November 2015 Minutes


Minutes for November 9, 2015

The third meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2015-2016 academic year was held Monday, November 9, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.  Members present:  Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Kristen Cuthrell, Lori Flint, Vivian Covington (Chair), Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representatives Julie Cary, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Ellen Dobson for Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Sean O’Dell, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Nicole Smith, Shari Steadman, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and Student Representative Sarah Cope.  Absent were Kermit Buckner, Lena Carawan, Diana Lys, Liz Doster Taft, Cynthia Wagoner, and Elaine Yontz. Visitors were Laura Bilbro-Berry and Christy Sutton.

Welcome and Introductions

Sarah Cope, the new Undergraduate Student Representative was introduced.  She is a teacher education student majoring in Family and Consumer Science.  Ellen Dobson from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Instructional Technology attended representing Diana Lys.

Approval of Minutes October 19, 2015 Meeting

The following statement was corrected regarding data in edTPA rubrics in PSYC 4305 and EDUC 4400.  Pearson scores are higher for Rubric 5 (Planning Assessment to Monitor Student Learning) and Rubric 15 (Using Assessment to Inform Instruction) for students who take EDUC 4305.  It should read EDUC 4400.  Minutes were filed as approved with this correction.

General announcements

Kristen Cuthrell stated that the Teacher Leadership Evidence shows that students know their data and how to use it.  Ellen Dobson stated that Evidence 6 is part of the initial license portfolio.  Kristen Cuthrell stated that edTPA scores are in and 88 of the 98 ELEM students passed on the first try yielding a 90% pass rate for first submissions on the Pearson scored edTPAs. The average passing range was from 43.6 to 46.35.                                                                                  .

Standing updates on Assessment & Accreditation

Ellen Dobson represented Diana Lys and did not have any new information to report.  Diana Lys will be leaving ECU on November 30, 2015.  She has accepted a position in the College of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Standing Update from the Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith reported that LCSN representatives have been asked to confirm intern placements from the first round of internship applications.  The second and last round due date for spring/fall applications will be January 11th by 5:00 pm. Please bring all applications to OCE Speight 110; do not mail them in campus mail.  OCE will send lists of Spring Internship II interns to program areas to match with university supervisors by November 13.

Sixty-four students have been accepted into the NCTEACH program for spring semester.  As of January 2015, 120 lateral entry teachers have completed their programs and been recommended.

A university supervisors meeting will be held on December 3, 2015 at the Heart Institute, Conference Room A from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. All part-time university supervisors need to attend and faculty university supervisors are urged to attend.

Old Business

Vivian Covington and Sherry Tripp met with Angela Anderson to discuss the new online license system and the process for students to secure a transcript.  Students have to upload their transcript in the new system; therefore, they must purchase one.  A transcript purchased through the Registrar’s Office using Transcripts Network will cost $9.25. This process will be shared with students at the Internship II seminar, which will be done in small groups in Speight versus large groups in Mendenhall.

New Business

Four hundred ninety-two (492) eighth through twelfth graders attended AVID Day on November 9, 2015. This recruitment event was offered through the Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach.

Dr. Covington is working on a procedure for students to upload verification of a second license area based on 24 hours in the new online system. This affects elementary majors and special education-general curriculum majors getting reading as a second license area, middle grades majors getting two license areas, and any other student adding on an area by 24 hours.

Dr. Covington, Dr. Nicole Smith, and Elizabeth Bentz met with an ECU insurance representative concerning general and professional liability insurance for all practicum, Intern I and Intern II students.  This includes all undergraduate, MAT and licensure only students in teacher education placed through OCE.  Departments placing their own students should notify OCE so that the students’ names will not be duplicated. Students should not be under two separate policies A Certificate of Insurance will be given to school systems to verify this policy. If there is an accident, an incident report will need to be completed using the form on the OCE website.

Standing Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee

Chair of the CTE CC, Jamie Williams, reported that the committee met November 2, 2015 and approved the following catalog changes.

  1. A request from Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education to replace PSYC 3206 with PSYC 2777.
  2. There was a revision to the MAT in Music Ed package from October 2015. The marked catalog copy should indicate that students can take MUSC 5957 or MUSC 5977 (approved by email vote).

The next curriculum committee meeting is December 7, 2015 in Speight 202 at 3:00 pm.  Packages for consideration should be sent to the chair and curriculum members by December 2 by 5 p.m.  The January meeting will be January 11, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., which is prior to CTE meeting.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – No report

Policy Committee– No report

There being no further business, a motion was made by Cheryl Johnson and seconded by Lori Flint to adjourn at 3:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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