February 2020


Minutes for February 10, 2020

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The sixth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2019-2020 academic year was held Monday, February 10, 2020 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203.  Members present: Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Elondra Napper, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss, and Kevin White.  Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson, Beth Edwards, and Jim Kuras. Absent were Ashley Cannan, Kristin Gehsmann, LCSN-PCS Representative, Chris Rivera, Art Rouse, Christina Tschida, and Christy Walcott.

Welcome and Introductions

Visitor Beth Edwards with the NC New Teacher Support Program was introduced.  She and Lakecia Brown will alternately attend meetings.  Jim Kuras, the new Director of Undergraduate Student Services was welcomed.


Approval of Minutes January 13, 2020 Meeting

The minutes for the January 13, 2020 meeting were approved.



Patch Clark announced that the Story Book Series is producing the play Henry and Ramona, adapted from a Beverly Cleary book on February 21, 2020.  Thirteen hundred (1300) elementary children will be attending that day.  A 7 p.m. performance is planned that evening in Wright Auditorium.  A Saturday morning performance will be held at the Turnage Theatre in Washington, NC.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


Her office will be sending out the Conceptual Framework Survey to disperse among departmental faculty members.  Comments are welcomed and workgroup members will be solicited.


The LCSN meeting was held February 5, 2020. A Principal Focus Group was held immediately following the meeting.  The LEAs expressed appreciation of ECU wanting feedback from them.  Recruitment and retention, employment, and continuous improvement were the three themes used for the focus group feedback collection. Eight of the top 10 districts who employ the largest number of our graduates as noted in the ECU IHE Performance Report were represented.


The annual spring Latham CSN Clinical Teacher Conference will be held March 20, 2020 from 9-2 p.m. in the ECU Main Student Center. All CTs with a current Intern II are invited to attend, with the Intern II subbing for them that day at no cost as a give back for hosting an intern for a full year, district permitting.


edTPA submissions are beginning.  CPAST training for new university supervisors is needed. Supervisors must calibrate yearly; the recalibration training is shorter than the first required, full training. Instructions and information for CTs will be sent via email as well.


Most items for interns are in Sonia, although some uploads and documents are staying in Taskstream. The Intern Calendars direct students to what is where.


An email will be sent to program coordinators regarding the upcoming EPP Data Summit meeting. It will be delivered twice, 2 half days on April 7 and April 8, to hopefully make at least one date/time accessible for faculty to attend.  Choose one date and attend a half-day.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Members were reminded of the COE Career Fair for Intern II candidates March 18, 2020 from 8:30-11:30 at the Greenville Convention Center and the early release date of April 10, 2020 for intern IIs who have all requirements completed, i.e. passing edTPA scores, and no more coursework to take after the spring semester.


Information is being sent to Program Coordinators today, 2-10-2020 regarding Internship Applications for fall 2020/spring 2021 Internships.  Internship meetings will be held in Speight 129 on February 25, 2020 3:30-5:30; February 26, 2020 2:30-4:30; and February 28, 2020 12-2:00. Candidates attend one.


Round 1 applications are due April 1, 2020; Round 2 on May 13, 2020; and the final round on July 1, 2020.


Old Business

Vivian Covington reported that the EPP Accountability System Proposed Model was rejected by the State Board (SBE).  PEPSC will meet Thursday to discuss, and either change as SBE recommended, leave it as is and resend to SBE, or propose a new alternate version and send to SBE.


SBE feedback: 1) Diversity measures should be implemented when model is approved rather than collecting pilot data for two years and setting levels/benchmarks with data. 2) Some SBE members were not happy that there were no Level 1 (lowest ranked and subject to sanctions) institutions and they felt like the model therefore was not rigorous enough.


The DPI report presented to the SBE is going to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee (JLEOC) by February 15, 2020 as a report, no action. PEPSC will have to meet again, report to SBE, then we will see where we are.


New Business


Title 2 Pass rates were made available to Title II Coordinators.  Licensure testing pass rates will be released later by the SBE via the IHE Performance Reports and IHE Report Cards. The information in these two reports is being converted into a legislatively required Dashboard, which DPI hopes to have up and functioning by summer. The law requires that the dashboard allow for EPP to EPP comparisons on the measures we have disused for the accountability model.


  • Title 2 Pass Rates – Separate Reports for Traditional and Alternative Certification
    • For years 2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, respectively
    • Traditional: 74%, 67%, 72%
    • Cert.: 95%, 100%, 91%
  • Licensure Testing Pass Rates for the IHE Report Card/Performance Reports
    • New reporting procedure, UG and Alt. Cert. together
    • 2015-2016 completers who were hired to teach in 2016-17
    • Pass Rates at end of Year 1 of license (2016-2017) = 84%
    • Pass Rates at end of Year 2 of license (2017-2018) = 93%
    • Pass rates at end of Year 3 of license (2018-2019) = 95%


Standing Committees

Curriculum –Chair Jeff Pizzutilla reported that the committee met February 3, 2020 and approved the following.


  1. Elementary and Middle Grades Education
  2. The faculty in Elementary and Middle Grades Education voted and approved on 1/11/19 to add a new concentration, Academically Gifted, to the B.S. in Elementary Education.
  3. The faculty are requesting to create the concentration using pre-existing courses.

Motion to approve- Beth Cole; Second- Patch Clark


  1. BA Foreign Language

The French section of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures aims to update FREN offerings to increase quality and standards and to incorporate current trends in the discipline. We propose 1) streamlining our requirements and core curriculum for standardization 2) updating numbers/titles/descriptions to better reflect trends in the profession 3) standardizing prerequisites to eliminate special adds and 4) eliminating courses we no longer teach. All of these changes will help our students move through the curriculum and expose them to content that is in line with contemporary standards within the profession. Below, are find specific numbers, descriptive titles, and explanations for changes:

  1. Coordinating core-courses for FORL majors with French concentrations, FORL majors with French education concentrations, and minor will facilitate moving from a FREN minor to a major and standardize our curriculum for all groups of students.
    1. Required 9 s.h.:
      1. FREN 3001 – French Conversation (same numbering and title as Spanish)
      2. FREN 3200 – Grammar and Composition WI
  • FREN 3550 – Intro to Cultural Analysis GD HU WI (same title, numbering and attributes as Spanish)
  1. Choose remaining from above 2999. For major, 9 s.h. of which must be above 3999:
  1. Updating some titles/numbers/descriptions to better reflect current content and the direction of the profession (all new numbering is in accordance with the departmentally approved numbering codes and also have been approved by Marc Setliff.
    1. FREN 3001 – French Conversation (GD) (Former Culture and Communication (GD)) (title change to reflect more accurately the spoken component of the course and to align the name with the SPAN course of same number)
    2. FREN 3200 – French Abroad (repeated up to 2X) (former French Language in France II) (title change to reflect possibility of study abroad outside of France) (adding repeat because students sometimes study abroad more than once)
    3. FREN 3222 Grammar and Composition (WI) (Former FREN 3330 Composition and Advanced Grammar (WI) combined with FREN 3002 Review of Grammar) (number change to reflect departmental course coding; title change to reflect current content)
    4. FREN 3443 – Cultures of France (GD credit; may be repeated 2X) (Former FREN 3443 – Special Topics in the Culture of France (GD credit; may be repeated 2X)) (change of title to simplify description)
    5. FREN 3444 – Francophone Cultures of the World (GD credit; may be repeated 2X) (Former FREN 3444 – Special Topics in Francophone Cultures of the World (GD credit; may be repeated 2X) (change of title to simplify description)
    6. FREN 3550 – Intro to Cultural Analysis (*new WI Credit approved) (changing the number from 3500 to 3550 aligns it with the same SPAN course) (we are also changing the title to better reflect the content of the course which now examines not just print, but visual and digital media and material culture)
  2. Standardizing prerequisites to minimize special adds and facilitate student progress through the curriculum.
    1. 2004 as a prerequisite for all 3000-level courses.
    2. Either 3001 or 3222 or 3550 for 4000-level courses.
  3. Deleting courses, we no longer teach to avoid confusing affiliated programs and students.
    1. FREN 1220 – French Language in France I (because never used for study abroad transfer)
    2. FREN 3002 – Review of Grammar (combined w/ 3330 to become by 3200)
    3. FREN 3225 – Advanced Conversation (combined w/ 3001 to become 3001)
    4. FREN 2440 – Readings in the Culture of France I (GD) (became 3443 in 2015)
    5. FREN 2441 – Readings in the Culture of France II (GD) (became 3443 in 2015)
    6. FREN 2442 – Readings in the Francophone Cultures of the Americas (GD) (became 3444 in 2015)
    7. FREN 2443 – Readings in the Francophone Cultures of Africa (became 3444 in 2015)


Motion to approve- Beth Cole; Second- Patch Clark Motion passed unanimously


CEP accepted the committee report and recommendation with a unanimous vote.


Evaluation & Planning – Chair Rhea Miles, No report.  The next meeting will be February 18, 2020 in Speight 202.

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton.  There may be possible items to vote on in April.

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Barbara Brehm moved to adjourn and was seconded by Bethann Cole.  The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Sherry S. Tripp


** Remaining meeting dates; March 16, 2020 (later due to spring break) and April 13, 2020.


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