September 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 8, 2008

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, September 8, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Tom Caron, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, Kay Dotson, David Gabbard, Linda High, Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Christine Shea, Jane Teleki, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Kathy Davis, Bill Grobe, Elizabeth Hodge, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, and PCS representative.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 14, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Everyone was welcomed back and new members, Kay Dotson, Chris Locklear and Christine Shea, were introduced. The Council for Teacher Education is the policy recommending body, represented by teacher education faculty. The number for each department is determined by the number of full time teacher education faculty holding continuing appointments. For reference, by-laws, minutes, and committees are posted on Outlook under Public Folders.

The Teacher Education Forum will be September 18-19, 2008 at the North Raleigh Hilton. CTE will pay the registration fee for CTE members. (Registration information–

The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook (Apple Book) is available at the book store and on line at There is updated information and new forms in the new book. Banner IDs have replaced social security numbers on the forms.

Pitt County Schools has revised the dress code for employees, which applies to student interns and volunteers, which include university supervisors. Inappropriate dress includes any clothing material made of denim, sweatpants, flip-flops and untucked shirts. A copy of the dress code will be emailed.

A list of the CTE sub-committees was included in the packet. Members should remain after the meeting to elect chairs of each committee (copy to be included in minutes).

Update on Teacher Education

All Senior I students must complete a “Consent to Perform Criminal History/background Check” form for the Local Education Agency’s use. Five or six counties request this form. A committee of IHE and LEA representatives and five attorneys formed an Ethics Committee and devised a three-page draft. Students with a criminal history have to go before the Ethics Committee at DPI prior to being licensed. Students are asked questions concerning convictions on the upper division application, prior to Senior I, internship application, and the license application. Instructors in early experience classes should emphasize the consequences of convictions.

Public school involvement is reported on the IHE Report and will continue to be a part of the report. This part of the report should have data that documents ECU’s involvement with public schools based on the school system’s needs. Let the Office of Teacher Education know what your department/area is doing.

Lynne Davis gave an assessment update and distributed a guideline for electronic evidences for teacher education programs. She has met with program coordinators and reviewed this in detail. The new program approval process focuses on outcomes rather than inputs and applies to initial teaching license program ONLY. The seven year on-site program review cycle will be replaced with an annual review of candidate evidences that meet standards for teachers based on a rubric that is aligned with the inservice teacher evaluation instrument. Annual reviews will be coordinated by the State Board of Education (SBE). Random electronic evidence samples from each institution will be reviewed each year. Specialty area programs will be reviewed on a systematic basis when a mass of program completers is reached, but at least once every seven years.

“Blueprints” of the proposed programs that have been re-visioned to meet the new standards for teachers and new specialty area standards need to be ready by May 2009 in order to submit by July 1, 2009 to the SBE. Blueprints are to include a description of how the program has been re-visioned to reflect 21st century knowledge, skills and dispositions and the rational for changes; how public school partners were involved in re-visioning and how they will be involved in the delivery; electronic evidences the institution will use; and the timeline for implementation. DPI promises approval by 9/1/09, giving time to process through curriculum committees in 2009-2010. These changes will affect students entering a teacher ed program in Fall 2010.

DPI has specified six pieces of evidence required for each program completer; content knowledge-breadth; content knowledge-depth; focus on design and delivery of instruction based on diverse needs; direct observation of teaching skills; impact, and leadership. The process is similar to the NCATE SPA program approval process. Each piece is aligned with standards. More specific descriptions of evidences were discussed.

We now need to begin the process of aligning curriculum with NCPTS and 21st Century Schools and plan how to involve and document input/feedback for school partners. We will use existing professional studies core courses for now until the Policy Committee brings a proposal to CTE and it is adopted. For each department that offers a professional studies course, please send an electronic version of syllabi to Vivian Covington.

New CTE sub committee assignments: Admission and Retention—recommendations for entrance and transition through program; Evaluation and Planning—recommendations about revising/developing evidence and Policy—recommendations for professional studies core.

DPI is having statewide training on the new process. Barton College is the closest location and will host the training on October 10, 2008. This training will focus on brainstorming ideas for evidence.   Dr. Davis recommended that the Evaluation and Planning Committee represent ECU.

In September, program coordinators will meet to focus on performance data—NCATE and SACS reports. The October meeting will focus on content area standards and content evidence. Hopefully in November, CTE committees will have reached decisions and ad hoc committees will be formed to develop guidelines, rubrics for new evidence or revise existing evidence. Finally, blueprints will be ready by the end of spring semester to submit to DPI in July. Because of budget cuts, funds will not be available for report writers. Please stay in close contact with your program coordinator and faculty to maintain communication about this process.

Chris Locklear, the Asst. Director of Enrollment Management, was introduced. In addition to his work with Wachovia Partnership East, he is working with campus wide teacher recruitment and enrollment management.

Agenda III – Old Business

An email was sent in August announcing the 2008 BB&T Teacher Leadership Academy. Please nominate your 2008 fall semester Senior I Students to participate in the BB&T Teacher Leadership Academy. All teacher education students who have a senior internship placement are eligible to be nominated. Please send names of students you wish to nominate to Louis Warren, by 3:00 pm on Friday, September 12th.

Agenda IV – New Business

A motion was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Marcela Ruiz-Funes to nominate Michael Brown as Vice-chair. Michael Bossé moved to close the nominations. Joe Ciechalski seconded and Michael Brown was elected by acclamation. The Vice-Chair acts in absence of the chair.

Please send names of potential student CTE representatives, junior level undergraduate and a graduate student to Vivian Covington or Sherry Tripp.

The Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach proposed a reduction in observation hours in the early experience class from 16 to 8 for students who were in the NC Teacher Cadet Program in high school. Michael Bossé moved to deny the request. The motion died for lack of a second. Vivian Covington continued with the details of the request. A motion was made by Michael Bossé and seconded by Joe Ciechalski to send this request to the Policy Committee. The motion passed.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention

Evaluation and Planning



Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs

No reports from all committees. All committees met and elected chairs.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be in the October 6, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

Committee Membership 2008-2009

Admission & Retention

Kathy Davis, CHAIR EXSS 5266
Lynne Davis C&I, Assessment 1129
Bill Grobe LEED 6499
Robbie Quinn ART 5182
Marcela Ruiz-Funes FORL 6045
Chris Shea C&I, Foundations 1134
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Evaluation and Planning

John Carlson THEA 2461
Joe Ciechalski COAD 4218
Lynne Davis C&I, Assessment 1129
Elizabeth Hodge MSIT, IT 6175
Tammy Lee, CHAIR SCIE 9364
Mary Lisa Pories SOCW 5547
Sarah Williams C&I, SPED 1101
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Curriculum (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00)

Carol Brown, CHAIR LSIT 1624
Michael Brown PSYC 4170
Tom Caron C&I, READ 737-2097
Lana Kay Dotson LS 2878
Meta(Greg) Downs(Givens) CSDI 744-6089(744-6102)
Linda High MUSC 4277
Jane Teleki CDFR, B-K 1330
TBD TBD Student Representative
Public School Representatives Latham Clinical Schools Network
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156



Rick Barnes HLTH 4238
Michael Bosse, CHAIR MSIT, MATE 9367
David Gabbard C&I, Foundations 6865, 367-9768
Betty Pell C&I, ELEM 6782
Mary Pickard CDFR, FACS 5714
Karli Ruscoe Alternative Licensure 2253
TBD TBD Student Representative
Kathy Davis Chair of Admission and Retention
Carol Brown Chair of Curriculum
Tammy Lee Chair of Evaluation and Planning
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

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