March 2018 Minutes


Minutes for March 12, 2018

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

 The seventh meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2017-2018 academic year was held Monday, March 12, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Jennifer Adams, Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Ellen Dobson, Bernice Dodor, Johna Faulconer, Laura King, LCSN-PCS Representative- Taylor Matkins, Nanyoung Kim, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Christina Tschida, Christy Walcott, Kevin White, and Elaine Yontz.  Visitors in attendance were Crystal Jones and Shari Steadman.  Absent were Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Caitlin Ryan, Nicole Smith, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams.

Approval of Minutes February 12, 2018 Meeting

The minutes were approved.


A Career Fair, a mandatory seminar for Intern IIs, was held February 28, 2018. School districts were very complimentary of candidates’ knowledge, but noted they could do better on professional dress.

A complaint was received from a charter school representative. The school was interested in hiring a former student, but the individual said she was told not to work for a charter school.  We have interns placed in charter schools with appropriately licensed clinical teachers.  Twenty-five percent of teachers in charter schools have to be licensed in their teaching area.  Individuals need to check salaries, benefits, contracts and technology used in the school, as with any prospective employer, public or private.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Ellen Dobson reported that she attended the NCACTE Spring Forum March 9. Sessions were on effective teacher preparation, edTPA logistics, implementing dispositions assessments in teacher preparation programs, and SB 599 (implementing new legislation in teacher prep programs).  This bill calls for a comprehensive overhaul of educator preparation and licensure. The newly formed Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) operates between DPI and the State Board of Education, making recommendations to the State Board.

A sister UNC system institution was questioned about the validity and reliability of the NCEES Pre-service Teacher Candidate Rubric and the training done to ensure it is used consistently across faculty, programs, etc. The NC DPI consultant shared that the rubric belongs to the state, and that the state should be penalized for this not an institution. DPI will have to look into getting some reliability training developed for the use of this instrument. Dr. Covington asked the PCS rep if the school systems did training for principals and mentors, etc. Mr. Matkins replied there was some informal training for principals who were them tasked with training their teachers who needed to use it.

Dr. Dobson will be attending the National CAEP Conference March 13-16, 2018.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Intern I Fall 2018/Intern II Spring 2019 application due dates are approaching. July 1 at 5:00 pm is the deadline for fall/spring placements.

Old Business

The UNC System is requiring undergraduate degree programs to lower their total hours to 120 hours. Several program areas are in the midst of reducing their hours to 120 as the double counting allowed for general education credits/program area credits has helped.  The COE and UNC Education Deans will not be seeking a waiver for the 120-hour reduction.  By May 1st, one of three options must be submitted by each affected program area.

  • Faculty vote and sign a form reducing the program to 120 hours.
  • Faculty vote for an exception to the 120 hours total as is currently practiced.
  • Faculty vote for the exception and reduce some of their current hours but still remain above 120 hours.
  • Dr. Covington shared the Policy Committee report for the chair, Dr. Levi-Altstaedter. The Policy Committee met and suggested the following regarding edTPA Retake for HQ Status. Candidates scoring within 3 points of the HQ beginning teacher score requirement may opt to resubmit one edTPA task to obtain a qualifying score at their own expense. These guidelines apply:
  • There are no longer caps on double-counting general education within the degree. The change in program hours should be completed by spring 2019 and implemented in fall 2019. Within COE, Dr. Covington will be informing chairs about these requirements and timelines.
  • The candidate has a mathematical possibility of obtaining a 3.75 GPA upon graduation.
  • The candidate will register for the retake at his/her own expense and will upload directly to Pearson.
  • Interns must be in good standing in the internship, i.e. not on improvement plans at the time of resubmission, and will be required to satisfactorily continue all intern responsibilities.
  • The resubmission should take place in the assigned internship placement, within the regular internship timeframe, and with minimal to no disruption of regular classroom instruction.
  • Faculty, university supervisors, and clinical teachers will not be required to provide additional supports during the optional edTPA task resubmission.
  • Retakes for HQ purposes will not count towards, nor be calculated into, course grades.

To request an edTPA Resubmission for Highly Qualified status, the candidate will submit an edTPA HQ Resubmission Request Form to the Office of Clinical Experiences with advisor verification of GPA eligibility and approval from their university supervisor and clinical teacher. After receipt of the request form, resubmission guidelines and instructions will be provided to candidates by the ECU edTPA Coordinator. This item will be voted on at the April meeting and should be shared with department faculty between now and then.

The Policy Committee discussed drug screening of candidates. Other UNC System IHEs do not have drug screening policies.  The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook is clear about professional conduct and the consequences, but those specifically for the use, purchase or dealing of drugs will be made more direct. This statement will be added to the Internship guidelines signature form in TaskStream/Watermark ® as well. Candidates needing professional mental or physical health services should be referred to the appropriate campus office/facility.

New Business

Educator Preparation Programs are committed to helping our students manage the challenges associated with the recent school shootings, forthcoming legislation to possibly arm teachers, and teaching students who may exhibit signs of stress from what is reported in the media. An article from the Chronicle of Higher Education on mass shootings and teachers’ obligations was shared.  This is the link to the article Dr. Walcott from School Psychology shared this resource link from the National Association of School Psych website at the meeting. Vivian will ask Catrina Davis, Lead Coordinator, Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach to speak with campus police to see if they are able to present a Teacher Toolbox Tuesday on disasters/active shooter drills and record for future use in classes.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –The committee met 2/26 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202 and approved the following.

Three general education courses HIST 1030, HIST 1052, and HIST 1031 required for French Studies and Hispanic Studies Education Concentrations were eliminated and replaced with FORL 1662, 2660, 2661, 2662, 2760, and 3660. Having additional FORL choices will reduce the number of substitutions needed.

The discontinuation of the MAED in Health Education. This is due to reduced student numbers affected by elimination of Master’s pay for teachers and by development of competing online programs at other NC institutions.

These two items were accepted.

A new course FACS 2450, Teaching Foods in Family and Consumer Sciences, in Family and Consumer Sciences Education Program was removed from the vote and will be submitted later pending revisions.

The next meeting is to be determined.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – A few petitions for exceptions were approved by the committee.

Policy – This was reported under Old business.

There being no further business, Johna Faulconer moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Elaine Yontz. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.  The final meeting for this year will be April 9, 2018 in Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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