October 2010 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for October 18, 2010

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, October 18, 2010, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Elizabeth Briggs, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Eva Price for Mike Dawson, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Cheryl Johnson, Laura King, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams for Michele Wallen, and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Carol Brown, Brenda Eastman, Johna Faulconer, LCSN representative, Shari Steadman, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the September 13, 2010 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

CTE representatives who attended the NC-ACTE Teacher Ed Forum held in September and need reimbursement for the registration fee, should contact Darlene Perry in the Teacher Education Office at 328-2156.

The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook (Apple book) may be found online at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teached/Index.cfm. This is the semester of the beginning of the revised curriculum and the handbook contains the new five standards plus indicators, which replaced the old 16 competencies and indicators. Click handbook and scroll to the Table of Contents. Click on the highlighted segment for the body of the book. Appendices are listed as a group or separately in the Table of Contents.

Mrs. Susan Morgan was welcomed as the Lead Coordinator for the Office of Clinical Experiences and Alternative Licensure and ex-officio member of CTE replacing Karli Ruscoe. Mrs. Morgan has 25 years experience in public education, working with three different higher education institutions to license lateral entry teachers, place student teachers, host practica students, and planned and delivered staff development for new teachers in the BLT program. Her office is located in Speight 111. Ms. Karli Ruscoe is now the Virtual Coordinator for Wachovia Partnership East housed at Pitt Community College.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Dr. Lys reported that the Master’s Program Revisions (all advanced teaching masters) were sent to NC DPI on October 4th. Currently we do not have any deadlines due to DPI. She will be uploading evidences to TaskStream and will let you know of the status.

By using Annual NCATE Summaries for SACS documentation, this process is an example of how NCATE accredited programs close the assessment loop.

A draft of the COE Program Area SACS Annual Assessment Template and instructions were distributed. Sections include program data, assessment unit data, program recruitment and retention, and documentation of assessment process. Data will be provided by the Office of Assessment and the Dean’s Office from TracDat and data verified by Institutional Research depending on the section. Completed templates should be submitted to the COE Assessment Office via email and TracDat by November 12, 2010. Templates will go to other program areas later.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Internship placements are complete. The last placement was done in late September. Practica placements for Pitt County are full. Pitt County handles 46% of student placements with Lenoir, Beaufort, Greene, and Wilson Counties following. Transportation is the responsibility of the student.

Agenda V – Old Business

Student representatives are needed to serve on CTE. Junior level students are preferred for the undergraduate representative and a master’s level student with no internship scheduled for the spring for the graduate representatives. Please send the nominations to Vivian Covington.

By-laws, minutes and committees may be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

Agenda VI – New Business

Feedback forms completed on the clinical teachers for program areas during the spring 2010 semester by both interns and university supervisors were sent to program area coordinators earlier or were distributed to coordinators at the meeting today. School districts are to monitor feedback on the clinical teacher. There were 15 students on development plans and nine received a grade of “D” spring 2010. Please consider patterns over time as opposed to an individual comment or isolated experience. Please exercise discretion with both the analysis and disclosure of this information.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Curriculum  – The Curriculum Committee will meet November 2. The revised MSA program will be presented to the committee.

Evaluation & Planning

Admission & Retention  – The committee met last month and approved several re-admissions on students needing to redo their internship.

Policy  – The committee continues to work on the felon policy.

Members were reminded that November 5, 2010 is the deadline for the first round of Senior I applications. The final deadline is the first day of spring semester. This date is for students needing a course grade prior to submitting the application.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting will be November 8 in Speight 312.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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