November 2018 Minutes


Minutes for November 12, 2018

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The third meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2018-2019 academic year was held Monday, November 12, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Johna Faulconer, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Nicole Smith, Christina Tschida, and Bryan Zugelder. Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson and Shari Steadman. Absent were LCSN-PCS Representative, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Chris Rivera, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes October 1, 2018 Meeting

The minutes for the October 1, 2018 meeting were approved.


Although not chosen as the NC-ACTE Student Teacher of the Year, Ryanne Hilliard, a Mathematics Education graduate and teacher at Farmville Central was a finalist and was presented with a plaque from ECU at the Fall NC-ACTE meeting.

State law requires 16 weeks minimum for the internship. New legislation was passed to allow Interns living or placed in districts affected by Hurricane Florence, as denoted in the Stafford Act, may not be held to the 16 week requirement. Students must meet the district criteria stated above and must have been eligible to graduate in December to get relief from the 16 weeks. The law requires the IHE to report by name those students who will be using this relief of time. OCE is compiling the names and number of weeks the interns were able to complete so the report can be submitted by the legislated deadline in February.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Nicole Smith and Vivian Covington hosted two Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST) information sessions. Three Physical Education supervisors piloted CPAST this fall. All other program areas except Birth-K and Special Education will pilot the evaluation instrument in the spring. In addition, Holly, Nicole and Vivian drafted a new progress report aligned with InTASC, edTPA and CPAST. Feedback was gathered on this document to pilot along with CPAST so that candidate feedback at observations 1 and 3 would be strategically aligned with the formal feedback from the CPAST at observations 2 and 4. This could alleviate the need to use the dispositions form in the future, reducing paperwork/Taskstream entries. We are trying to work smarter and with documents that are valid and reliable as we move toward CAEP.

On Friday, November 16, 2018 form 9:00-1:00 pm, OADD is holding an edTPA local evaluator training for any new faculty or for any trained faculty who would like a refresher.

An EPP-wide spring educator preparation data summit will be held in February or March 2019. All program areas will need to be represented. The plan is to offer one of these each spring.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith reported that a University Supervisors’ training will be held December 7 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the Willis Building. Supervisors with co-teaching placement interns will meet prior to the meeting from 8:00-8:45 a.m.

Monisha Atkinson handles early releases of Intern IIs in OCE. Only about 12 have requested early release this fall. The early release date is November 21. The last day of internship is December 12 and the final seminar is December 13, 2018.

Dr. Covington reminded members that program completers will not be recommended for a license without passing licensure test scores.

Intern Is for spring 2019 are being placed. Students can view their placement in Pirate Port.

Old Business

Dr. Covington will be meeting with the Dean next week about edTPA counting as part of the Internship grade. If a student completes the edTPA in their final intern semester and fails, a retake should be done in the same semester. Redoing the edTPA requires a placement in a school through a course if it is not completed in the same semester as the Internship. There has been much discussion in CEP and in the TPALs for about 2 years now about having consistency in the use of edTPA within the overall EPP. Objections for counting as part of the grade was made by one program area. Reasons were 1) third party scoring, 2) it is writing heavy, and 3) there is more to internship than edTPA.

New Business

Dr. Covington shared that after completing the Title 2 Report for this year, the overall pass rate for 2017-2018 completers has increased over where it was for last year’s 2016-2017 completers. The overall EPP’s pass rate is 79% versus 74% last year. There are about 3 programs who consistently have a less than 70% pass rate for their candidates. These data and others will be shared at the EPP-wide data summit.

Dr. Cayton from Mathematics asked a question regarding the CPAST (Ohio State product). How is the data with Ohio State is being used? Holly Fales responded that results are compared and shared with other EPPs, but all data is de-identified. ECU owns their data.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Vivian Covington reported for the chair Elaine Yontz. The committee met 11/6/18 and approved the following.

I.  Human Development & Family Science: Undergraduate

Proposal to remove EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 as part of the Professional Core in the Family & Consumer Science program and to add an additional elective. Approved pending wording clarification and updating of attached files in CURRICULOG.

II. Human Development & Family Science: Graduate

Proposal to discontinue the Family & Consumer Science concentration from the MAT and to bank related courses. Approved pending addition of notification document in CURRICULOG.

III. Department of Kinesiology-B.S. in Physical Education

Proposal to change degree requirement to reach 120 hours, with related course revisions and pre-requisite changes. KINE 2123, add one hour; KINE 3540 – remove as Upper Division requirement; and KINE 4323 add one hour. Approved pending edits for clarity in CURRICULOG.

IV. Music Education

Proposal to move the MAT MUSIC internship course from TCHR 6024 in the College of Education to the School of Music by establishing a new course, MUSC 6124, to make this possible. Approved pending edits in CURRICULOG.

The report was accepted, and votes carried to approve the curricula brought forth.

Evaluation & Planning and Policy Committees – No Reports

Admissions & Retention – Charity Cayton, chair reported that the committee met today with a student who had significant criminal background check hits. The committee’s decision will be shared at the next CEP meeting.

The next meeting of the full CEP will be December 10, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Johna Faulconer moved to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Bernice Dodor. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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