November 2023 Minutes


Minutes for November 13, 2023

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The third meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2023-2024 academic year was held Monday, November 13, 2023 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  

Members present:  Rob Benson, Susannah Berry, Bethann Cole, Tim Dameron, Holly Fales (Chair), Jennifer Gallagher, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Bethany McKissick, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robbie Quinn, Dawn Shelton, Rita Soulen, Nicole Tripp, Cynthia Wagoner, Kevin White, and Jennifer Williams.  Absent were Kim Anderson, Phyllis Broughton, Alana Freeman, Maureen Grady, Sarah Sconyers, Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson, Christy Walcott and visitor Monisha Atkinson. 

Approval of Minutes October 16, 2023 Meeting

A motion was made by Rita Soulen and seconded by Jeff Pizzutilla to approve the minutes from October 16, 2023. The minutes were approved.


Holly Fales shared the following announcements with the group:

Elementary undergrads taking the edTPA for the first time had a 100% pass rate on the most recent edTPA submissions.

Dawn Shelton will be chairing the search committee for a new faculty member in Elementary Education.

Thirty-eight (38) Intern II candidates will be attending the Licensure Seminar December 14 at 9:00 a.m. in Speight 313.

The LCSN Joint Advisory Board Meeting will be held February 7 in Harvey Hall.  Faculty are also invited.

The Education Career Fair will be held March 13 for Intern II candidates.  This is mandatory for interns and an opportunity to network with more than a hundred employers.

The Latham Clinical Teacher Conference will be held April 9.  Catrina Davis in the Academic Success Center will be sending notices of this event and asking for proposals for breakout sessions that offer resources, tips, and tools that can be easily applied and utilized for PK-12 teachers.  The Clinical Teacher of the Year will be announced.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales reported for Sarah Sconyers, Director.

  • She reminded all that at the end of the semester there is a lot to do in Taskstream.  In spring 2024, Atlas will no longer be used.  The Teaching Channel which has a higher use volume will be used.The final edTPA submission for the semester is approaching.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Tripp, Lead Coordinator, gave the following report. 


  • Elizabeth Bentz will be leaving the Office of Clinical Experiences on Friday November 17, 2023.
  • Twenty-seven Intern I applications were received on the 1st round.  The second round will be due January 8th before 5 p.m.


  • Applications for fall intakes in the Residency Program begins December 4.

Old Business

The NC SBE Planning and Work Session

  • The NC SBE Planning and Work Session October 31-November 2 was a successful and informative meeting with various NE superintendents providing presentations of initiatives within their districts.

Transfer Curriculum Meetings and Pipeline Planning

  • Dr. Fales will be meeting with all Ed Prep faculty outside the COE in regard to the transfer curriculum and Project LEAP in coordination with Lenoir Community College. The goal is to create a seamless transition for candidates that have completed the Associate in Teacher Preparation.

CEP Student Representative

  • Adelyn Lowery an Elementary major is the new UG student representative and was welcomed to her first meeting. We still need a Graduate student representative as stated in our by-laws. CEP members were asked to email recommendations to Dr. Fales.

SARA Licensure Survey

  • At the last meeting Holly Fales advised program areas to pause on submitting the survey as she is speaking with the Compliance Office.  All programs that lead to licensure require statewide approval.  Please do not respond to the survey.

New Business–None

Standing Committees

Curriculum: Rita Soulen, Chair provided the following update:

  • The committee met and approved a proposal from Human Development & Family Science in Birth-K Education.  Susannah Berry provided an overview of proposals to clean up and reduce the number of objectives for HDFS 4300 and 4408.  A title change for HDFS 4406 was submitted to include leadership as a course for early childhood administration, Early Childhood Leadership and Collaboration in Administration.  The committee approved the course changes.

Evaluation & Planning:  Jenni Gallagher and Cynthia Wagoner, Co-Chairs

  • The committee met and discussed how to promote dispositions goals and provide support to students.

Admission and Retention: Susannah Berry, Chair

  • Program coordinators were emailed current Upper Division procedures to review and possibly refine the process.  Passing PRAXIS Core, SAT or ACT scores and a 2.7 GPA are SBE requirements.  A response is needed by November 21 prior to the committee meeting again to review feedback. 
  • Policy:  Kevin White and Nicole Tripp, Co-Chairs
  • The committee met to discuss the edTPA grading policy for Residency candidates based on last months discussion.  Currently the edTPA is part of the Residency II grade; no edTPA, an incomplete is given.
  • To be consistent with the UG grading policy, the committee approved the following.

 “Residency candidates will be required to submit an edTPA portfolio to Pearson for official scoring. The submission of the portfolio will count as 10% of the Residency II course grade.” (begins spring 2024).


With no further business, Bethany McKissick motioned to adjourn.  The next CEP meeting will be December 11, 2023. 

Future Meeting Dates:

January 8, 2024

February 12, 2024

March 11, 2024

April 8, 2024

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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