March 2015 Minutes


Minutes for March 16, 2015

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, March 16, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.  Members present:  Barbara Brehm, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS representative Jeff Theus, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Mike Dawson for Jeff Pizzutilla, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Michelle Hairston for Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and visitor Christy Sutton.  Absent were Student Rep Jacquelyn Byrd, Lena Carawan, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Fine Cole, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Christy Walcott, and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes February 9, 2015 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The Dean of COE Search is progressing.  During the past two weeks, three candidates were interviewed.  The committee is receiving feedback and will meet again on Wednesday.  The three candidates are Dr. Lynne Schrum, Former Dean and Professor, College of Education and Human Services, West Virginia University; Dr. B. Grant Hayes, Interim Dean and Professor, College of Education and Human Performance, University of Central Florida; and Dr. Charles L. Howell, Dean and Professor, Beeghly College of Education, Youngstown State University.

A handout pertaining to Senate Bill 79, Clinical Experience in Teacher Education Programs, was distributed.  This is a bill to watch.  This bill would require teacher education programs to provide high quality school-based clinical experiences through partnerships with local boards of education.  It appears to include more public school involvement in clinical practices in teacher preparation programs, providing access to qualified supervising teachers through established minimum qualifications for those teachers, including years of experience, performance level, and prior mentoring or supervisory experience, opportunities for student teachers to teach as part of a team with one or more teachers (co-teaching, which ECU currently has in some program areas), and evaluating the effectiveness of the clinical school experience by assessing the performance of the student teacher, supervising teacher, and outcomes for any students for which the student teacher is responsible.

Recommendations from the UNC Board of Governors Subcommittee on Teacher and School Leader Quality were distributed.  The Subcommittee has met with education deans of UNC’s 15 Schools of Education, public school personnel, legislators and others to better understand the improvements that are needed.  Collaboration and communication between UNC Schools of Education and PK-12 schools is essential to our future success.  Recommendations include 1) ensure greater public accountability through development of a UNC teacher quality dashboard (dashboards are currently used in ECU teacher education and at university level); 2) accelerate collaboration among UNC Colleges of Education and Arts & Sciences in a more formalized process that emphasizes alignment of academic expectations, embraces data and evidence of effective practice, and promotes innovation in teaching and learning; 3) Strengthen and align partnerships between colleges of education and PK-12 schools to achieve meaningful and mutually beneficial collaboration (overlaps with SB79); 4) Improve teacher preparation by taking the following actions by expanding high-quality, clinical practice (goes along with SB79) and using research-based evidence to guide measurable improvement in teacher preparation programs and linking candidate performance with valid and reliable performance assessments that are data- and evidence-based (EdTPA);  5) improve the selection process and criteria for entry into principal preparation programs, redesign programs where necessary, and scale best practices in evidence-based models for school leadership preparation and development; 6) strengthen recruitment and selection (academic and non-cognitive) for prospective teacher candidates by establishing a public-private teacher scholarship program, by supporting a pay differential for North Carolina public school teachers with in-field advanced degrees, and developing campus-based recruitment plans that reflect current market research and regional school district needs; and 7) improve support for early-career teachers by adopting and expanding statewide the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reported on the preliminary findings from the CAEP visit.

Findings for the NCATE Standards:

Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Standard 4: Diversity—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Area for Improvement (continued) at the Initial and Advanced Levels—Candidates have limited opportunities to interact with faculty members who represent racially/ethnically diverse backgrounds

Standard 5: Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Standard 6: Unit Governance and Resources—Met Fully at the Initial and Advanced Levels

Findings for the Transformation Initiative, the ECU Pirate CODE:

Overall Evaluation: Well-defined (the highest rating)

All current components of the TI are progressing or well-defined. There are no indicators that are undefined or emerging.

NCDPI–The annual IHE Report is due to NCDPI in mid-June.  Dr. Lys is awaiting templates for this report from NCDPI.  In past years, submissions from programs were due to OAA by May 15.

Undergraduate blueprints were created in 2009 and are to be updated in 2015; graduate program blueprints were created in 2010 and are to be updated in 2016.  Although yet to be determined, there will be changes in the program approval process.  Discussions and preparations will commence shortly.

The CAEP Annual Report is due April 17, 2015.  A current listing of programs by degree level in AIMS was distributed for review.  The Professional Education Faculty Survey will be forthcoming.  The Graduate Employer Survey was distributed last year in June.  It is scheduled to be administered to NC public school principals May 15-June 15.

The PEDS Annual Report is due May 15, 2015.  Last year PEDS began asking more detailed questions about EPP programs, specifically, candidate pipelines, cohort graduation rates, pre-service candidate performance, P-12 student achievement of graduation, and financial aid default.

The Elementary Program Inspection will be March 23-27.  This is a pilot process to view service courses of sophomore to senior level students in elementary education.  Service courses in the departments of LEHE, SEFR, and MSITE will be included.  The team will observe 12 interns in the field, faculty, and review product documents.  This is an accreditation like visit similar to the CAEP visit, but non-consequential.

OAA has relocated to Speight 119.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information.

Licensure Only and Add-on templates continue to be updated. If any program areas have DE coded courses that are no longer offered through DE, please let Susan Morgan know so that templates may reflect that also.  Templates will not be posted on their website until accurate.

Senior I Application meetings were held March 4, 5, and 6, 2015.  Nine sessions were held on three days.  A Tegrity recording was used this time to ensure consistent information was being shared.  Electronic packets were sent to students who could not attend.

April 2, 2015 is the due date for the first round of SRI fall 2015/SRII spring 2016 applications.  The second round due date is May 2, 2015.  The final round due date is July 1, 2015.  Completed applications should be submitted on the earliest round due dates as possible.

Old Business

Last month the committee discussed raising the entrance GPA of 2.5 for admission to Upper Division.  Dr. Covington presented a slide presentation on GPA Admission to Upper Division Data prepared by Laura Bilbro-Berry.  The data showed how raising the current GPA of 2.5 for admission to 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, or 2.9 would affect admissions numbers.  An electronic version will be sent to committee members.

Dr. Covington asked for any feedback from programs regarding students just attempting required tests before licensure recommendation versus passing the required tests as a condition of the first license.  Special Ed-GC candidates must pass one PRAXIS II test before being recommended and the remaining three NCEL tests during the first three years of teaching.  This would pertain to all areas requiring a test except Elementary and Special Ed-AC candidates, who must take and pass required tests prior to being recommended.  Birth-Kindergarten, Dance and Theatre do not require a test. Jamie Williams stated that if students have to pay for edTPA and then pay for taking PRAXIS II, these would be added expenses at the end of the year.   Currently, candidates get vouchers for Taskstream and do not pay, but that may change with external Pearson scoring.

LCSN representatives from large counties noted that they would prefer that students take and pass the test prior to licensing; whereas, smaller counties will hire our candidates with or without the test upfront.

Diana Lys, Vivian Covington, Lisa Rogerson, Chan Evans, and Shari Steadman have volunteered to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee on the Conceptual Framework for the EPP.  One or two representatives from graduate level programs only (Student Service Personnel license areas) are needed.

New Business

A handout of the Professional Core Courses was distributed as a reminder of the courses and the grade of “C or higher”, not “C-“ as being required.  This is a licensure requirement.  Students may graduate with a lower grade, but cannot be recommended for a license.  Some universities internship course ranges from 3 s.h. to 10 s.h.  Our bachelor level internship is either 9 or 10 s.h.  The MAT is 9 s.h.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Jamie Williams, Chair reported that the committee met March 2, 2015 and approved the following.

MAEd in Health Education

  1. HLTH 6410, Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Sexuality Education to replace HLTH 5310, Education for Human Sexuality in requirements for the MAEd program and the MAT Health Education Concentration.
  2. New course HLTH 6997, Action Research in Health Education I to replace HLTH 6990, Internship in Health Education.
  3. New course HLTH 6998, Action Research in Health Education II to replace HLTH 6991, Internship in Health Education.
  4. Replace the “Internship” requirement with an “Action Research” and Delete HLTH 5310, HLTH 6990, HLTH 6991 as required courses for the MAEd in Health Education degree.

BS in School Health Education

  1. New course, HLTH 4410, Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Sexuality Education
  2. Replace HLTH 5310 (Education for Human Sexuality) with the proposed course HLTH 4410 (Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Sexuality Education) in the B.S. in School Health program requirements and remove HLTH 5310 from the HLTH course list.
  3. Replace HLTH 5310 with HLTH 4410 in the Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Concentration and replace the note regarding “a sexual health course,” with HLTH 4410.
  4. Discontinue Driver & Safety Education Certificate Program

Department of Psychology-CAS School Psychology

  1. Change PSYC 7000 Thesis (6) optional, Add PSYC 6519 Dir. Research (3) and PSYC 6520 Dir. Research II (3) as the other alternative.
  2. Change credit hours for PSYC 7992 School Internship I (3) and PSYC 7993 School Internship II (3) from 3 s.h. to 6 s.h. each, which in turn changes the total hours required for CAS degree completion from 30 to 36 s.h. (Raising the total MA/CAS program requirements from 63 s.h. to 69 s.h.).

Department of Child Development and Family Relations

  1. Concentration Title Change: Child Studies Concentration to Birth through Kindergarten Concentration.
  2. Concentration Revision:
  3. Required semester hours decreased from 24 to 18.
  4. Deletion of the following courses: CDFR 1103-Marriage and Family Relations, CDFR 2001-Child Development II, CDFR 3002-Child in the Family, PSYC 1000-Introduction to Psychology

iii. Deletion of 9 s.h. above 2999.

  1. Add the following courses:

CDFR 3150-Introduction to Early Intervention

CDFR 3306- Guiding Children’s Behavior

CDFR 3321-Infant and Toddler Curriculum

CDFR 4121- Social Studies, Math, and Science Curriculum in Early Childhood

CDFR 4122- Language and Literacy Curriculum in Early Childhood

The committee approved all changes.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report.

Admissions & Retention – No report.

Policy – No report.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.  The final meeting for this academic year will be April 13, 2015.


Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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