March 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for March 3, 2008

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Monday, March 3, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vic Aeby for Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Tom Caron, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bethann Fine, David Gabbard, Tammy Lee, PCS representative Julie Cary, Mary Pickard, Betty Peel, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Lynne Davis, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Todd Finley, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Robbie Quinn, and Scott Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the February 11, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Save the date of April 11, 8:30-12:00 for the re-visioning teacher education meeting.   Please share this information with faculty in program areas. The meeting place is to be determined. The Spring NCACTE meeting will also be held April 11, 2008 at NC A&T State University in Greensboro. The program is “Re-Visioning Teacher Education and New Program Approval Process”. If any faculty are interested, please share this information and the registration form with them.

The Senior I Fall 2008/Senior II spring 2009 applications have three due dates.

  • 1st round due Friday, March 28, 2008–All students eligible by March 28, 2008.
  • 2nd round due Friday, May 9, 2008–All students eligible from March 29, 2008 to May 9.
  • 3rd round due Monday, July 2, 2008—Final date for eligible students.

Anyone becoming eligible after March 28, hold the applications until May 9.

The spring Clinical Teacher Conference will be held April 1, 2008 at the Hilton. The time is normally 8:30-3:30. Current clinical teachers with Senior II interns attend. The interns sub for the clinical teachers for free on that day, as a payback for allowing the intern in their classroom. Some departments have breakout sessions. University supervisors and faculty are invited to attend. We have had good sessions and good feedback from previous conferences. A conference was held in the fall and we hope to continue to have two each year, depending on funding.

Agenda III – Old Business

Dr. Sheeer met with the faculty in the COE about two of the three candidates. Faculty discussed the two candidates and gave written feedback. Dr. Sheerer was out of town last week and wanted to get all feedback before making a decision. The candidates are Dr. Van Dempsey, from Fairmont State in West Virginia and Paul Beare from Cal State – Fresno.

The February Curriculum Committee report was clarified. There was a change in the requirement for MATH 3233, College Geometry, to MATH 3301; revision of prerequisites for HLTH 3244 (HLTH 3300 was discussed, but it was found that it was not required by education majors); a new course from Math/Science, MATE 3300, Geometry for High School Teachers; and five new courses in C&I; TESL 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400, and 6500. Everyone did follow up with information needed.

Agenda IV – New Business

A copy of an editorial change to the catalog was distributed. We have to alert incoming freshmen about 2010 revisions. This will affect students admitted to Upper Division, 2010 and forward. This will affect students starting this fall. Students may be under some state board requirement changes. The same statement is needed on all check sheets and websites for all program areas. An example was distributed. Under the COE, Requirements for Students Preparing to Teach, the following will be inserted (NOTE: New licensure requirements will be in effect for all students admitted to teacher education beginning Fall 2010. Students should consult their departmental advisor for specific licensure information). An example in a program area would be BS in Hispanic Studies Education, See Section 7…….126 s.h. of credit as follows: (NOTE: these degree requirements are subject to change beginning Fall 2010 pending NC State Board of Education approval of revised licensure program requirements. Students should consult their departmental advisor for specific program information ). Please take this copy and put on checksheets and websites now, so that students will be aware of upcoming changes.

Lynne Davis was unable to attend and present an update. Evaluation/Planning and Admission/Retention Committees are back working together. We are waiting on the Policy Committee to do their work. Checkpoints, gateways and products will be coming from Evaluation/Planning and Admissions/Retention Committees. We don’t want to rush to that step because we don’t know what electronic format we will be using. We are moving at the right pace. Lynne is on the University SACS Committee and the state level committee working on the types of evidence and what electronic format we will be using.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – No report.

Evaluation and Planning – No report. Joe Ciechalski suggested that someone replace him as chair of this committee since this committee is meeting with Admission and Retention discussing the re-visioning of teacher education undergraduate programs and his program area is at the graduate level.

Curriculum – Boni Boswell, Chair reported that the committee met February 26, 2008 and approved the following:

  1. New course in science education, SCIE 3323, Introduction to Teaching in the HS Science Classroom (3) and change in core curriculum; choose SCIE 3350, 3351 or SCIE 3360, 3361.
  2. Three new and three revised courses in EXSS, 3 s.h. each, which changes the M.A.Ed in Physical Education; EXSS 6101, Tech and Assessment for PE Teacher Ed, EXSS 6110, Professional Issues in PE Teacher Ed; EXSS 6323, Advanced Middle and HS Instruction in PE; EXSS 6104, Curr. and Instruc. in PE (R); EXSS 6108, Analysis of Teaching PE (R); and EXSS 6109, Clinical Supervision in PE (R); and a change in the pre-requisites for EXSS 3910. A substitution for EXSS 5303 for SPED 6000 in the MAT was tabled.
  3. Unbank GERM 3400, 3500, 3600, 4361, 4362, 4363 and add three new courses; GERM 3120, German Business Communication II; GERM 4500, Popular Culture and Literature; and GERM 4510, Post-Unification Culture and Literature.
  4. New courses LIBS 6142, Instructional Foundations of the School Library Media Program and LIBS 6144, Instructional Strategies and Leadership for School Media Specialists, required for the MLS degree for media coordinators license. EDTC 6035 and 6037 are now electives.

The report was accepted and approved by CTE.

Policy – Mike Bossé, Chair, reported that the committee is meeting Tuesday, March 11, 2008. A draft of the proposed professional development core should be completed by then. He was concerned that CTE meets after the April 11, Re-visioning Teacher Ed meeting. He suggested that this draft be given to CTE members prior to the April 11 meeting. Dr. Covington felt that this should first be presented with the dialogue and power point to all faculty at the April 11th meeting. It has to come to CTE for a vote and she would feel better if it were vented with faculty and we got more input, which may mean you have to meet again. The report was accepted.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – Dr. Covington thanked committee members and faculty that agreed to participate on the Ad-Hoc Committee on Advanced Licensure Programs. Every person, with the exception of one (but a replacement was found), was happy to serve. Kristen Cuthrell and Lynne Davis with be calling the group together to look at the MAEDs for classroom teachers. Members are Sue Steinweig, Rick Barnes, Michelle Hairston, Mary Pickard, and Kathy Misulis.

Revisions of special service personnel degree programs will probably begin after 2010, but Lynne Davis would have more accurate timeline. The panel to develop power standards for the content specialty areas begins their weekend meetings on March 7th.

Other Business

The CTE Curriculum Committee will meet March 25, 2008.

Boni Boswell asked about the Early College Program. Dr. Covington stated that Dot Muller has spoken to different departments on campus and would be glad to have her come to CTE. She explained that this program is a partnership between Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College, and ECU. It is housed at ECU, but it is a Pitt County school. The Early College High School Program replaces a traditional high school experience. Students must apply and admission is open to upcoming ninth graders this fall. Forty students will be selected for this fall. Applicants must be an “A or B” student. It is for the student where high school is not working for them and/or college may not be a possibility otherwise. It is geared toward a degree in education. Students will finish high school and close to earning a 2-year Associates Degree from Pitt Community. The program will have a principal, counselor, and two teachers in year one. Students will be in their high school classes together, but then mix with other college students in some courses. Several community colleges and universities already have these in place and they are working.

Tammy Lee distributed brochures on the ECU Summer Science Camp. Counselors are needed. If you know of any students interested in getting teaching experience this summer, contact her.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next and final meeting will be April 14, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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