October 2021


Minutes for October 18, 2021

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The second meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2021-2022 academic year was held Monday, October 18, 2021 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Susannah Berry, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethan Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Jennifer Gallagher, Nanyoung Kim, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White and visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Kimberly Anderson, Phyllis Broughton and Laura Levi-Altstaedter.


Approval of Minutes September 13, 2021 Meeting


A motion to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 meeting was made by Julie Stanley and seconded by Charity Cayton.  The minutes were approved.



ELEM and SPED-GC–SBE has approved both Test #090 and Test #190 for the Foundations of Reading test requirement, for the next 2 years through August 23, 2023, after which only Test #190 will be accepted and the Applebook will be updated. Currently only Test #090 is in the Applebook. It aligns best with our curriculum and we do not want to confuse candidates. If Test #190 is taken in error and passed, it will be accepted.


Changes in Middle Grades Math and High School Math scores were updated earlier, effective 9-2021. This was due to routine test regeneration not completely new tests.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


CAEP Update—Interactive Canvas Modules have been deployed to all EPP faculty so they can familiarize themselves with important information, data, policies, etc. Current Modules are CAEP Overview, the full CAEP Self-Study Report (SSR), Standard 1: Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions and Standard 5: Quality Assurance and Assessment. Modules will be added as Standards 2-4 are shared as we lead up to our visit.


Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions for initial and advanced program areas were reviewed.  The review included the selected assessments/data points provided as evidence and key findings.  At our next meeting we will review the recruitment and retention plan and will discuss preparations for the virtual site visit February 20-22, 2022.


Dr. Fales will be submitting our CAEP Addendum on Friday, October 22, 2021.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Intake closed on 10/15/2021 for the Spring 2022 ERM cohort.


Covid Attestation Statements/Assumption of Risk were required of all early field/internship/clinically based program candidates as part of the University Experiential Learning Committee’s recommendation. At the time of approval, we were only placing Intern I and II candidates in the field. This fall 2021 we placed anchor courses and in the spring 2022, we will place all courses; therefore, to be in compliance OCE must now require Covid Attestation Statements/Assumption of Risk be completed by all early field experience candidates in all practica fall 2021 courses and for spring 2022 courses.  At the time of the meeting 64 candidates had not done their attestation. These outstanding lists will go to instructors to assist OCE with getting all forms completed.


For Spring 2022, please share with any instructors that the Covid Attestation Statement/Assumption of Risk will come from oce@ecu.edu and needs to be in place prior to their going to school sites.  During the internship, OCE can communicate this expectation through Intern I and II seminars; however, for the communication about the form OCE will need help from instructors relaying information related to this requirement.


Clinical Teacher Training was deployed in October virtually to any CT who is currently hosting and did not complete the CT training in the summer.  Ninety-three invitations were sent out and updates to CT lists will be provided to program areas and districts at the end of the CT training window.


Early Release Date for fall 2021 is November 23, 2021.


Old Business

Student members are still needed for this committee. Please send names to covingtonv@ecu.edu.


New Business

Vivian Covington and Nicole Smith presented ECU’s Residency Model at the NCACTE Fall 2021 Forum meeting and data from that presentation was shared with CEP and previously with LCSN partners.  ECU’s Educator Residency Model (ERM) is a cohort model designed to assist residency candidates in meeting residency licensure requirements. ERM participants can complete coursework in 6 courses with continuous enrollment. It is a fully online course offering to maximize accessibility.  Cohort support, systematic course of study, and a formal academic advising model is provided.  Coursework begins immediately upon Residency hire, if eligible.  Two cohorts begin annually, fall and spring.

  • Data was shown of cohorts by license areas for each of the 4 cohorts F19, Sp20, F20 and Sp21 and total number for each cohort (854).
  • Data was shared on candidates by Gender/Ethnicity

GPA Assist by each cohort—# of candidates entering with less than 2.7 and needing a course to establish ECU GPA

  • 20-21 completers by license area (95), edTPA averages, edTPA best attempts by license area, Gender/Ethnicity, Admit and Exit GPA information
  • Information on Lateral Entry (LE) completers from 2019-2020 was provided as a comparison. edTPA was not a requirement for LE candidates. Individuals with LE license must complete all requirements by June 2022.

Residency candidates continue to be more diverse than traditional candidates.  Candidates are passing licensure tests as well as the edTPA.


Standing Committees


Curriculum, Dr. Christy Walcott, Chair

The committee met October 5, 2021 and approved the following in the B.S. Physical Education program:

  1. KINE 2900 add prerequisite: HLTH 1000 and KINE 1000 or consent of instructor
  1. Program Revision: Add MATH 1065 or MATH 1066 as required math for physical education majors


Evaluation & Planning – Dr. Stacy Weiss, Chair reported that the new Dispositions Instrument aligned with the CPAST document and the suggested timeline for rollout will be sent soon for CEP members to review with their program areas/departments and to provide feedback to the E&P committee. This new Dispositions instrument will eventually be required in the department’s early field experience course XXXX 2123 (a few programs have slightly different course #s); Internship I Methods course, and the CPAST is used in Internship II. Until that time, the current required use of Dispositions A in 2123, Dispositions B in Internship I and CPAST in Internship II should continue.


Admissions & Retention– Dr. Charity Clayton, Chair reported a few petitions were reviewed; they were only “clarifying questions” asked of Dr. Covington by the committee and the report was deemed in order.


Policy– Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chair—No report


The next CEP meeting is Monday, November 8, 2021.


Cynthia Wagoner moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Charity Cayton. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 4:31 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,



Sherry S. Tripp

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