October 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for October 6, 2008

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, October 6, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Rick Barnes, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kathy Davis, Lynne Davis, Kay Dotson, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Michelle Hairston for Linda High, Elizabeth Hodge, Laura King, Ron Preston for Michael Bossé and Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, and visitors, Lisa Rogerson and Julie Poorman. Absent were Michael Bossé, Tom Caron, Joe Ciechalski, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Tammy Lee, PCS representative, Betty Peel, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, and Christine Shea.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the September 8, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

New members, Kathy Davis and Laura King and visitors, Julie Poorman from Financial Aid and Lisa Rogerson were introduced.

A copy of North Carolina in the World Newsletter was distributed. NC in the World is a statewide collaborative effort to prepare students to be citizens, workers and leaders in the 21st century and is associated with General Administration. Onslow County Schools were featured.

Mary Morrow Edna Richards Scholarship applications are available for NC residents enrolled in a teacher education program, in their junior year of college, and willing to teach in the public schools of NC for at least two years following graduation. Send qualified students to Vivian Covington. She will select candidates to receive applications.

Please remind advisees that PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on March 14, 2009, June 13, 2009 and July 25, 2009.

Agenda III – Old Business

Public school involvement is reported on the IHE Report. This part of the report should have data that documents ECU’s involvement with public schools based on the school system’s needs. Quantitative information is needed for the IHE Report. Please let Vivian Covington know of your program areas’ involvement in the public schools.

The Latham Clinical Schools Network meets the first Wednesday each month. Program area representatives are needed. Please let Vivian Covington know if you are interested in attending the meetings.

Please remind students to disclose convictions at any time after admission to upper division. This includes before and during Senior I and II.

Vivian Covington has received approximately 15 names for CTE student representatives. She will select an undergraduate student, a graduate student, and two alternates.

Requested syllabi of professional core courses have been received and are on file electronically and posted on the Assessment and Accountability site at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/account/Index.cfm.

Lynne Davis, Assessment Coordinator gave an update on teacher education issues. The initial teaching license program re-visioning will continue with meetings focusing on Evidences #1 and #2, content standards, for program coordinators the week of October 20th. DPI is holding training workshops that will provide good feedback for us to use.

MAEds will still need to be submitted to NCATE regardless of what DPI decides on the status of the advanced teaching license. If DPI should decide to abandon the program approval process for advanced teaching licenses, we still need to know how to proceed since NCATE does not have a program approval process for advanced teaching licenses.

The SACS Performance Management Committee made a recommendation to adopt software for administrative performance management and student learning outcomes. The two programs from Nuventive are TracDat for administration and iwebfolio, a subsidiary of SunGuard and Blackboard, for the student portfolios. DPI has not yet adopted a software for the senior portfolio. Lynne Davis will send a recommendation to CTE next month to adopt Nuventive’s iwebfolio to at least be aligned with ECU, which gives us more opportunity for resources and support.

The October 10th meeting in Wilson on the new candidate evaluation rubric and evidences has been cancelled. The next training is Monday, October 13th. A team of three to four people need to attend. Contact Lynne Davis, davismar@ecu.edu if you can attend.

Lynne Davis will be stepping down as Assessment Coordinator. She will teach part-time in the spring and full-time in the fall 2009. Anyone interested should notify Dr. Linda Patriarca, Dean of the College of Education (COE).

Agenda IV – New Business

Individuals from the offices of Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid and Teacher Education met and devised a plan to benefit individuals seeking a teaching license as a non-degree student as well as a way to identify the non-degree student as teacher licensure. Beginning spring semester 2009, non-degree seeking licensure students will be moved from graduate non-degree status to undergraduate post baccalaureate teacher licensure non-degree status. The change will result in lower tuition rates and financial aid requests can be processed in a more efficient manner. Non-degree students will still be able to register on the first day of registration and register without a PIN number for spring 2009. A special PIN will be issued later. Admissions will have deadlines for applications and deadlines for readmission. Admission dates will be set later than deadlines for degree seeking students. The new undergraduate post baccalaureate teacher license application should be available October 17, 2008. Undergraduate teacher licensure students seeking financial aid will be subject to the undergraduate loan limits. Julie Poorman from Financial Aid explained that students entering as a non-degree student through Undergraduate Admissions will be limited to a total $23,000 in financial aid for all years as an undergraduate student. To receive financial aid, students must be enrolled for at least six hours. If students sit out two terms, repayment must start. She will be glad to answer any questions you might have; her email is poormanj@ecu.edu.

Chris Locklear gave an overview of the Campus Based Teacher Recruitment Plan summarizing the 17 strategies and the group responsible for monitoring each one. Each strategy is composed of several tasks with 2007-08 accomplishments, goals for 2008-09, and timeline for completion. He also shared ECU-GA Projection Summaries from 2005-06 through 2012-13 for traditional undergraduates, alternative completers, and MAT graduates. Within these groups, numbers of completers and projections were shown in high need areas; math/science, special education and middle grades math/science. He included a chart showing ethnicity of students in teacher education programs and overall university. The Become a Teacher Portal, http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teachers/index.cfm, is geared to high school students, transfer, undeclared and alternative-mid career change individuals. Other program areas may be linked to the portal. Contact Chris Locklear at locklearc@ecu.edu. According to UNC, 50-60% of teachers in NC should be prepared by the UNC public institutions. Currently we have a gap of 1,000 students between what we prepare and 50-60% of the state’s need. Vivian Covington reported that there has been a 46% increase in interns from Fall 2002 to Fall 2007.

The next technology challenge exams, BITE 2000, will be October 22 or October 23, 2008. Students will need to purchase the “myitlab literacy test out exam” access code for $15.40 at Dowdy Bookstore or at UBE. To register, please send the following information: Your name, Banner number, telephone number, advisor’s name, student email address, test date and time, and department of major to: Marquerite Bass Latham @ Email: bassm@ecu.edu or call (252)328-6983 or visit the Department of Business and Information Technologies Education, 2318 Bate Building.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Kathy Davis reported that the committee met September 29, 2008 and discussed the admission/retention process. At this point CTE is free to re-consider the entire process, provided there are at least three assessment points (admission, check point/retention/continuation in the program, program completion) and a requirement of a 2.5 GPA for program completion. Additional checkpoints may also be considered. Everyone will review the candidate evaluation rubric and/or the curriculum re-visioning matrix before the next meeting and be ready to make a recommendation. Vivian Covington will be attending a meeting at GA tomorrow. Required GPAs for entrance into a teacher education program will be discussed. She will advise the committee of the outcome. The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning – Ron Preston reported for Tammy Lee. The committee met September 25th.  During this meeting Lynne Davis gave three ideas to consider regarding key pieces of evidence regarding the NC Educator Evaluation System, Teacher Candidate Evaluation Rubric. The committee is analyzing evidences for sections 3 (pedagogical/professional knowledge), 5 (Positive impact on student learning), and 6 (Leadership and Collaboration). A recommendation will be made to CTE at the next meeting. The report was accepted.

Curriculum – Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met and set dates for meetings this fall. Monday, November 3, 2008, 12-1:30 p.m. in SP 202 and Monday, December 1, 12-1:30 p.m. in the Batten Room, SP 154. Additional meeting times may be called. Tentative dates for spring will be set at a later date. Vivian Covington distributed copies of Instructions for Completing the UCC Course Proposal Form, and Instructions for Completing GCC Course Proposal Form. For those not attending today’s meeting, copies will be distributed by Dr. Covington. Submission of course proposals should be one week prior to CTE CC scheduled meeting dates. The faculty are asked to adhere to these deadlines. The report was accepted.

Policy – Ron Preston reported for Michael Bossé. The committee met on September 17, 2008 and considered a policy allowing students involved in Teacher Cadet Program in NC high schools to be given a reduced number of required hours of observation (16 to 8) during the early experience course, normally XXXX2123. The Policy Committee voted no to this proposal. Carol Brown stated that they did not have an evaluation to judge what students do in this program to allow them observation hour credit. It was noted that students must complete a portfolio requirement. Elizabeth Hodge moved to revisit the policy. Kathy Davis seconded. The motion failed and this part of the report was accepted. Members should take the report back to the departments and add information for further discussion at the next meeting.

Proposed changes to the professional core curriculum were presented. Please take these changes to your departments to review and discuss. Sarah Williams stated that there were too many “or a CTE approved” substitute course in a program area and that difficult conversations and difficult discussions will have to be made. The core curriculum was designed to be the same in all program areas. Vivian Covington shared concerns about how this would play out with NCATE. A core is a defined set of courses, not a list of “or” courses, in her opinion. The report was accepted.

The chair reminded Standing Committee chairs to send an electronic copy of the minutes to Sherry Tripp several days prior to the CTE meeting so that copies may be included in packets prepared for the meeting.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – No report

The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The next meeting will be in the November 10, 2008 in SP 202.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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