January 2006 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for January 6, 2006

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2005-2006 academic year was held Monday, January 9, 2006 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Brown, Melva Burke, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Lynne Davis, Dana Espinosa, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Gwendolyn Guy, Melissa Hamm, Linda High, Lilla Holsey, Rhonda Kenny, Carolyn Ledford, Al Muller, Ashleigh Phillips, Pitt County Representative Carla Frinsko, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sandy Triebenbacher, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Michael Bossé, Linda James, Jami Jones, Mark Malley, and Betty Smith.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Michael Brown and seconded by Dawn Clark to approve the minutes from the December 12, 2005 meeting.

Agenda II – Announcements

Linda High was welcomed back. The Career Center has a mock interview program HIRED, Helping Individuals Reach Employment Destinations. Faculty interested in having students in class participate, should contact the Career Center at 328-6050 for more information. Catrina Davis is the liaison for the College of Ed. She can give you the contact person for your area, if needed.

Free Speech and Hearing screenings will be held January 23, 24 or January 25, 2006 at the Belk Annex. Emails have been sent to all teacher ed faculty and an announcement is posted on OneStop for students. Students unable to schedule a screening on one of these days may contact the clinic for an appointment ($20 fee). Students being screened away from campus, must have it completed by a Speech-Language Pathologist.

The chair announced that the ASIP 2000 Challenge Exam will be given January 10 or 11, 2006. Students are to contact BCTE Department in 2318 Bate Building to register for the exam. The courses that are accepted are listed in the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook; ASIP 2000, 2112, DSCI 2223 or program equivalents. ITEC 2000 is not an acceptable course.

The Clinical Teacher Conference will be held March 9, 2006. More information will be forthcoming. Dean Sheerer and other teacher education deans will attend the February CTE meeting.

Agenda III – Old Business

Senior I and II seminars were held Friday, January 6, 2006. There was very poor attendance at the Senior I meeting. There were 80 absentees. Make-up meetings will be scheduled.

A series of meetings are scheduled all week to update on Conceptual Framework, Dispositions, and Portfolio Components. Important materials will be distributed. If you are involved in more than one group, please plan to attend one of the group meetings; Early experience faculty, Senior I methods faculty, or University supervisors for spring 2006.

Agenda IV – New Business

Dean Sheerer and Asst. Dean, Lynne Davis will begin visits to program areas. If your area has not scheduled a visit, please contact Lynne Davis as soon as possible.

A NCATE/DPI pre-visit was held January 5, 2006. The NCATE Chair, Dr. Jay Shotel, George Washington University; DPI Chair, Dr. Dale Carpenter, Western Carolina University; DPI Consultant, Dr. Jennifer Olson, Consultant, Teacher Education Section, DPI; and NCATE/DPI Liaison, Dr. Cecelia Stepp-Jones, North Carolina Central University attended. They reviewed hotel meeting room arrangements and the exhibit room and made suggestions. We appear to be in good shape.

Program Coordinators should finalize their items in the exhibit room. An additional copy of the syllabi is needed for the NCATE room. Lynne Davis needs the names of students in upper division, Senior I, Senior II, clinical teachers, alumni, and graduate internship supervisors willing to be interviewed by the team. She would like to schedule site visits with interns at the advanced level (psychology, counselors). There will be 8 NCATE team members and 26 DPI members at the visit February 25-March 1, 2006. A tentative schedule was distributed. An additional CTE meeting is scheduled February 27, 2006. As many members as possible should attend. Email Lynne Davis if you are willing to have your online class included by having a discussion board and a possible polycom interview with an off-campus class. They want to see that online classes are comparable to campus classes, that it is a delivery mode, not a different program.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Curriculum – Rhonda Kenny reported for the chair. The committee met and approved four special education courses, with minor changes, for a certificate program in autism. SPED 6800, Intro to Students with Autism; SPED 6801, Methods and Materials for Teaching Students with Autism; SPED 6802, Families and Students with Autism; SPED 6803, Language and Communication for Students with Autism. Editorial catalog changes were made in the B.S. in Special Ed-General Curriculum and Special Ed-Adapted Curriculum, which incorporate the new MATE course sequences approved earlier. SPED 4010 was erroneously omitted from the catalog and will be added.

A motion was made by Carolyn Ledford and seconded by Joe Ciechalski to accept the report. All new course proposals and changes were approved.

Evaluation – The chair, Carolyn Ledford reported that the committee met and discussed the pre-visit and schedule, which was reported earlier. Mary Lisa Pories moved that the report be accepted. Dawn Clark seconded. The report was accepted.

Admission and Retention – No report.

Policy – No report.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Portfolio – No report

Graduate Programs – No report.

Professional Studies – No report. The chair reminded members that the committee will vote on the revised Senior I Agreement Form at the next meeting.

EDUC 3002, Intro to Diversity, has 17 students. David Gabbard, Foundations Area Coordinator, would like to know if additional sections of this course are needed for fall 2006.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting for the academic year 2005-2006 will be February 13, 2006. Please make plans to attend. Dean Sheerer and other deans will be at this final meeting prior to the NCATE/DPI visit.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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