March 2016 Minutes


Minutes for March 14, 2016

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2015-2016 academic year was held Monday, March 14, 2016 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 211.  Members present:  Vivian Covington (Chair), Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Charity Cayton, Kristen Cuthrell, Ellen Dobson, Lori Flint, Cheryl Johnson, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Sean O’Dell, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Sandra Seay, Nicole Smith, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz, Student Representative Sarah Cope and visitors Laura Bilbro-Berry and Christy Sutton.  Absent were Lena Carawan, LCSN-PCS Representative, Lisa Rogerson, and Liz Doster Taft.

Approval of Minutes February 8, 2016 Meeting

Minutes were approved as written.


Comments from Margaret Spellings, UNC System President, were distributed identifying five key priorities; access, affordability, student success, economic impact and excellence and how she will address these priorities.

Members were reminded not to override permission for Upper Division courses for students not admitted to Upper Division.  It is an accreditation violation.  Reports are run identifying students in these courses who are not in Upper Division and they are removed from the courses.  Please share this information with advisors and Advising Centers in your program area.

Standing Updates from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Data Management

Ellen Dobson, Interim Director of OAADM, reported that Blueprint Revisions for Evidences 2-Content Knowledge, 6-Leadership, and 7-Collaboration were all approved in undergraduate programs.  She is editing master’s documents and will let you know how to access them when completed.

edTPA work will be submitted by students this month and scored by Pearson.

The National edTPA Implementation Conference will be held March 31-April 2, 2016 in Savannah, Georgia.  If you have travel funds, it is recommended that you attend.

Mary Worthington, has sent out surveys to COE faculty regarding faculty appointments and credentials for the CAEP Annual Report which are due the end of April.

The COE is presenting two informational sessions on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaces the No Child Left Behind Act.  Ann Bullock and Ellen Dobson will present an overview of the ESSA and facilitate discussion on its implications for educator preparation.  The sessions are scheduled for Thursday, March 17, 12:15 – 1:15 pm in Speight 242 and you are welcome to bring a “brown bag” lunch.  Ice tea and coffee will be provided.  Friday’s session will be March 18, 8:30 – 9:30 am in Speight 242.  Registration via Cornerstone is required.

Evidences GE1, GE2 and GE3 should be completed and evaluated successfully prior to posting a grade.  Evidences are a part of the course and course grade.  Students should receive “incompletes” until the evidence is completed, uploaded, and scored.

Standing Update from the Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Co-teaching representatives are Ashley Norris, Todd Finley, Allen Guidry, Johna Faulconer, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Christina Tschida, Charity Cayton, and Liz Doster Taft, and Holly Fales (assessment office).  Others may be added at a later date.  Each has been given access to the three hour Foundations Module and will participate in the Pairs Train the Trainer workshop on March 18, 2016. This group will present the Pairs Trainings to co-teaching Interns and CTs this fall.

Six sessions are planned for new Clinical Teacher Training this summer in Craven, Pitt (2 sessions), Edgecombe, Johnston and Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Schools.  Clinical teachers must be principal/central office approved to attend.  Clinical teachers in non-public schools (pre-K placements) must be trained, also.

Christy Sutton will be reviewing Plans of Study templates.  Requests for template update meetings with each program area in March and April will be sent by Doodle Poll.

The Clinical Teacher Conference will be held March 16, 2016 for those who registered.  CTs need to update emails in Taskstream when they have a new intern as requested on the registration form. Some clinical teachers did not register as directed, and were not able to attend although this information was in the clinical teacher informational packet given to them by their interns in January. The keynote speaker is Dr. Brian Housand presenting “Myth Busting, a Great Time to be in Teacher Education”.

Old Business

GPA 2.7

Most public institutions have moved to the 2.7 GPA requirement for formal admission to a teacher education program as written in HB 97.  Dr. Covington will meet with the Dean to discuss moving forward to the 2.7 GPA required by this legislation.  Possibilities include requiring a 2.6 for incoming freshmen or transfer students entering fall 2016 and a 2.7 for students entering in fall 2017, if we can have this amount of time to comply with the Bill.  This item will be referred to the Policy Committee once clarification is secured.  Any change to this requirement will be printed in the new Welcome to Teacher Education handbook or if policy changes after printing, it will be in the always up-to-date online version of the handbook.

Graduate Evidences

Ellen Dobson received word from Joyce Gardner at NCDPI regarding the transfer of graduate courses taken at another school that requires an evidence.   She stated that graduate level courses taken at other schools that require an evidence may be accepted at ECU if the course was taken at a sister institution and the same evidence was used and scored with the same rubric.  The questions still remains for out of state courses that are acceptable but need an evidence; can the student only complete an evidence; who would evaluate and grade this?  Discussion followed.  Dr. Dobson is waiting on further clarification from Ms. Gardner.

New Business

There are several proposed changes going before State Board in April.

  • Redefining HQ for Elementary Educators. August 1, 2016 for elementary teachers who have completed all coursework required for licensure and attempted required tests at least once shall be granted an initial license and be deemed HQ.  All testing requirements shall be completed before or during the second year of teaching.
  • “Eliminate student growth as a formal standard (Standard 6) in the NC Educator Effectiveness System.” Districts will continue to participate in NCFEs and ASW process; DPI will continue to collect and report (internally and publically) on student growth for teachers, principals, and schools. Student growth (school-level) remains a component of the school report and reported federally. (Kermit Buckner noted that Standard 6 is embedded in other standards).
  • Uncoupling of licensure and employment; teachers with no unmet conditions and three years experience will be converted to SP II license (5 years, continuing license), no recommendation from district needed. This separates and clarifies SBE responsibility (licensure) and LEA responsibility (employment); eliminates current system of SBE having to defend LEA’s decision not to recommend licensure conversion

Standing Committee Reports

 Curriculum Committee

 Chair, Jamie Williams reported that prior to the committee meeting, the Dean of COE met with the two department chairs to discuss the errors in prior approvals in September and March.  The committee met March 14, 2016 via email vote and approved the following.

Package from the Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education

Request #1:  Revote from January due to a procedural issue between COE CC and CTE CC. The package submitted to CTE had SCIE 3604 and SCIE 3606, the revised package has SCIE 3602 and SCIE 3604 in the MIDG Science Concentration portion. As you may recall SCIE 3606 has not yet been approved by the chancellor; therefore, MIDG will keep SCIE 3602 rather than SCIE 3606 in the MIDG Science concentration in this curriculum package. Any discussion related to SCIE 3606 would require another separate curriculum action.

Package from the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education

Request #1: Revised proposal for the BS Science Education. At the 24 September 2015 presentation of an earlier version of this package, it was noted by the UCC that the biology and chemistry concentrations of the BS program required a minimum of 131 and 129 hours. The revised proposal now requires 128 hours.

  1. Drop BIOL 3150, Plant Biology, or BIOL 3230/3231, Field Botany and Laboratory, in order to reduce hours to 128.
  2. In conjunction with dropping plant biology, replace BIOL 2130/2131, Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy and Laboratory, or BIOL 4050/4051, Comparative Anatomy and Laboratory, with BIOL 3030, Principles of Physiology.
  3. Chemistry: Change SCIE 3350, 3351 to SCIE 3606. Change MATH 2171 and 2172 to MATH 2121 and 2122. Add PHYS 1251. NOTE: The current Chemistry Concentration requires 129 hours due to a mistake in the catalog. This curricular change makes the requirement 128 hours.

Cheryl Johnson called for the question.  The report was accepted.  The next CTE CC meeting will be April 4; packets are due by 5:00 p.m. March 30, 2016.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report
Admissions & Retention – No report.
Policy Committee– No report

There being no further business, a motion was made by Shari Steadman and seconded by Lori Flint to adjourn at 4:00 p.m.

The final meeting will be April 11, 2016 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 211.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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