October 2018 Minutes

Minutes for October 1, 2018

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

The second meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2018-2019 academic year was held Monday, October 1, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Johna Faulconer, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, Laura King, LCSN-PCS Representative Kamara Roach, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, Elaine Yontz, and Bryan Zugelder. Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson and Shari Steadman. Absent were, Jeff Pizzutilla, Christy Walcott, and Jamie Williams.

Approval of Minutes September 10, 2018 Meeting

The minutes for the September 10, 2018 meeting were approved with the correction of the meeting date, from September 11, 2018 to September 10.


LCSN-PCS Representative Kamara Roach was introduced as a new member.

The NC-ACTE fall meeting will be October 3-5, 2018 at the North Raleigh Hilton. CEP will reimburse the registration for members or one replacement. A licensure update session will held Wednesday morning and a session on assessment in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday are the actual conference dates. The NC-ACTE Student Teacher of the Year will be announced on Thursday. Ryanne Hilliard, a Mathematics Education graduate, and teacher at Farmville Central is a finalist. She will be presented with a plaque at the meeting.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Holly Fales shared the conversation form the last Assessment Committee meeting. Key assessments in EDUC 3200 are being developed, piloted and finalized. This assessment rubric will be shared when finalized so the program areas who removed EDUC 3200 can ensure the assessment is being done in their program areas. EDUC 4400 has a key assessment that will be shared as well. Revisions to Key Assessments are being made in the core courses including SPED 4010 and 4020 and READ 3990 and 5317. Holly is working on a matrix that shows key assessments cross-walked with standards and requirements by program area so everyone can see where standards are being met, where we have gaps, and what we need to shore up in the coming year. Until the matrix is complete and the core key assessments are updated, we ask for your patience.

The new student teaching (Intern II) evaluation instrument called CPAST, Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching is currently being piloted by three physical education supervisors. They are getting familiar with the instrument while also completing the old evaluations so we can have some feedback prior to spring 2019. The CPAST has validity and reliability data associated with it, and is designed to be used at the midpoint and the final point of the Internship. CPAST has also been aligned with the CAEP standards and the CAEP required InTASC standards. A 90-minute online training session is required prior to using the CPAST with a refresher session required each year. Information will be sent to department chairs and program area coordinators about the timeline, information sessions, and training url for those programs wishing to pilot the CPAST in the spring 2019. Programs on the fall/spring only Internship cycle are strongly encouraged to pilot in the spring to have three cycles of data. Also, the CPAST comes with a ppt for clinical teachers and interns, which gives them an overview/explanation of the instrument.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith reported that many intern Is and IIs have been impacted by Hurricane Florence with the closing of schools for weeks, as well as some universities. Many students are volunteering to get experience while away from their site. If a student can commute to Pitt County, Pitt County Schools is helping students with both practica and Internship placements. We are very grateful for their assistance in this crisis. Practicum placements are due 10/3/2018. Many counties where requests for placements have been made, have not responded due to the hurricane, which is very understandable. Currently, we still have 25-30% not placed. As was shared by the Provost, instructors will need to be flexible with assignments and due dates as no one had any control over this weather event and the critical nature of the destruction to schools in our service region in particular

Please share with your programs and departments that all courses requiring field work of any kind, including any type of assignment that requires entrance into any facility or any contact with minors or persons with disabilities regardless of place be assigned through the office of clinical experiences (OCE), and have a corresponding statement in the catalogue of required practica. OCE must report to the Office of Enterprise Management – Risk Management Division a list of all courses in which candidates are interacting in the field. For example, no programs or individual instructors should be asking students to “just go find a child to work with” or to “find a school or agency that will let you…” Courses requiring placements must be noted in the catalogue and placements should be secured through/in conjunction with the OCE.

Intern I Application meetings will be held October 12 from 3-5:00 p.m. in Speight 305 and Speight 130 and October 19 from 1-3:00 p.m. and 3-5:00 p.m. in Speight 129. Interns should choose one session to attend.

Old Business

Student representatives to CEP are needed. The chair asked for names for two student representatives at the undergraduate level and one more at the graduate level to serve on the council, preferably not a student in Intern II in the spring (which would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as the rep and one in each category would serve as an alternate. UG student representatives must be admitted to Upper Division. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, covingtonv@ecu.edu or Sherry Tripp, tripps@ecu.edu.

Members were reminded that courses or admission tests (ACT, SAT or PRAXIS-Core) that are more than 10 years old will not be accepted towards admission or program completion.

New Business

A handout, At-A-Glance, InTASC Standards, was distributed, which listed the ten standards and descriptions. These are important as CAEP requires program alignment with InTASC.

The chair thanked those who agreed to chair one of the four CEP standing committees.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Elaine Yontz, chair, reported that the committee met 9/27/18 and approved the following.

Birth-Kindergarten program proposed to eliminate EDUC 4400 as a required course and replace it with an elective.

Social Work proposed to deliver the existing MSW program in an online/hybrid (50% or more online) format.

Credit hours and required courses remain the same. The MSW program has an option for licensure in School Social Work.

Library Science proposed revisions to an existing course: LIBS 6016, Technology in Library Services.

Revised course description to make clear the inclusion of all types of libraries (academic public, and school). Revisions to course objectives to emphasize compliance with national standards; to use updated vocabulary; and to more clearly reflect graduate level work.

The members present voted by acclamation to pursue the expediting of packages with predictable and non-controversial requests and rationale. Packages to reduce credit hours to 120, to eliminate EDUC 3200 or EDUC 4400, or to change delivery method for existing programs are examples of packages that may be considered for this. Expedited packages may be approved by the committee via email and without requiring the originator of the package to attend a committee meeting. The committee will continue to meet in person regularly. All originators of packages will be invited to meet with the committee in person if they choose. Any committee member may identify packages to be heard at an in-person meeting. Dr. Covington will work with committee members to identify packages appropriate for the expedited process.

The report was accepted, and votes carried to approve the curricula brought forth.

The next meeting of the CEP Curriculum Committee will be November 6, Noon-2:00, location to be announced.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – No Report

Policy – No Report

The next meeting of the full CEP will be November 12, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Johna Faulconer moved to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Christina Tschida. The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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