March 2007 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for March 5, 2007

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2006-2007 academic year was held Monday, March 5, 2007 at 3:30 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Joe Ciechalski, Lynne Davis, Bethann Fine, Todd Finley, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Nancy House, Tammy Lee, Ashley Mann, Nicole Mas, Melissa Matusevich, Mary Pickard, PCS representative-Chris Moxley, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, and Scott Williams. Absent were Michael Brown, Dawn Clark, Jami Jones, and Carolyn Ledford.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the February 12, 2007 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Members were reminded of two upcoming meetings. The Fifth Annual Clinical Teacher Conference will be held March 22, 2007 at the Hilton from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Approximately 230 have registered for the meeting. There will be a choice of sessions and resources for clinical teachers will be the theme. Interns will be subbing for clinical teachers free of charge.

On March 27, a dinner meeting for teacher education faculty will be held at Rock Springs Center from 4-7 p.m. Approximately 65 have registered and there are a few remaining slots. Dr. Rebecca Garland, Executive Director of the NC State Board of Education, will speak on “Future Ready Schools”. There is no cost and renewal credit is available.

Itineraries and vitae on the COE Dean’s candidates may be viewed at The second candidate was here today. The third candidate will be here Thursday and two more will interview later in the month.   CTE members; Bill Grobe, Carolyn Ledford and Vivian Covington are on the search committee.

Reviewers are still needed to help in the selection process for the Latham Awards. If interested, email Nancy Houston at

Carolyn Ledford’s mother passed away on Saturday. She will return to campus on Wednesday.

Agenda III – Old Business

Lynne Davis and Vivian Covington determined the number of Senior I Interns to participate in the BB&T Teacher Leadership Academy by the number of interns in each program during Fall 2006. The first academy will begin Fall 2007. Departmental coordinators should submit names of participants by the end of this semester to Lynne Davis. Proposed numbers are on page 3.

Agenda IV – New Business

A draft copy of Standards for Teacher Educators developed by the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) was distributed.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Admission & Retention – Scott Williams, Chair. No report.

Evaluation and Planning – Carolyn Ledford, Chair. No report.

Curriculum – Boni Boswell, Chair, reported that the committee met and approved the following: (1) revisions in SPAN 2222 and 2330 pre-requisites. Students must have a “B” in SPAN 1004 or permission by the department chair. (2) a new course, MUSC 6996, The Final Project and change in the M.M.-Music Education online degree. This course or MUSC 7000 would be required. CTE accepted the report.

Policy –Joe Ciechalski, Chair. No report

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Portfolio –

Graduate Programs

Professional Studies

Lynne Davis reported that the Portfolio Ad Hoc Committee is working on training and scoring of portfolios. The Graduate Programs Committee is working on unit assessment of all graduate programs. They are meeting with M.A.Ed Coordinators to discuss how to change the process if necessary.

Agenda VII – Additional Items

Todd Finley announced that he and Will Banks received a grant to establish the Tar River Writing Project. This was a collaboration between Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. They will conduct a summer institute during second summer session for K-College teachers. Teachers will interact with different disciplines and grade levels. CEUs and graduate credit will be available. Applications are open online. Sixteen individuals will be selected and will receive stipends, materials, books, and later present in Manhattan at the National Writing Project meeting. Contact for more information.

The State Board of Education approved the use of PRAXIS exam 0022 (Early Childhood: Content Knowledge) for B-K teachers to be designated highly qualified (HQ) to teach kindergarten. The passing score is 155. It is not required to be issued a B-K license. It is only for B-K licensed teachers who wish to become HQ and teach kindergarten. It cannot be used to add B-K to a license.

The question was raised as to the status of the ESL program. A group is working on re-establishing the program. In the mean time, individuals may add that area to an existing teaching license by taking and passing the ESL PRAXIS exam.

ITCS is working with the Office of Teacher Education in migrating applications and forms into Banner.

There being no further business, Bill Grobe moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:05 p.m. Mary Lisa Pories seconded. The final meeting will be April 9, 2007 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

Proposed Number of Participants per Program using Fall 2006 Numbers for Estimates

0-5 Interns – 1 slot each 6-10 Interns – 2 slots each 21-25 Interns – 6 slots each 11-15 Interns – 3 slots each
Total 3 SCIE Total 18 Total 9
  Total 8    
16-20 Interns – 5 slots each 46-50 Interns – 11 slots 195-200 Interns – 42 slots
MIDG Total 11 Total 41
Total 10



Number of Sr. I’s for Fall 2006 by Area

ART 12
B-K 7
ELEM 198
Total 430


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