March 2023


Minutes for March 13, 2023

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The seventh meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year was held Monday, March 13, 2023 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kim Anderson, Rob Benson, Susannah Berry, Phyllis Broughton, Bethann Cole, Tim Dameron, Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales (Chair), Jennifer Gallagher, Maureen Grady, Nanyoung Kim, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Sarah Sconyers, Dawn Shelton, Rita Soulen, Nicole Tripp, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss (Vice-Chair), Kevin White and Visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent was Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson.

Approval of Minutes February 13, 2023 Meeting

A motion was made by Maureen Grady and seconded by Sarah Sconyers to approve the minutes of February 13, 2023.  The minutes were accepted.


The ECU Education Career Fair is scheduled for March 15 in the Main Campus Student Center.  Attending the Career Fair is mandatory for Intern IIs.  This year the fair falls during Pitt County Schools Spring Break and some candidates may be given an exemption if they have extenuating circumstances.  In addition to public schools, private and charter schools, there will be school systems from out of state. 

The Spring 2023 Walter & Daisy Carson Latham Clinical Teacher & NC New Teacher Support Joint Conference sponsored by the COE will be held March 28, 2023 from 9-2:00 p.m. at the ECU Main Campus Student Center.  The Clinical Teacher of the Year will be announced and finalists will also be recognized.  There were 54 applicant scorers.

The final Intern II seminar will be May 4th in Speight Building.  A virtual session is planned for Partnership Teach interns.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Interim Director, reported the following:

edCamp ECU will be partnering with the Teacher Resource Center in a face to face conference April 15 on ed tech used in the classroom.  Faculty may attend also.  CEUs in technology will be available.  Seventy-five plus have registered to attend.  This “Unconference” will be an enjoyable experience.

Taskstream and Canvas Integration—Program areas were asked to review portfolios in Taskstream and decide which assessments to keep or remove.  This was due by March 1.  Sarah will now contact departments and faculty about training.

CAEP Annual Report is due in April.  Select graduate programs have been contacted about phase-in plans and have sent in responses for the Annual Report.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

OCE-Dr. Nicole Tripp gave the following report.

Monisha Atkinson in OCE works with early release requests. The early release date and clinical teacher meeting is April 13, 2023.

Internship Application due dates:  Round 1 applications are due April 4, Round 2 on May 10, and Round 3 on July 3.

Practicum placements are hard to get with CTs having interns.  This term there are 300 plus interns; that cuts down on practicum placement availability.  There are some “no shows” that do not notify the school and/or school does not notify OCE. Breakdown in communication can be a problem.

ALT Licensure- Students in the Residency Program must be enrolled in classes, not just affiliated with ECU.

In October 2022, the CEP Policy Committee recommended removing the content area licensure exam requirement for enrollment in (ERM) Residency II coursework. The recommendation passed effective spring Semester 2023. 

Later in February 2023, SBE approved:  Effective July 1, 2022, any application for a Residency License (RL) for which an RL was issued or requested without meeting applicable content testing requirement(s), shall have until June 30, 2023, to satisfy testing requirements or the RL is not eligible for renewal. This provision only applies to the 2022-2023 fiscal year

Old Business

Teacher Assistant Placement Procedures and alignment with NC statute – NC Statute states that TA’s can be moved to new schools to the extent possible, but they may remain in their own classrooms if necessary. Our policy now provides options to districts in placing their TAs with preferences to move to a new school and classroom, but does allow for the TA to stay in their current classroom if circumstances do not permit them to be moved.

Special Ed Intern Stipends

NCDPI Exceptional Children Stipends—Ten $10,000 stipends will be awarded based on IHE enrollments with renewable possibilities.  Individuals will have to teach in NC one year.

If there are issues with an intern candidate in an Intern I course, please communicate with OCE early. This will assist us in providing supports and identifying areas of need prior to internship.

New Business

Standing Committees

CurriculumHolly Fales reported for Chair Christy Walcott that the committee met March 7 and approved the following.

Elementary & Middle Grades Education – UG

  • New course, ELEM 3215 Language Arts Methods for Elementary Teaching (Science of Reading) to replace the existing course ELEM 3200, Language Arts in the Elementary Classroom in the program degree requirements.
  • Revise course objectives to align with standards:

ELEM 2123 – Early Experience for the Prospective Teacher

ELEM 3000 – Curriculum and Standards in Elementary School

ELEM 3100 – Learning and Instruction in Elementary School

ELEM 3300 – K-2 Practicum

ELEM 3500 – Teaching Social Studies in Elementary School

ELEM 4300 – Classroom Organization and Management in Elementary School

ELEM 4400 – Assessment for Elementary Educators

  • ELEM 3600-Revise title to “Differentiated Instruction in the Elementary Classroom: 3-5 Practicum” and revise course objectives.
  • Replace READ 3301, Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades with READ 3501, Foundational Literacy Skills: Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for the Elementary Classroom in the Elementary Education BS (New READ course)
  • Replace READ 3302, Reading Instruction in the Intermediate Grades with READ 3502, Reading for Understanding: Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for the Elementary Classroom in the Elementary Education BS (New READ course)

Literacy Studies, Eng, & Hist Educ – UG

Faculty conducted a review of the undergraduate reading course offerings and determined a need for curriculum revisions to update the course objectives and practicum requirements in two of our existing courses and to create two new courses to make explicit alignment with the Science of Reading mandate (literacy audit response).

  • Establish two new courses to align with current scientific research, curricular practice, the UNC Literacy Framework, International Literacy Association Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals, and the revised Foundations of Reading teacher licensure exam. Each course will have a required practicum experience:
    • READ 3501: Foundational Literacy Skills: Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for the Elementary Classroom:
    • READ 3502: Reading for Understanding: Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for the Elementary Classroom
  • Remove practicum requirement for READ 3301
  • Revise course objectives for READ 3302

Special Education, Foundations & Research – UG

*Continuation of previous package.

Remove Reading Licensure requirement (18 s.h.). Due to DPI reading license requirements to include additional testing, the program area will remove the reading licensure requirement. The program will include the essential K-12 reading courses (READ 3501, 3502, and 3990 or 5317), while allowing students the flexibility to take other critical courses (e.g., mathematics, diversity, and science).

Professional Studies: Add EDUC 3002, Remove READ 3301, and add READ 3501 revise hours from 21

s.h. to 24 s.h.

Core: Revise SPED Core courses (remove 2100, 3001, 3005, 3100, 3109) and replace with SPED 2300, 3300, 3309, 3500, 3509. Add additional course choices: MATE 3030; READ 3000; SCIE 3270 or SCIE 3280 or SCIE 3290. Revise Core hours from 30-31 s.h. to 36-37 s.h.; Revise Choice text in Core from 1 course to 8-9 s.h.

Cognates: Add courses: MATE 3067; READ 3502; READ 3990 or READ 5317; Revise 11 s.h. to 19-20 s.h.

The report was accepted.

Evaluation & Planning  – Chair Cynthia Wagner– No report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Susannah Berry – No report

Policy– Chair Laura Levi Alstaedter

The policy committee presented the following policy to the Council. After discussion, program areas agreed to take the proposed policy back to their areas for input and further discussion at the next meeting.

“Practicum/Intern teacher candidates who exhibit egregious or repeated violations of the professional\ disposition expectations will be withdrawn from practicum/internship immediately and fail the corresponding Practicum/Internship I methods course.”

Maureen Grady moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Rob Benson.


The next CEP meeting will be on April 10, 2023.  The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Meeting Dates for 2022-2023April 10 and May 8 possibly

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

Sherry S. Tripp

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