January 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for January 15, 2008

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vic Aeby for Rick Barnes, Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, Bethann Fine, Todd Finley, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Tammy Lee, PCS representative Chris Moxley, Betty Peel, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, and Scott Williams. Absent were Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Tom Caron, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Mary Pickard, and Mary Lisa Pories.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the December 10, 2007 were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

ECU and Pitt County Schools were selected to receive New Teacher Center Teacher Induction Professional Development trainings funded by the Carnegie Corporation. The final two trainings will be held in February. “The Site Administrator’s Role in Supporting Beginning Teachers” will be February 14. “Creating and Facilitating Meetings that Promote Mentor Development” will be February 15, 2008, Times for both are 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Contact Diana Lys, lysd@ecu.edu or 252-328- 2950 to register. The University of California-Santa Cruiz developed this program and the participating school systems have a 98% retention rate.

The next meeting on new professional teaching standards will be January 18, 2008 focusing on Standard 3, Content , 8:00-12:00 at Rock Springs Center. Invite other faculty who are not necessarily teacher education faculty, but teach content area courses.

Agenda III – Old Business

The Dean’s search continues with three candidates presenting this month and February; Dr. Van Dempsey, January 28; Dr. Debra Harley, January 29, and Dr. Paul Beare on February 5. There will be open sessions with faculty and departments.

Lynne Davis gave an update on the program approval process and distributed information on the proposed changes that the State Board of Education approved. The new program approval process will be aligned with new evaluation standards being developed for teachers and school executives. Proposed revisions would create an annual review cycle that is aligned with the evaluation instruments being developed. National accreditation will be voluntary; however, public institutions are required by GA to be nationally accredited (NCATE). In addition, a tentative curriculum re-visioning timeline was shared. The implementation date for the new undergraduate programs is fall 2010. The November 30 meeting addressed Standards 1, 2, 4, and 5. The meeting Friday will address Standard 3, focusing on content, aligning programs with the standard course of study and incorporating 21st century skills and assessments into the programs.

Agenda IV – New Business

Lynne Davis demonstrated the new “education program” (similar to the old AA13 screen in MVS) available for faculty and staff in teacher ed program areas. Teacher Education Management (TEMS) is a web-based program run through Mozilla Firefox that pulls information from Banner. The students major, GPA, courses, test scores, admission to upper division status, etc. may be viewed from this program. She and Danyell Harmon are available to go to the different program areas and download the program. Please contact her at davismar@ecu.edu to schedule a time.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Scott Williams reported that his committee and Evaluation and Planning met together. It was discussed that the two computer literacy courses, ASIP 2000 and EDTC 4001 be eliminated in favor of one three-hour course and the course should be later in the student’s education experience, such as junior year. They also discussed that a student have a “C” or better in MATH 1065 and ENGL 1100 and 1200 and not require PRAXIS I. The 2.5 GPA requirement should remain in place. CTE accepted the report. CTE will continue to discuss this at future meetings.

Evaluation and Planning – Joe Ciechalski, Chair

Curriculum – Boni Boswell – no report. The next meeting will be February 5, 2008.

Policy – Vivian Covington reported for Mike Bossé, Chair. The committee met and drafted a policy for using charter schools for internship placements. The draft would allow candidates to intern in charter schools for a two-year pilot period beginning Senior I, spring 2008, if particular conditions are met. The report was accepted. Members were asked to take this draft policy to their program areas for input. CTE will vote in February.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – no report.

Save the dates of February 22 and April 11, 2008 for future “re-visioning education meetings”.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The next meeting will be February 11, 2008.

Meeting dates for 2007-2008

  • February 11, 2008
  • March 3, 2008 (first Monday due to spring break)
  • April 14, 2008

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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