September 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 14, 2009

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2009-2010 academic year was held Monday, September 14, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Rick Barnes, Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kay Dotson, Dana Espinosa, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Linda High, Laura King, LCSN representative Chris Moxley, Diana Lys, Michael Meloth, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Sharon Schleigh, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Sarah Williams and visitor- Crystal Jones. Absent were Brenda Eastman and Bill Grobe.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Welcome and Approval of Minutes

Members were welcomed back and new members introduced.

Joe Ciechalski nominated Mike Brown for Vice-chair. Marcela Ruiz-Funes seconded the motion. Jane Teleki moved to close the nominations, which was seconded by Joe Ciechalski. Mike Brown was elected by acclamation.

The minutes from the April 13, 2009 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements and handouts were distributed.

The Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI) is a peer-reviewed, electronic journal providing a forum for the dissemination of articles focused on research, practice and related issues relevant to teaching and learning in the Pre K-12 environment. JoCI is supported by the Department of C&I in the College of Education. Articles are sought for the May 2010 issue, Recruiting and Retaining Teachers in High-Need Content and Geographic Areas. The submission deadline is October 15, 2009 at noon. For more information, contact

Teacher’s Toolbox Tuesdays will continue this year. The first session, The Ultimate You: Discovering the Pieces to Your Leadership Brand led by Ms. Chanel Sidbury will be September 22, 2009, 3-5:00 p.m., Mendenhall Student Center, Room 244. These are very good sessions for sophomores, juniors or Senior I students to attend (not Senior II students). If you have topics to present, your input is welcomed. It was suggested that the sessions be taped and added to a website for later viewing.   Registration is online at Click the COE OPD portal.

Highlights of the 2009 PDK Gallup Poll were distributed. The poll allows PDK members and other educators and policy makers to track public opinion about its public schools. Some topics included are No Child Left Behind, Teacher Pay and Dropouts. Results are available at

Information on the upcoming, Teacher Ed Forum, NC-ACTE, which is the combination of the NC group of AACTE and NC ATE, was distributed. The Forum will be held September 24-25, 2009 in Raleigh. The Office of Teacher Education reimburses the registration fee for CTE members.

The 2009 Welcome to Teacher Education handbook is available online for students, as well as, at the Dowdy Book Store and UBE.  The book has been streamlined and includes a section on Criminal Background Disclosure. The July 1 deadline for Senior I was designed for summer school students, not as a last minute date. Placing students at such a late date, puts a hardship on the student, public schools, and the Office of Clinical Experiences.

PRAXIS I and a 2.5 GPA will continue as a minimum entrance criteria. Members were reminded to let advisees know that PRAXIS test dates are online at Most tests are available on all dates; however, not all centers are open on all test dates. Their website has detailed information. PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on June 12, 2010. It is still available through the Prometric Testing Center at any time.   Elementary and special education area tests are required for licensure. Students with 24 hours of the approved program area courses in their content area are not required to take an area test.

Agenda III – Assessment Update

Diana Lys, Interim Assessment Coordinator, was introduced. She replaces Lynne Davis, who retired this summer. Dr. Lys will be in this position for two years. Her office is located in Speight 102. She and Dr. Covington recently attended the NCATE Conference in Arlington, VA. Dr. Lys gave an assessment update.


The initial licensure blueprints submitted in July are still being reviewed. The advanced teaching programs re-visioning will move forward this year. On July 1, 2010, we will be submitting revised advanced teaching programs (M.A.Eds) based on four evidences. Other school professionals will go forward in 2011.

SACS Plans and Reports

She is working with program area coordinators in the COE and teacher education. SACS plans in the COE are due in her office by October 1. She has contacted individuals outside the COE. NCATE Annual Summaries for COE and all other teacher education areas, due in her office November 1, are to be signed off by chairs prior to the due date.


TaskStream is the online assessment program for students completing a portfolio. Data collected will be used for program improvement. Data is not easily lost or wrongly manipulated in this program. The cost to the student will be approximately $69 (used 2 years). It is possible to build this cost into financial aid. A proposal will be taken to the Provost’s Council. The students can create a showcase portfolio for future job prospects. She is getting started with this program and conducting small group meetings for infrastructure. The first implementation will be with the initial licensure programs reporting to DPI and the next step will address the advanced teaching programs and others interested in incorporating TaskStream in their programs.

Goals for 2009-2010

We will look at revising the conceptual framework to include new professional teaching standards, review other NCATE requirements, progress reports, and initial and advanced exit surveys.

Agenda IV – Old Business

Dr. Covington reminded members that program area coordinators submit placement requests for students to the Office of Clinical Experiences. Presently there are 10 students not placed because of not receiving requests or applications until very late in the semester. Dr. Covington would like the Policy Committee to meet to review some of the current policies and procedures and the development of a policy related to convicted felons. Students can be admitted to the university with convictions. School systems have their policies as well as Teacher Licensure at DPI.

Agenda V – New Business

Please submit names to Dr. Covington for undergraduate and graduate student representatives. Undergraduates should be a junior, not in Senior I or II.

A standing committee list was distributed. Each committee assembled and elected a chair.  Committee members for each committee may be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

There being no further business, Michael Brown moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Joe Ciechalski. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. The next meeting will be October 19, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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