September 2007 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 10, 2007

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Monday, September 10, 2007 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Lynne Davis, Bill Grobe, Linda High, PCS representative-Chris Moxley, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, and Jane Teleki. Absent were Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, Dawn Clark, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Bethann Fine, Todd Finley, Gwendolyn Guy, Tammy Lee, Melissa Matusevich, and Scott Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the April 9, 2007 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Everyone was welcomed back and introduced themselves to two new members, Betty Peel (C&I) and Robbie Quinn (Art).

The 25th Annual Teacher Education Forum will be held at the North Raleigh Hilton in Raleigh September 20-21, 2007. The Office of Teacher Education will reimburse the registration fee for CTE members or alternates. Hotel reservations may be made directly with the Hilton.

The WELCOME TO TEACHER EDUCATION handbook (Apple Book) is available online at and at the bookstore.

Update on Teacher Education

A sheet describing the testing options for admission to Upper Division was distributed. Students applying for admission to Upper Division have several testing options. In addition to using the minimum scores required for each test, students may use a (1) composite score of 522 on PRAXIS I – PPST or 960 on the old computerized test, CBT; (2) Total SAT score of 1100 (Verbal and Math; writing does not count in any way) (3) Total ACT score of 24 (English and math; the reading or science section does not count in any way) (4) combination of part of PRAXIS I with SAT (550 on Verbal or math); (5) combination of part of PRAXIS I with ACT (24 on math or English); or (6) combination of SAT and ACT. With all the available options, there are no more waivers. Students are to be reminded to take PRAXIS I or other tests while enrolled in the early experience course. Students should furnish the advisor with copies of PRAXIS I, SAT or ACT scores for the purpose of verification of this information. Verifications must be attached to the Upper Division application when completed and submitted to the Office of Teacher Education. Deadlines will not be extended pending receipt of scores.

Students seeking a license in special education, Adapted or General Curriculum, must take the new test, 30511, Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge as well as the appropriate test for the particular area. The new test replaces 20353, Education of Exceptional Students: Core Content Knowledge. The old test will not count toward licensure after January 1, 2008. This means that fall graduates must take the new test (passing score 148) along with 10544 (Adapted) or 10542 (General Curriculum). This makes a student a highly qualified special education teacher at all grade levels, K-12. Elementary and special education majors must take the PRAXIS II tests to be licensed.

The chair discussed the general findings from the 2006-2007 IHE Report, which consist of graduates from 2005-2006 from 47 institutions. Institutions reported an increase in both total enrollment of undergraduate degree seeking students in teacher ed programs and the bachelor level for licensure only programs; however there was a decrease in both part-time and full-time enrollment of students in graduate programs for both degree and licensure only programs. Enrollment in school administration programs increased. Minority total enrollment in undergraduate programs increased by 6% and school administration by 17%. PRAXIS I scores remained stable, as well as the mean GPA. The overall PRAXIS II pass rate is 98%. School Leaders Licensure Assessment is again at 100%. The number of student teachers increased. The percentage of student teachers licensed remains relatively the same. Response rates from surveys remained good with respondents rating teacher education programs favorably. There is a decline in the number of lateral entry teachers issued programs of study and enrollment in classes. Institutions reported an increase in full time teacher education faculty and a decrease in part-time professional ed faculty employed full-time with the institution.

There are approximately 197 students enrolled in Senior II internship and 412 enrolled in Senior I this semester at ECU.

The State Board (SBE) approved a Policy for Defining Innovative/Experimental Programs for Lateral Entry Teacher Licensure. This experimental program is an alternative to the regular approved program and involves public schools, DPI and NC Professional Teaching Standards Commission (NCPTSC) in the planning and implementation of programs. A school system, community college, or college/university shall receive approval by the SBE before implementation. DPI shall issue a license to all individuals who complete these approved programs who are recommended by the school system, community college, or college/university system and who otherwise meet licensure requirements. When DPI receives a proposal to establish an alternative program, it will review the proposal in consultation with the NCPTSC, including making on-site visits with agencies as required. The State Evaluation Committee on Teacher Education will review the proposal and information from the on-site visit and recommend to the SBE whether or not the proposed program should be approved. The SBE will evaluate approved innovative/experimental programs annually based on a written report submitted by the school system or IHE and /or by an on-site State visitation team to assure that the program is preparing lateral entry teachers who can function effectively in the public schools. SBE may continue or terminate such programs.

Some public schools are not for this program, but as needs arise they may have to go this route.

Joe Ciechalski announced that the NC Association for Assessment in Counseling, a Division of the NC Counseling Association, is conducting a seminar on Friday, September 14, 2007 from 8-12 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Raleigh. The speaker is Dr. Lou Fabrizio, Director of Testing and Accountability Services, Division of the NC Department of Public Instruction. The title of the program is “Issues in the NC Testing and Accountability Program for 2007.” There is no charge for this conference and it is supported by the Counselor and Adult Education Department.

Linda High asked if PRAXIS II was required for students to receive a license.   Music ed encourages their students to take the test. Vivian Covington stated that if a student has 24 hours in core courses in their major, PRAXIS II is not required except for students seeking a license in elementary or special education. Physical education requires that students take the test while enrolled in their methods course. They do not have to pass it.

Agenda III – Old Business

Lynne Davis and Vivian Covington determined the number of Senior I Interns to participate in the BB&T Teacher Leadership Academy by the number of interns in each program during Fall 2006. The first academy begins this fall. Departmental coordinators should submit names of students, other than Teaching Fellows, with leadership potential by September 17, 2007 to Vivian Covington. Students will meet in early and late October, November, and December. The purpose of the academy is to expose individuals to school leadership. Another group will be selected in the spring.

Effective for anyone admitted to Upper Division on or after the first day of fall semester 2008, the technology course used for the admission requirement must be four or less years old at time of admission. A handout describing options will be emailed separately.

Agenda IV – New Business

Advisors of non-degree students need access to Internet Native Banner to help students register or have a department designated staff person to assist them. Self-Service Banner does not allow students to register for certain courses (meeting pre-requisites, etc). For overrides, advisors need to contact departments.

Mary Lisa Pories nominated Michael Brown as Vice-Chair. Joe Ciechalski seconded. He was elected by acclamation. The Vice-Chair acts in absence of the chair.

Two student representatives are needed to serve on the committee. Students in FACS and elementary served last year. Send names to Sherry Tripp or Vivian Covington.

The Ad-Hoc Committee for Graduate Programs will remain as a committee. Members are appointed by the chair. Information normally addressed in the Portfolio and Professional Studies Ad-Hoc Committees will be integrated in the standing committees.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Evaluation and Planning Committee elected Joe Ciechalski as chair. Members of other Standing Committees will meet next month to elect chairs.

Admission & Retention

Evaluation and Planning



Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – no report.

Meeting dates for 2007-2008

October 8, 2007                      January 14, 2008                    April 14, 2008

November 12, 2007                February 11, 2008

December 10, 2007                March 3, 2008 (first Monday due to spring break)

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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