Council for Teacher Education
The third meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, November 8, 2010, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Johna Faulconer, Bill Grobe, Cheryl Johnson, Troy Jones, Laura King, LCSN representative Julie Cary, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Sarah Williams, Michele Wallen, and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Cynthia Bickley-Green, Elizabeth Briggs, Brenda Eastman, David Gabbard, and Linda High.
Order of Business
Agenda I – Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the October 18, 2010 meeting were accepted.
Agenda II – Announcements
Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.
Two new student representatives were welcomed and introduced; Katherine Alligood, a student in the MAT-Science Education program and Jonathan Lewis, a student in the BS Middle Grades-Math and Science program.
The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook (Apple book) may be found online at This is the semester of the beginning of the revised curriculum and the handbook contains the new five standards plus indicators, which replaced the old 16 competencies and indicators.
The Math Placement Tests will be offered November 10, December 10, and December 13, 2010 in Austin 110. Tests are on a first come first served basis. Contact Gwen Hardin at 328-4111 or, if you have questions.
Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation
Dr. Lys distributed a diagram to help show how SACS, DPI and NCATE relate and intersect with TaskStream, TEMS and TracDAT. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) have merged, which may mean a more rigorous bar for teacher preparation in the future. There will not be immediate changes for the nearly 900 preparation programs accredited by NCATE or TEAC. Accreditation pathways offered by both organizations will continue, pending minor adjustments to align to a common set of standards. The link to the full document is
Previously, a November 12, 2010 deadline was given for COE Program areas to complete templates. Data is not available from IPAR. The deadline has been postponed until early spring.
Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences
Ms. Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL reported that the deadline for the Senior I placements was November 5, 2010. Ms. Morgan thanked everyone for their assistance while she is transitioning into this new position.
Agenda V – Old Business
The Video Consent Form (in English and Spanish) and directions in English are on the Office of Clinical Experiences web page, This form has been approved by the university attorney and is the correct form to use when requesting consent to videotape students in the public schools.
Agenda VI – New Business
A standard rubric for the early experience course essay was referred to Evaluation and Planning Committee for development.
The second internship placement requests are forthcoming. There are approximately eight students petitioning to redo their internship (prior cancellation by the student or program area). The signed petition from the student must also have the signatures of the advisor, program area coordinator, and the Director of Teacher Education before being submitted to the Admissions and Retention Committee (A&R). Sharon Schleigh stated that more documentation is needed in some instances prior to the A&R meeting. There was some discussion regarding a change in the process. Katherine Alligood suggested medical reasons be allowed and all others appear before the committee. The chair suggested that the committee continue with the same process through this semester and later discuss changes. A motion was made by Michael Bossé and seconded by Mike Brown to continue with the same process this semester and discuss changes later.
Assessment is part of the TQP Grant in the College of Education. Course Instructor Surveys will be sent to early experience (2123, 2611, 2190) classes through SERVE in January for Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 classes.
Agenda VII – Standing Committees
Curriculum – The Curriculum Committee met November 2 and recommended approval of the following with minor revisions.
Revised MSA Degree Program, new courses:
Course SH Course SH LEED 6901 3 LEED 6909 3 LEED 6902 3 *LEED 6921 (PT) 3 LEED 6903 3 *LEED 6922 (PT) 3 LEED 6904 3 *LEED 6924 (PT) 4 LEED 6905 3 *LEED 6925 (PT) 5 LEED 6906 3 ** LEED 6926 (FT) 6 as needed for culminating experience LEED 6907 3 **LEED 6929 (FT) 9 LEED 6908 3 42 S.H.
MSITE presented revisions to EDTC 6149 Administration of School Technology Programs . There was a proposed name change to EDTC 6149 Planning and Administration of School Technology Programs. EDTC 6140 Planning for Technology was banked. Content for EDTC 6149 will include key concepts and objectives from 6140. These are revised to reflect 21st century skills framework and requirements for the 077 licensure; 18079 Computer Ed Endorsement. The MAEd in Instructional Technology will provide the option for two electives. The endorsement for Computers in Education was revised to include an option for teachers with a master’s degree to complete EDTC 6992 Internship to add-on 077 licensure. EDTC 6070 Digital Literacy for PreK-12 School Classrooms will be required for the certificate program. EDTC 6140 will no longer be required for the certificate program.
The report was accepted.
The next CTE Curriculum meeting will be December 7, 2010. Send proposals to the committee by November 30, 2010.
Evaluation & Planning – No report
Admission & Retention – No report
Policy – No report
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m. The next meeting will be December 13 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp