January 2007 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for January 8, 2007

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2006-2007 academic year was held Monday, January 8, 2007 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Patch Clark for Dawn Clark, Lynne Davis, Bethann Fine, Todd Finley, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Carolyn Ledford, Tammy Lee, Ashley Mann, Nicole Mas, Melissa Matusevich, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, and Sarah Williams. Absent was Nancy House, Jami Jones, PCS representative and Scott Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Bill Grobe and seconded by Mary Lisa Pories to accept the minutes from the December 11, 2006. The minutes were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Karli Ruscoe, who replaced Melva Burke, was introduced as a new member.

The State Board of Education approved a proposed core course of study framework beginning in the 2008-09 school year. The proposed change would replace the current courses of study (college prep, college tech prep, career). The proposed change requires that all freshmen entering high school in fall 2008 participate in a 21 unit core course of study that includes a four-unit endorsement in a specialty area of their choice.

Teachers may qualify for cancellation of up to 100 percent of a Federal Perkins Loan if they have served full time in a public or nonprofit school system as a teacher in a school serving students from low-income families, or a special education teacher or teacher in the fields of math, science, foreign languages or bilingual education or other field of expertise determined by a state education agency to have a shortage of qualified teachers in the state. More detailed information may be accessed at http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/cancelperk.jsp?tab=repaying. Please share this information with advisees and advising centers.

Beginning fall 2008, Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College and ECU will partner to offer an early college program with a five-year curriculum ending with a high school diploma and an associate’s degree.

The Fifth Annual Clinical Teacher Conference will be held March 22, 2007 at the Hilton from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no cost and renewal credit is available. This conference is open to faculty who supervise interns. Other faculty may also attend, space providing.

On March 27, a dinner meeting for teacher education faculty will be held at Rock Springs Center from 4-7 p.m. Dr. Rebecca Garland, Executive Director of the NC State Board of Education, will speak on “Future Ready Schools”. There is no cost and renewal credit is available.

Agenda III – Old Business

Diana Beasley, NC 2006 Teacher of the Year (TOY), will speak at the Senior II Seminar, April 17, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. This is a required seminar for Senior II interns. Members were asked to discuss with departmental faculty if future TOY seminars should be in the fall since there are several seminars or conferences held in the spring.

Agenda IV – New Business

NCATE is seeking names of those interested in being on the Board of Examiners (BOE). Board members will participate in training sessions, a two week time commitment is required the first year and one week per year in each of two additional years. Names should be sent to Dr. Covington.

NCATE also encourages faculty to contact their specialized professional associations (SPA) to become program reviewers. Faculty should make contact themselves if interested.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Admission & Retention – Vivian Covington reported for Scott Williams, Chair. The committee met online to discuss a student’s second attempt at completing Senior I coursework. The student had dropped her Senior I coursework because her courseload was too large at that time. The committee approved the second attempt at Senior I with a majority vote. CTE approved the recommendation.

Evaluation and Planning – Carolyn Ledford, Chair. No report.

Curriculum – Boni Boswell, Chair, reported that the committee met and approved the deletion of three one- hour seminars in the math program and added one three-hour course, MATE 3523, Teaching Topics in High School Math. The report was accepted.

Policy – Joe Ciechalski, Chair. No report

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Vivian Covington has received some names for the Ad Hoc Committees. The committees will be named later.

Portfolio – No report.

Graduate Programs – No report.

Professional Studies – No report.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting will be on February 12, 2007.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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