March 2010 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for March 15, 2010

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2009-2010 academic year was held Monday, March 15, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Vic Aeby for Rick Barnes, Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Chris Capehart, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lana Kay Dotson, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Linda High, Laura King, LCSN representative Julie Cary, Diana Lys, Betty Peel, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Sarah Williams, Barbara Woods and visitors-Crystal Jones and Frank Crawley. Absent were Brenda Eastman, Dana Espinosa, Nicole Griffin, Bill Grobe, Sharon Schleigh, and Christine Shea.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the February 8, 2010 meeting were accepted with one correction. Under Assessment Update-Update Item, in the third from the last sentence and last sentence, Qualtrics is the correct spelling of the survey program.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

The BITE 2000 Computer Challenge Exam will be given March 22 from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. or March 25, 2010 from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. for students needing to meet the technology competency for Upper Division. A copy of the flyer was emailed to all CTE members and placed on OneStop for students.

The Clinical Teacher Conference scheduled for March 24, 2010 has been cancelled because of low enrollment. Approximately 60 people responded, but only a few paid the $25 registration fee. The Office of Teacher Ed is seeking a donor to sponsor a future conference.

Internship applications are due March 26, May 7, and July 1, 2010. These are the only dates that applications will be accepted for fall Senior I/spring Senior II placements. It was suggested that June 1 be the cutoff date since a lot of faculty are not available in the summer. It was noted that some students need to take classes in first summer session to raise their GPA; therefore the July 1 date is appropriate.

Clinical Teacher Training for summer 2010 will be held in several locations. Clinical teachers work through their central office liaison except Pitt County teachers will work with their principals. Craven, June 18th ; Pitt, June 21st OR 22nd ; Wilson, June 29th OR 30th. The registration deadline is May 5, 2010.

University Supervisor Training will be at the beginning of August. Let Vivian Covington know of any new supervisors who should attend.

The Spring Teacher Education Forum held through NC-ACTE will be April 16, 2010 at NC A&T State University in Greensboro. The topic is “The 21st Century Professional Learning Community”. Dr. Kathy Sullivan, Senior Policy Advisor of the NC State Board of Education will give a DPI update on Revisioning. The registration fee is $25 and payable on site. To be included in the lunch order, you must pre-register online, The deadline is April 12.

Mrs. Darlene Perry is the new support staff in the Office of Teacher Education. She can be reached at 328-2156. Christa Monroe is the new Lead Coordinator in the Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach, which includes recruitment. Amanda Rogister is a new coordinator in Clinical Experiences. Karli Ruscoe will be overseeing Clinical Experiences and Alternative Licensure. A third coordinator will be hired to help get placements out sooner.

Agenda III – Assessment Update

Dr. Lys gave an update on DPI Revisioning, TaskStream and TPACK 21st Century Skills.


DPI sent guidelines for rubrics for the initial license programs. By March 26, 2010, Dr. Lys needs the rubrics and/or any revisions to send to DPI. Some programs have been uploaded into TaskStream and she will continue as they are approved.

Following a series of meetings with the MAEd Coordinators in early February 2010, an Action Plan has been developed to address the charge from NC DPI to revision our MAEd programs to address the new Graduate Teaching Standards (adopted January 2009) and infuse 21st Century Skills. This plan will address the following issues:

  1. Graduate Blueprint Template completion, including development of graduate evidences.
  2. SharePoint site for MAEd Revisions.
  3. Implementing blueprints in TaskStream.
  4. Timelines for submission.
  5. Integration of MAEd Revisions with NCATE and SACS.

The Graduate Blueprint is divided into four sections. The work of completing each section will be divided between the program area faculty, MAEd Core course faculty, and the COE Assessment Office. A quick overview of the Blueprint and timeline is presented in the chart below.

Element Assignment Responsibility Timeline
Section A Description of Revisions using Charts A1 and A2 Program Area Faculty, MAED Core course faculty, COE Assessment Office To COE Assessment Office – September 1, 2010To NC DPI – October 1, 2010
Section B  Public School Involvement COE Assessment Office, with input from MAEd Coordinators Initial draft by May 2009
Section C Electronic Evidences Program Area Faculty, MAED Core course faculty, COE Assessment Office To COE Assessment Office – September 1, 2010To NC DPI – October 1, 2010
Section D  Implementation Timeline Template developed by COE Assessment Office. Completed by MAEd Coordinators Template developed by March 15, 2010

SharePoint Site

All documents and templates related to the MAEd Revisions will be placed in a SharePoint site.   Access will be granted to all MAEd program area coordinators and those key faculty identified by their MAEd coordinators. All blueprint components will be submitted to the COE Assessment Office through SharePoint.


The MAEd programs will use TaskStream for the collection of their graduate evidences (GEs) just as the initial licensure programs are also implementing TaskStream. This will support an integrated Assessment System, crucial to meeting NCATE Standard 2, and tie our programs together. Faculty training in TaskStream will be on-going as it is implemented in initial and advanced program areas.


Completed graduate blueprints are due to the COE Assessment Office on Wednesday, September 1, 2010.

Blueprints will then be formatted for submission to NC DPI by Friday, October 1, 2010. Other important dates:

  • March 15, 2010 – Implementation timelines to MAEd Coordinators for completion.
  • April 2010 – multiple TaskStream training sessions.
  • April 9, 2010 – 21st Century Skills and T-PACK workshop with Carol Brown

Integration of MAEd Revisions with other Accrediting Bodies

The MAEd Revision process provides our unit with the opportunity to align our programs with standards from multiple accrediting bodies, including NC DPI, NCATE, SACS, and specialty area standards. As currently envisioned, the graduate evidences and associated advanced level assessments will each address multiple standards.

TaskStream training sessions for faculty are scheduled in Speight 242 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. on April 5, 6, 12, 15, 19, 26 and 27 to help prepare for the collection of electronic evidences for NC DPI. Faculty will be provided with key codes, free of charge, which will allow them to establish their TaskStream account and also an overview of TaskStream, including DPI evidences and CEUs.   To register go to and click on OPD Portal, and then select your session date.

Students will upload their work in TaskStream, which will be graded in TaskStream. In 2011 M.A.Ed programs will use TaskStream the same as initial program areas.

On April 9, 2010 from 9-10:30 a.m. in Speight 242, Dr. Carol Brown will lead a session on TPACK 21st Century Skills, which she uses in her classes. This is an effective model for teaching 21st century skills using a carefully blended combination of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge.

Agenda IV – Old Business

Currently a Final Evaluation Form, which includes the student’s grade, is completed by the university supervisor for interns. Members were asked to discuss with faculty in their program area the need for continuing the use of this form once the electronic evidence #4 (Certification of Teaching Capacity) is in place for the revisioned initial license programs.

Michael Bossé proposed changes in the BS Mathematics program based on revised licensure program requirements from the State Board of Education and CTE’s response to these revisions. Because of this, certain changes in the overall teacher education portion of the catalog have to be made for these mathematics education changes to have any impact. DPI licensure requirements dropped were a history course, a literature course, math 1065 and PSYC 3206 for secondary and K-12 majors. Teacher education students will still complete Foundations Curriculum (FC) requirements, as all other students; however, a program can be specific. A diversity course is a requirement in the new professional core. Students may take EDUC 3002 or a PSYC/SOCI course addressing diversity and qualifying for FC:SO credit. Mike Brown stated that the Psychology Department has revised PSYC 3777, Ethnocultural Influences, and renumbered the course to PSYC 2777, Ethnocultural Psychology, which meets the diversity requirement. The course is awaiting UCC approval. A motion to accept PSYC 2777 as an alternative diversity course pending UCC approval was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Linda High. The motion carried. Mike Bossé distributed suggestions for undergraduate catalog revisions based on the new professional core for anyone interested.

Agenda V – New Business

Inquiries about replacement courses for the new professional core have been received. A copy of the new core approved January 2009 was distributed.

Agenda VI – Standing Committees

Curriculum – Carol Brown reported that the CTE Curriculum Committee met February 17 and March 15, 2010 and approved the following.

The Department of Business and Information Technologies Education :

Change the Academic Concentration in Communications Technologies title from Communications Technologies to Business Information Technologies Education.

The Department of Birth – Kindergarten and Family and Consumer Sciences.

BK –Three new courses:

  1. CDFR 4121:  Social Studies, Math, and Science Curriculum in Early Childhood (Specialty Area Studies)
  2. CDFR 4122: Language and Literacy Curriculum in Early Childhood (Specialty Area Studies)
  3. CDFR 4123:  learning Environments and Teaching Methods in Early Childhood (Professional Studies)

Course revisions:

CDFR 3321: Infant and Toddler Curriculum (renumbered from 4321)

Add    Professional Studies- EDUC 3002 (diversity requirement)

In order to comply with NCDPI revisioning requirements, the following changes are made to the BS in Family and Consumer Science: (ITEM REMOVED; SEE BELOW)

  1. Professional Studies:
  2. Addition of EDUC 3002 (diversity requirement)
  3. Core:
  4. Addition of HMGT 3300 Principles of Classical Cuisine
  5. Addition of HMGT 3301  Principles of Classical Cuisine Lab
  6. Addition of MRCH 2034 Textiles
  7. Addition of MRCH 2035 Textiles Laboratory
  8. Addition of NUTR 1330  Food Safety and Sanitation
  9. Addition of NUTR 2330  Food Science
  10. Deletion of NUTR 2110
  11. Deletion of NUTR 2111
  12. Deletion of NUTR 3110
  13. Specialty Course:
  14. Deletion of FACS 4410
  15. Deletion of FACS 4411

Banked Courses:

4410 Professional Smeinar (1)

4411 Professional Internship (3)

5007 Special Problems in Family and Consumer Sciences Education.


Revisions to EDUC 3002 Introduction to Diversity- Changes in the course description and master syllabus reflect our alignment of the course content with recent revisions in the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards (NCPTS) and Southern Association of Colleges and Schools SACS accreditation standards (Global Awareness).

EDUC 3200 Introduction to American Education-reflects “Global Awareness”

EDUC 4400 Foundations of learning, Motivation, and Assessment Revisions-include 21st century skills

EDUC 3002 Introduction to Diversity-includes “Global Awareness”

Mathematics in Secondary Education.

Proposal submitted by the program area for the BS in Mathematics, Secondary Education. The committee recommends approval for the following:

Add Council for Teacher Education approved diversity course (EDUC 3002, PSYC 2777, SOCI) and delete PSYC 3206. Developmental Psychology, choose a history course (FC:SO) and choose a literature course (FC:HU)

BS in Science Education

Common Core Science. This section was eliminated and total of 35-36 semester-hours of supporting courses in mathematics, science (biology, chemistry, geology, and physics), and science education were moved from this section to the appropriate science concentration.

Biology. Concentration requires 55 semester-hours in the sciences and mathematics. The credit-hour requirement in biology was increased from 14 semester-hours beyond the foundation courses (1998 catalogue) to 29 semester-hours, with an additional 26 semester-hours required in related science and mathematics courses.

Chemistry. Concentration requires 55 semester-hours of courses in the sciences and mathematics. The credit-hour requirement in chemistry was increased from 17 semester-hours beyond the foundation courses (1998 catalogue) to 24 semester-hours, with an additional 31 semester-hours required in related science and mathematics courses. Students completing the revised program in chemistry will be qualified to earn a second degree in chemistry along with their BS in Science Education.
.  Concentration requires 55 semester-hours of courses in the sciences and mathematics. The credit-hour requirement in the geology component of the concentration has increased from 16 credit hours, 12 of which were 1000-level courses, to 24 hours with 12 semester-hours of 3000-level and above courses. Students will also now choose between Oceanography (GEOL 1550) and Environmental Geology (GEOL 1700) rather than be required to complete both courses. The reduction in the number of laboratory courses required allows students to increase their study in the concentration and results in the completion of a minor in Geology.

Physics. Concentration requires 55 semester-hours of courses in the sciences and mathematics.   The credit-hour requirement in the physics component of the concentration has increased from 20 credit hours (1998 catalogue) to 23 credit hours. Students concentrating in Physics no longer will be required to complete the Investigations in Life Science course (SCIE 3604). Students completing the revised program in physics will be qualified to earn a second degree in physics along with their BS in Science Education.
Professional Studies. Two courses were identified in the Professional Studies section as being unique to the undergraduate degree in Science Education. These were removed from Professional Studies and placed in a separate section titled Specialty Area Courses- SCIE 3323 and SCIE 4323.

SCIE 4030 Technology in Science Education. One 5000-level professional studies course in technology (SCIE 5010) was removed from the professional studies requirements and a New Course (SCIE 4030, Technology in Science Education) developed to replace it.

The committee voted to keep the recommendation for READ 5317 as an option where as PSYC 4305 is being proposed as not an option.

READ 3990. Teaching Reading in the Content Areas in the Secondary School (2) (F,S,SS) or READ 5317. Reading in the Junior and Senior High School (3)

EDUC 4400. Foundations of School Learning, Motivation, and Assessment (3) (F,S) (P: Admission to upper division)

Specialty Area Courses.  The Specialty Area consists of six semester-hours of courses unique to the undergraduate degree program in Science Education.

Theatre Arts Education

Propose THEA 3030 be required for BFA in Theatre Arts Education

Reduce electives from 6 s.h. to 3 s.h. No change in program hours.


Two new courses; READ 3301, Classroom Reading Instruction in Grades K-2 (3) (F,S,SS) Practicum required and READ 3302, Reading Instruction in the Intermediate Grades (3) (F,S,SS) Practicum required. New courses provide a more in-depth study of the components of literacy instruction within targeted grade levels.

Music Education

Two new courses; MUSC 2345 Introduction to Secondary General Music (1) (F) and MUSC 1455, Introduction to Winds and Percussion (2) (F). New courses provide music educators a diversity of skills based on curriculum needs of K-12 schools.

Add requirement for all Music Education students take the CTE approved General College (PSYC/SOCI) Diversity course being proposed.

Barbara Woods from FACS asked that the proposed changes in the B.S. in FACS be removed. They will be presented at a later meeting.

A motion was made to amend the motion to accept the report by Mike Brown and seconded by Joe Ciechalski. The committee voted to accept the report with the exclusion of the proposed changes in the FACS program.

Evaluation & Planning – No report

Admission & Retention – No report

Policy – No report

Agenda VII – Ad Hoc Committees

The Conceptual Framework Committee met on March 15, 2010 to discuss the redesign of the “puzzle” representation of the Conceptual Framework. More information will follow.

At 4:30 p.m., there being no further business, Mike Brown moved that the meeting adjourn. Joe Ciechalski seconded. The motion carried. The next and final meeting will be April 12, 2010.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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