Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.
The seventh meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2018-2019 academic year was held Monday, March 11, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Susannah Berry for Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Johna Faulconer, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz and Bryan Zugelder. Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson and Shari Steadman. Absent were Holly Fales, Kristin Gehsmann, Laura King, LCSN-PCS Representative, Christina Tschida, and Christy Walcott.
Approval of Minutes February 11, 2019 Meeting
The minutes for the February 11, 2019 meeting were approved.
- As of June 30, 2019, passing edTPA tests will become consequential for teacher candidates statewide. Candidates graduating in the 2019-2020 school year are required to have taken and passed the edTPA as a portion of their requirements for licensure. Candidates completing their program summer 2019 must meet the edTPA requirement. For the 2019-2020 AY, the recommended edTPA 13 rubrics score is 34 for the Foreign Languages areas and the recommended edTPA 15 rubrics score is 40 for all other areas. These scores are estimates until NC data collected over 2017-2018 and 2018 and 2019 can be analyzed to determine NC specific cut scores. The SBE meets April 3-4, 2019 and will consider a recommendation from the PEPSC Commission to keep the cut scores at 34 (13 rubric) and 38 (15 rubric) for the 2019-2020 AY. We anticipate this will pass, and there will be no changes to the passing score for 2019-2020.As was legislated, to be paid a higher salary for the first 3 years of employment, (Highly Qualified) scores are set at 42 for the 13 rubrics and 48 for the 15 rubrics. In addition, candidates must have a 3.75 GPA. This is an employment issue only and not a licensure issue.
Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning
Vivian Covington reported for Holly Fales.
CAEP Update:
- As of today, 174 CPAST Midpoint evaluations have been completed in Taskstream. Holly has received positive feedback about the instrument from many supervisors. Once the remainder of the midpoint evaluations are complete, her office will analyze the results and share data with programs. She has also received some helpful logistical feedback that will improve the CPAST evaluation process.
- Data shared at our first EPP Data Summit was emailed to program areas last week. A form link was also emailed so responses can be gathered from program areas (only one form response per program area is necessary). She asked that the form be submitted by the end of the semester.
Upcoming Events:
- edCampECU will be held Saturday, May 18 at the new main campus student center. Point 4 Digital Learning CEUs (.4) will be awarded for participation. Jason Whited will send out an email to faculty.
- The 2nd Educator Excellence Summit will be held June 12-13 at ECHI, Christine Wilson has emailed registration information and a call for proposals.
Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure
Nicole Smith reported that Internship I Application meetings are completed. Anyone needing a makeup time should contact OCE.
The Education Career Fair will be March 13, 2019 at the Greenville Convention Center. Approximately 100 school systems/schools/entities will be in attendance.
A registration link, for this summer’s clinical teacher training sessions, will be sent to principals to give to principal approved, criteria meeting, prospective clinical teachers who wish to host an intern in the future.
Old Business
Members were given a handout on passing edTPA Scores discussed earlier under Announcements.
Members were reminded that no licensure recommendations will occur for any degree seekers/licensure only or alternative routes without passing licensure exam score(s), as well as passing edTPA scores.
New Business
- March 7, 2019 SBE approved changes to testing requirements for ELEM and SPED-GC;
- Pearson Multi-subjects test #103 is no longer required;
- Choice to take 1 of 2 Mathematics Subtests – either Pearson test #203 or Praxis test CKT #7803; [effective April 6, 2019] but new test can be taken now and still count
- Pearson Foundations of Reading is still required test #090;
- and for SPED-GC Praxis test #5543 is still required in addition to the above tests
Standing Committees
Curriculum Committee – Chair Elaine Yontz reported that the committee met 2/25/19 and approved the following.
The ELMID faculty voted on November 29, 2018 to delete the TCHR 6024 course, as all program areas now have program specific courses for their internship course in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. There is no longer a need for this course due to the recent revisions in the MAT program.
Course Deletion – TCHR 6024
The Master of Arts in Teaching has individual concentrations. The internship course is supervised and enacted by individuals who are experts in the area of content and licensure sought by the candidate. Each concentration area has developed the internship course that carries the prefix for their specific area. Therefore, there is no need for the broad TCHR 6024 internship course. The faculty in the department of ELMID approved the deletion of this course on November 29, 2018.
Prefixes for TCHR in MAT program were completed previously to house internship courses in their respective disciplines. MUSC course was recently completed and the MAT program was revised to use the MUSC course in the music concentration. The current proposal is to delete the TCHR course. Any new program areas added to MAT program will need to create an internship course.
Action Taken:
Wagoner moved to approve, Tschida seconded. All present voted in favor; Pizzutilla voted in favor via email.
Agenda Item: MAEd in Physical Education
Originator: Dr. Jihoun “AJ” An
Form: MOR:
On November 16, 2018, Department of Kinesiology Graduate Faculty approved the following curriculum revision.
Change to Core Requirement: One of the core requirements for Adapted Physical Education concentration is KINE 5305: Motor Development. This course has not been offered in past years, so it affected the completion of the degree program. KINE 6202 has been the substituting course for KINE 5305 for the past four years. The following revision is requested:
- Remove KINE 5305: Motor Development from the core requirement.
- Add KINE 6202: Motor Learning to the core requirement
Revision to 5000 level courses:
KINE 5303, 5903, and 5904 have been found to contain over 50% undergraduate student enrollment. Therefore, upon the recommendation of the Graduate curriculum committee, the following revision to 5000 level courses under adapted physical education concentration are splitting into 3000/4000 level and 6000 level courses. The courses will remain essentially the same.
Proposal is to remove a course that has not been offered from the MAEd and to replace it with a suitable course that has been used as a substitute. This brings the catalog in line with the current practice.
Add date faculty voted to justification in program revision forms. Change “suggested” to “requested.”
Question arises regarding the MOR and approval steps. There is an additional course proposal form that impacts the package.
It is suggested to contact Rachel Baker to ensure that all of the proposals are connected and move through the process together.
Action Taken:
Chris Rivera moved to approve proposal 3876 to remove KINE 5305 and replace with KINE 6202, Christina Tschida seconded. All present voted in favor; Pizzutilla voted in favor via email.
Follow up:
Pizzutilla and Yontz will confer with Dr. An regarding additional proposals in the package that affect teacher education and will come to the committee for a future meeting.
The next meeting will be Monday, April 1 at 9:30 a.m. Proposals are due one week prior to the meeting with notice appreciated.
The report was accepted, and votes carried to approve the curricula brought forth.
Evaluation & Planning– No Report
Policy– Last month it was decided to refer the plan regarding edTPA and how it should count and percentage to the Policy Committee. Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chair reported that the committee met and recommended the following.
“The edTPA shall count 10% of the Internship course grade. The 10% is in the Internship Course syllabi and grade, not the Internship Seminar course. The full 10% shall be given to a candidate who passes the edTPA either on the 1st or 2nd attempt. Program areas may add additional percentages for submitting on time, turning in Tasks at certain intervals, etc. but the actual passing of the edTPA shall only count 10%. This becomes effective fall 2019.”
Members were asked to discuss this recommendation with faculty members. A vote will be taken in April.
Admissions & Retention Committees– No Report
Jamie Williams moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Johna Faulconer. The next meeting of the full CEP will be April 8, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp