January 2022


Minutes for January 10, 2022

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The fifth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2021-2022 academic year was held Monday, January 10, 2022 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Phyllis Broughton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Jennifer Gallagher, Nanyoung Kim, CJ Korenek, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White and student rep Nelly Cordero-Cisnero.  Absent were Charity Cayton, and Dawn Shelton


Approval of Minutes December 13, 2021 Meeting


The minutes of the December 13, 2021 meeting were accepted.



  • Covid infections are currently low on campus relative to the county and state. 11 UNC campuses are scheduled to “open” on time and for in-person instruction.
  • 4 UNC campuses have been approved for a “delayed” or online spring semester start
  • Only the UNC SO can approve a campus for a “delayed” or online semester start. Each campus does not have the autonomy to make this decision.
  • Health officials expect the Covid virus (more specifically – Omicron) to peak late January / early February
  • The Intern II seminar scheduled for January 10 was changed to a virtual meeting for safety reasons.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, reported on the upcoming CAEP visit.  OADD continues to prepare for the CAEP virtual site visit February 20-22, 2022.


More current students at the initial level in Elementary, BK, Special Ed, Science, Math, Music are needed for site interviews, as well as more students in BK, Elementary, Special Ed, Social Studies, Science, and Math at the advanced level are needed.  IT candidates and completers are needed, too. Dr. Fales will reach out to programs for more names. Thirty session are scheduled with the CAEP review team. Seven site team members will run three sessions concurrently beginning Sunday afternoon and Monday.


Please review the CAEP Canvas Course overview, self-study report and feedback and key evidences. She reminded all to review the Need-to-Know Sections for each Standard as these focus your attention on the most important aspects of the questions you may get form reviewers. Some have already participated.


She reminded program areas that new hires need a Pirate ID/email assigned before she can give them access to US materials, Go React, Canvas, etc.  Contact Jason Whitted via email with questions about Go React and its new access via Canvas.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Clinical Experiences Items:

Round 2 requests for Spring/Fall Intern placements will come out Jan. 10th with a quick turnaround by Jan. 14th.


There have been 27 cancellations of Intern 2 candidates between Thanksgiving and returning back to campus due to failing grades postponing candidate progression. We have been able to retain many of these but their timeline to completion and graduation will be delayed.


She reminded CEP members to complete cancellations and petitions for exceptions in a timely manner and to route them to the correct office/person (see below in Old Business for Petition and Cancellation routing).


Virtual Intern II meeting information was shared with Program Areas/University Supervisors, and Intern II candidates last Friday.  A virtual University Supervisor (US) Q and A meeting was held last week.  Information and a recording of the US meeting was distributed for those USs who could not attend.


Virtual Intern I meeting information was shared with Program Areas and candidates for Spring/Fall Intern Is in lieu of the previously scheduled face-to-face meeting Friday, Jan. 14th.


The Early Release Date for Spring 2022 is April 14, 2022.  Please communicate to candidates that if the edTPA return date is after the ER date, they would not have the ER opportunity or if they have to resubmit and the score is not back before the ER date. Per policy, edTPA shall be passed on first attempt, no emerging ratings on observation 3, and approvals of all parties – intern, US, CT and program — before an ER can be approved.  Please alert candidates if Observation 3 has emerging ratings; they should not be seeking ER employment.


COVID cases are high, and candidates should follow the placement district’s COVID mitigation policy(s).  If they require a test to return, then it must be done. All candidates in approved online programs are ECU students regardless of DE status and they must use the COVID Self-Reporting Form in PiratePort as do all other campus-based program candidates.


USs completing travel and reimbursement—

  • Travel Form/Report is due by the 5th of each month; can only submit one month at a time and If you turn in after the 5th, it is a loss and OCE cannot pay you.
  • Look to sign and approve your travel within 48 hours of submitting to Lauren Allen-Joyner – if you do not sign off timely to approve – it is a loss and OCE cannot pay you.


Thank you for your patience as we work to get spring 2022 Practicum requests placed.


Alternative Licensure Items

The office has begun recruiting for Spring 2022 Residency candidates.

ERM website:  https://education.ecu.edu/al/residency/


Old Business

GPA and Praxis Waiver Issues May 2020-July 31, 2021

A handful of candidates who had Praxis CORE waivers and met the 2.7 GPA AND a handful of candidates who met both GPA and Praxis CORE requirements during the one-year waiver window, are now below a 2.7 GPA. We are letting these candidates progress in Upper Division to be equitable to all students.


**All candidates must be at a 2.7 (no rounding) or higher prior to the first day of their Intern II semester. This will require careful advising and monitoring by program area advisors.


Petitions for Exception

Please follow the routing protocol for the Petition for Exception document. It begins with the candidate completing the form, goes to the advisor, then to either the Program Coordinator or the Department Chair (your program should designate which one), then it is sent to Dr. Covington via email or delivered to Speight 105. Do not send it to OCE or anyone in OCE. Do not copy OCE or anyone in OCE. Once I review the petition, Ms. Deatrice Suggs will process it and the student and advisor will be informed and OCE will be copied if it is an Intern I or II issue.


Cancellation of Internship I or II documents go to OCE not Dr. Covington.


Intern IIs with INCs

Intern IIs with Incomplete course grades have until Monday, January 31, 2022 to clear them. I will check on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 and any Intern II with an INC will be removed from their Internship. Any Financial Aid losses and all other repercussions are the candidate’s responsibility. Intern IIs must have a final GPA and grades for all courses prior to Internship and they do not if they are carrying an INC. The January 31, 2022 deadline is a three-week grace period to allow candidates to connect with faculty without interrupting anyone’s much needed break. It is a firm deadline.


New Business

Practica placements – this item was not discussed beyond Dr. Smith’s appeal for your patience as we attempt to place all practica course requests in a time of high COVID numbers.


Standing Committees


Curriculum, Dr. Christy Walcott, Chair—No report

Evaluation & Planning – Dr. Stacy Weiss, Chair–No report.

Admissions & Retention– Dr. Charity Clayton, Chair–No report

Policy– Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chair—No report


The next CEP meeting is Monday, February 14, 2022 at 3:15 via Teams.


Cynthia Wagoner moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Patricia Clark. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 3:54 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp

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