January 2014 Minutes


Minutes for January 13, 2014

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, January 13, 2014 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Dan Boudah, Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bonnie Glass, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Diana Lys, James McKernan, Susan Morgan, Kathy Misulis, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and guest Wendy Buck Petteway. Absent were Lena Carawan, Kristen Cuthrell, Bethann Fine, Laura Levi- Altstaedter, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner, and LCSN-PCS Representative.

Welcome and Introductions

Everyone was welcomed back to a new semester.

Approval of Minutes

December 9, 2013 Meeting The minutes were approved as written with one correction that Mike Dawson was absent at the meeting.


Please remember to share the copy of a PI and PII Primer with faculty and advising centers/advisors that was sent to you earlier electronically and a hard copy which was included in the packet for today’s meeting.

PRAXIS I tests (reading, writing, math) changed this year to the PRAXIS CORE (reading, writing, math); however, students needing these tests can take either PRAXIS I or CORE for admission to Upper Division until June 30, 2014. Students may not combine individual tests from PRAXS I and CORE.

Students finishing a program prior to June 30, 2014 can be recommended for their license with current PRAXIS tests. Students completing after June 30, 2014 will need the new tests to be recommended for their license. Elementary majors will need the new tests offered by Pearson. Special Education-General Curriculum majors will need the tests offered by Pearson and the PRAXIS II test offered by ETS. Tests for Special Education-Adapted Curriculum did not change. This information will also be shared at the January 17, 2014 SR I seminar.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Our next CAEP visit will be Spring 2015. There are two dates available, either February 8-10 or 15-17. These dates have been given to the Provost Council to make a final selection. The Institutional Report template has not been released, but it will be shared when it is. A DRAFT Annual Report for CAEP has been released and it significantly longer and different than in the past. Two pieces of data collection will be facilitated via CTE. One piece is the verification of all COE programs. A Google Doc will be sent to the CTE representative to facilitate the verification in their program area(s). The CTE representative will confirm completion of the program verification. The second piece is the electronic collection of faculty vita via a Qualtrics survey link sent directly to all professional education faculty to be completed by February 7, 2014. This survey will gather data needed for the Faculty Profiles component of the Annual Report. The Office of Assessment and Accreditation will then link these two pieces to the CAEP Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS). Directions for this process will be sent to CTE representatives in the next few days.

Some program areas may wish to change items in their approved DPI blueprints now that they have data for a few years on the new programs. Any changes to approved UG or G Blueprints should start with Dr. Lys so she help frame the changes and outline the process and timelines for making a change through DPI.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. Mandatory Senior I application meetings will be hosted by the Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) for all program areas on January 17, 2014 in Mendenhall Student Center. There are four identical meetings that day and students should attend one of the four.

Alternative licensure templates will be sent to departments by the end of January for updates. Please review them carefully for updated courses, listing the most accurate term that a course is offered and return the templates to the Alternative Licensure office by February 28, 2014. This is for licensure only students, add-ons, and lateral entry students. Templates are posted on the OCE website for recruitment purposes and should be as accurate as possible at all times. Ms. Morgan also asked that advisors send course substitutions to the Office of Alternative licensure. This lets the AL office know that you have approved a substitution for a course on a plan of study. AL needs to know this so they can verify plan of study completion for licensure recommendation. Patch Clark suggested a sheet similar to an undergraduate Senior Summary Form be attached to the internship application, which would show course substitutions made on a plan of study. It was agreed that this was a good idea.

Old Business

The chair will finalize the memo for Master’s graduates involved in the Master’s pay issue for spring 2014 and make it available. The chair and Sherry Tripp will meet with individuals in the Registrar’s Office concerning procedures needed to verify spring completers affected by this pay issue. The status of “M” level licenses and pay is still an issue; hopefully this will be reinstated.

There is no new information on the DPI initiation of the online licensure system (information was to be available February 2014).

New Business

March 20, 2014, 8-10:30 is the Career Fair, required seminar for all UG Sr. II Interns. We ask that the afternoon of that day 10:30-5:00 be held as a back-up plan to explain the online licensure process if it materializes.

Dr. Preston began the discussion about what constitutes “pilots” and then what process is used, should be used, to more pilots to policy. Several comments were made by programs areas regarding how the pilots were developed. They are not just single faculty trying out changes. The pilots, such as Video Grand Rounds, ISLES, Co-Teaching, etc. have MOUs associated with them for products, assessments, and research data collection. MOUs were created to document the pilots, which programs are in them and how far along they are in the pilot/implementation phases. edTPAs were approved to substitute for electronic evidences 3 and 5 via the DPI Blueprint process, with course embedded requirements; therefore they are part of degree completion and licensure. It was decided that this would be referred to the Evaluation and Planning Committee of CTE to review, gather information from those involved in the pilots such as the edTPALs, discuss in program areas, and return a recommendation to full CTE.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – The committee met on January 13, 2014 and recommended the following changes for approval:


Approve a new course, READ 3000, Literacy, Learning in a Diverse World to replace READ 3205/06, which will be banked. The grading scale wording will be changed from a 20 point scale to a 10 point scale.

B.S. Birth-K

The following changes were approved in the B.S. Birth-K program: New course CDFR 4201, Assessment for Intervention Course revision of CDFR 4200 Catalog changes: delete CDFR 3215 from the core, add new course 4201 and change description of 4200; delete “or PSYC 4305”; under cognates delete SPED 3005, delete cognate requirements. Required hours for degree will change from 126 to 123.

The vote was unanimous to accept the curriculum recommendations from the CTE Curriculum Committee. February 10, 2014 is the next meeting of the CTE Curriculum Committee. Send packages to the Chair, Ms. Jamie Williams, Health Education faculty member.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – Dr. Covington reported that the committee voted online on seven petitions for exception brought forward for Spring 2014. Five students had medical or academic issues and were approved to move forward as all issue had been resolved. Two students had criminal background issues; one was approved to move forward and one was denied. Policy – No Report There being no further business the meeting adjourned with a motion by Cheryl Johnson and a second by Jamie Williams.

Meeting Dates remaining for 2013–2014 are February 10, March 17 (third Monday due to spring break) and April 14, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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