Ellen Dobson, Crystal Jones (visitor), Laura King, LCSN-PCS Representative, Christy Walcott, and Mary Worthington (visitor).

All were welcomed to the fourth meeting for this year.

Approval of Minutes December 12, 2016 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The Spring NC-ACTE Forum will be held March 24, 2017 from 9:30-3:00 at UNC Charlotte. Registration is open and OEP will reimburse members for registration only for CEP members or a representative from their school/department.  You may register by using this link.  https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg.

A handout from NCDPI regarding Home Base Professional Learning for Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) was distributed. Faculty and pre-service teachers will be provided access to Home Base demonstration sites using test data and provided with training materials comprising of screenshots, a lesson plan template and exemplars.  IHEs will be provided access to Schoolnet, North Carolina’s Instructional Improvement System.  This is being done in hopes of easing the transition of first year teachers by providing pre-service teachers a window into the vast array of classroom instructional resources available in Schoolnet. Three sessions are being planned for this professional learning event; one in the east, west, and at NCDPI. Host sites have not been determined, but if interested in being a team member register at http://bit.ly/hbsnihereg.

Most licensure fees increased January 1, 2017; in-state application fees increased from $55 to $70; out of state fees from $85 to $100. Renewal fees decreased from $55 to $35.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Data Management

Ellen Dobson from the OAADM was unable to attend. Vivian Covington reported that templates are now available from DPI for program approval renewal, which will be due this spring.  This is for the initial and advanced licensure programs.  Blueprints, which included evidences, are being replaced by assurances.  OEP or OAADM will complete four of the twelve sections.  Discussions centered around “how programs meet the requirement for full-semester field placements in low-performing schools,” “how candidates are exposed to and use School Improvement Plans within their programs in EDUC 4400 and PSYC 4305”, “how candidates will show evidence of working with families”, and “what evaluation tools will be used to assess candidate dispositions/how and when used.”  In 2017-2018, IHEs will begin to transition to the state’s Disposition tool.  A Qualtrics Survey will be sent to each program coordinator for completion of the parts of the template that program areas must do.  After completing, the survey will be sent to OAADM for them to enter and submit to DPI.

DPI has 1157 program on file to be reviewed. The Educator Preparation Program Approval Committee is recruiting educators from Institutions of Higher Education and local school districts to serve as volunteer reviewers. Qualified reviewers are needed to evaluate teacher and school administrator preparation program proposals.

Reviewer Qualifications:

-Hold a license in the area

-or have held a license in the area

-or teach P-12 in the area

-or have taught P-12 in that area

-or teach college courses in that area

All Reviewers attend a training session via GoTo Webinar.

Reviewers are expected to complete and submit the proposal review form within 20 days, and re-review if necessary. http://bit.ly/EdPrepProposalEval

Educator Preparation Program Proposal Reviewer Training Feb 23, 2017 4:00 PM at:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2449370339116595458

Educator Preparation Program Proposal Reviewer Training Feb 27, 2017 1:30 PM EST at:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2314487750179215618
Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith gave the following report.

Internship I Application Meetings (fall/spring placements) will be held February 24, February 27 or February 28, 2017. Seven different meeting times have been scheduled over the three days.  Students should choose one of the times to attend.  Seating is first come, first served.  Advisors of prospective Intern I students have been notified and specific times and locations are on the OCE website and in Pirate Port, Teacher Education link, announcements.

Intern I Applications will be accepted on the following dates.

Round 1 Deadline: April 3, 2017, no applications will be accepted from April 4 – May 8th

Round 2 Deadline: May 9, 2017

Round 3 Deadline:  July 3, 2017

Inclement Weather Procedures are on pages 18 and 19 of the Welcome to Educator Preparation 2016 handbook.


A potential list of graduates for spring 2017 is available from OCE for LEAs seeking teachers. There are 305 students interning this term.  Program area numbers are Art 2, BITE 4, BK 12, DNCE 2, ELEM 134, ENED 9, FACS 2, FORL 2, HIED 26, HLTH 3, KINE 14, MATE 11, MIDG 17, MUSC 17, SPAN 2, SCIE 5, and SPED 43.

The Career Fair will be held March 1, 2017 at the Greenville Convention Center from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Intern II participation is mandatory.

The Spring Clinical Teacher Conference, partnering with the Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts (MLS) Conference, will be held March 16, 2017 at the Greenville Hilton from 9:00-1:30 p.m. Drs. Charity Cayton, Maureen Grady, and Kay Middleton will discuss co-planning, and a session will be done on implications of HB 1030 for teacher preparation and our partners, and edTPA update.

The early release date for Intern II candidates is April 12, 2017. SECU PE, SPED-GC, and MAT students are not eligible for early release as they still have summer courses to complete.  A requirement of early release is passing the edTPA on the first attempt.  These program areas will not have edTPA results in until later in April; FACS, DNCE, HIED, MATE, MUSC, and SCIE.  The earliest release date for these students would be April 24th.

Clinical Teacher Trainings for summer 2017 have been scheduled. Priority will be given to these high need areas for Clinical Teachers – SPED AC/GC, BK, 9-12 Band, 9-12 Art, DNCE, FORL, ELEM 3-5, and MIDG (all content areas).

June 15, 2017 – Lenoir County Central Office Board Room

June 20, 2017 – ECU Willis Building

June 22, 2017 – Edgecombe County Public Schools – Southwest Edgecombe H.S.

Save the Date–University Supervisor Training for fall 2017 will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Willis Building

Social media information was provided on the back of the dress code information for practicum students and a powerpoint with audio was created and distributed to 2123 instructors as requested in a previous CEP meeting.

Effective January 2017, travel reimbursement rates changed for personal vehicle use. Individuals are now reimbursed at a daily rate of $.535 per mile for the first 100 miles and $0.17 for each additional mile.

Old Business

Members were reminded of the 2.7 GPA requirement. All program areas outside the COE should double check with their Advising Centers, professional advisors and faculty advisors to be sure they are informed.  All candidates admitted to Upper Division on or after July 1, 2017 must have a 2.7 GPA.  This requirement is upheld for admission through completion of a program and licensure.  Students admitted under the 2.5 GPA rule who are removed from Upper Division for not maintaining the GPA and are re-admitted after July 1, 2017 will have to meet the new 2.7 requirement.  This is true for all pathways; UG, MAT, LO, LE, TFA, and NCTeach.

Each program area shall create (if you do not have one already) a four year plan of study for a “typical” UG candidate, highlighting in yellow the courses that have practica/field experiences attached to them.  There should be practica and field experiences in every semester, and these documents will be used to see where in our curriculum we have gaps, if any.  Include the typical term a student is admitted to Upper Division.  These will be due to Dr. Covington on or before February 17, 2017 (date extended due to no January meeting).  Please submit them electronically. This is for compliance with HB 1030 and HB 97.

New Business

All program areas need to check the following in their Intern I methods course(s) syllabus:

    • Verbiage for # of days required in Internship setting
    • Statement explaining Intern I site visits are a fully integrated part of the methods course and grading should reflect such.
    • The Intern I Agreement Form must be returned to, and reviewed by the methods course instructor for documentation of field component, with green copy going to OCE.
    • No one should pass methods course(s) without BOTH field visits, performance while in field visits, dispositional issues (tardiness, taking constructive feedback, etc.) and course work being completed satisfactorily.

Members received a “sample” wording for syllabus to be shared with other faculty as needed for revisions.

The procedures for Upper Division interview was questioned; “Do all departments actually meet with students?” “How many interviewers are involved,” etc.  Admissions and Retention may need to meet to discuss.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee

Elaine Yontz, chair reported that the committee met and approved the following.

Package from Hispanic Studies

The Graduate Faculty in Hispanic Studies are requesting to establish 7 new courses and bank 13 courses, with resulting adjustments to the MAT concentration in Hispanic Studies.

Package from the BITE programs

The faculty of the BITE programs are requesting to discontinue 4 degree programs: B.S. in Business Education, B.S. in Business Education & Marketing Education, B.S. in Information Technologies Education, and MAT in Business Education & Marketing Education. This request is made in compliance with decisions made by the Provost and the PPC report.

Package from the Master of Library Science program

The Master of Library Science program faculty are requesting to change course numbers and revise pre-requisites of existing courses, to correct erroneous and outdated language and to make course sequence clearer to students and advisors.

Revise course numbers for 13 existing courses. The purposes of re-numbering are: 1) to make course sequence clearer to students and advisors; and 2) to resolve inconsistencies in the current numbering arrangement. 7xxx course numbers that need to be changed to 6xxx numbers will be submitted in a future package.

The minutes were accepted.

The CEP Curriculum Meeting will meet on 2/27 (SP 202), 4/3 (Bate 2014), and 4/24 (Bate 2014), at 10 a.m.  Packages are due to Elaine Yontz by 5.p.m., one week prior to the meetings.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – Charity Clayton reported that the committee met today and Dr. Covington discussed the process and reasons for Petitions for Exceptions. Petitions are reviewed by Dr. Covington and significant ones are forwarded to the committee.  There were no petitions requiring a A&R committee vote.

The new GPA requirement for Upper Division was discussed. OEP will continue to remind members at each CEP meeting.  Posters and postcards, which advisors distribute, are in the Advising Center.  Information is running on the TVs in Speight.  Dr. Covington has met with Arts & Sciences Chairs, the information was in the 2016 Apple Book, and it has been on the agenda for every CEP meeting this academic year.

The committee suggests that the GPA requirement be added to Taskstream for the early experience course Teacher Education Handbook Activity. Math Ed is passing out postcards, posting signs, and informing sophomore and junior students in coursework, Shari Steadman is talking with students in English Ed classes and Dance Ed would like to have posters and post cards to disseminate, which can be obtained from Dr. Amy Shannon in the COE Academic Success Center, Rivers 130.

Policy – No report

Dr. Covington asked that each of the remaining committees meet in the spring, once per month beginning in February.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.  The next meeting will be March 13, 2017 in Speight 203.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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