Council for Teacher Education
Minutes for September 13, 2010
The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, September 13, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 211. Members present: Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Virginia Parker for Brenda Eastman, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Cheryl Johnson, Laura King, Diana Lys, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Michele Wallen, and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Elizabeth Briggs, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Brenda Eastman, LCSN representative, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, and Sarah Williams.
Order of Business
New members were introduced and each member introduced themselves and the department and or program they represented. New members are Dawn Clark, Theatre and Dance; Mike Dawson, EXSS; Troy Jones, COE/C&I-Elementary; Cheryl Johnson, CDFR-FACS; Shari Steadman, COE/C&I-English Education and Michele Wallen, Health Education.
Agenda I – Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the April 12, 2010 meeting were accepted.
Agenda II – Announcements
Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.
The NC-ACTE Teacher Ed Forum will be held September 23-24, 2010 at the North Raleigh Hilton. A registration form was distributed. The registration deadline is September 17, 2010. CTE members or a representative for the member attending the Forum will be reimbursed for the registration fee by the Office of Teacher Education. The Forum allows private and public teacher education institutions a chance to communicate. ECU has had good representation in the past.
The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook (Apple book) can be found online at Click handbook and scroll to the Table of Contents. Click on the highlighted segment for the body of the book. Appendices are listed as a group or separately in the Table of Contents. The book contains the new five standards plus indicators, which replaced the old 16 competencies and indicators and new testing requirements for PRAXIS II. Effective 9/1/10 new tests are offered in Business, French, German, Spanish, Intro to Reading, Special Ed Adapted and General Curriculum. The foreign language tests will be by computer only. Elementary will offer test, Elementary Ed Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in paper format (0011) as well a new computer version 5011. The score is the same for both tests.
Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation
Dr. Lys reported that all undergraduate and MAT program blueprints submitted to NC DPI were approved by SBE in August 2010. There was a successful start to TaskStream (TS) trainings under the direction of Ellen Dobson.
DPI Updates
Master’s Program Revisions (all advanced teaching masters) are due to NC DPI on October 1st. She is currently compiling Master’s Blueprints to distribute to program areas for final review. DPI Evidence Portfolios have been built in TaskStream and Ellen Dobson will work with program coordinators to review evidence timelines and guide faculty toward training sessions in time for evidences to be implemented. New standards for Speech-Language Pathologists were approved by SBE over the summer.
Support for data collection for all teacher education programs will be provided. Data is to be distributed via CD by September 17th. She is working with IPAR to upload in TracDat. For 2011-12, all advanced teaching master’s programs may consider using the new Graduate Evidence 2-Leadership for their SACS Leadership Objective. For 2011-12, most undergraduate programs may begin using Electronic Evidence 6-Leadership for their SACS Leadership Objective. By using Annual NCATE Summaries for SACS documentation, this process is an example of how NCATE accredited programs close the assessment loop.
Ellen Dobson will coordinate meetings with program area faculty to complete the initial licensure program chart, first provided in spring 2010 (included in April 2010 minutes), to identify when programs need to jump into TS. Please be aware of TS training opportunities being blasted via email. Workshops are being offered from September 30 to October 8, 2010 for faculty who teach or will be teaching a course in which a DPI electronic evidence is required, intern supervisors, and early experience instructors. This is the same type of orientation workshop offered last spring. Registration is through the COE Office of Professional Development Portal Students may purchase access to TS online and the bookstore will have it available soon for individuals wanting to use financial aid. The cost is $25/semester; $42/year; $69/2 years and a break for each additional year added.
Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences
Karli Ruscoe reported that 500 Senior I interns have been placed, which is approximately 80 more than last year. There are 10 placements pending and 10 with issues. There are 200 Senior II students, which is higher than last year. The spring deadline for round one is November 5. She asked that program areas get as many applications in as possible by that date. January 7, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. is the last date. This date is only for those who had to complete a course prior to the deadline. This past spring, there was a huge number of applications for the July 1 deadline. She would like for the early May deadline to be moved to mid May. Too often students apply, are placed and then drop without notifying the appropriate offices. Program areas should notify the Office of Clinical Experiences when there are changes in a student’s program.
Wake County has established strict guidelines and deadlines for students wanting to intern or do practicum placements. Additional time is required by Wake County for placing students. Only if someone is employed or lives in Wake County, is in an online program, is a teacher assistant or has a hardship case will students be allowed to be placed in Wake County. The student is responsible for paying for the background check when placed outside the LCSN. Cumberland County takes 30 days to process requests for practica placements. More counties outside the LCSN may begin using this similar process also.
Agenda V – Old Business
The question of using National Board Certification as a course credit arose. The Graduate School determined in 2004 that students may not use the certification as a course credit. It may be used for credit for a class assignment(s), if the instructor is in agreement.
The purpose of CTE is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and public school community directly concerned with teacher education and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to teacher education at East Carolina University.
By-laws, minutes and committees may be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.
As of August 24, 2010, all students admitted to Upper Division are on the revised, approved programs with the new core, new standards and electronic/TS seven evidences.
Agenda VI – New Business
Michael Bossé nominated Mike Brown for Vice chair. Joe Ciechalski seconded the nomination. Jane Teleki moved to close the nominations, which was seconded by Michael Bossé. Mike Brown was elected by acclamation.
Two undergraduate and two graduate students representatives are needed to serve on CTE. Junior level students are preferred for the undergraduate representative and a master’s student with no internship scheduled for the spring for the graduate representatives. Please send the nominations to Vivian Covington.
Public schools will not permit students with charges pending to do practica or internships. Failure to disclose charges will result in the removal from the course and may result in permanent removal from Upper Division. Instructors in early experience and methods courses should remember to explain the importance of self- disclosure to students. Students with felony charges should be counseled out of teacher education. Johna Faulconer stated that she had advised students to be very careful of what they put on Facebook and to untag questionable photos of themselves.
David Gabbard asked that when advising students, remind them that they should be in Senior I while taking EDUC 4400. He had a number of students registered and were not eligible.
Standing Committees met to elect chairs (list is included).
Agenda VII – Standing Committees
Evaluation & Planning
Admission & Retention
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be October 18, due to fall break being the second Monday in the month, in Speight 312.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp
COUNCIL FOR TEACHER EDUCATION Committee Membership 2010-2011
Admission & Retention (5) 2 from COE plus DoTEd
Diana | Lys | Dean’s Office, Assessment 2037 |
Sharon | Schleigh | MSITE, SCIE 9683 |
Bill | Grobe, CHAIR | LEED 6499 |
Cynthia | Bickely-Green | ART 1293 |
Marcela | Ruiz-Funes | FORL 6045 |
Shari | Steadman | C&I, ENED 737-1535 |
Vivian | Covington | Chair of CTE 2156 |
Evaluation and Planning (6) 1 from COE plus DoTEd
Dawn | Clark | DNCE 6325 |
Joe | Ciechalski | COAD 4218 |
Diana | Lys | Dean’s Office, Assessment 2037 |
Ivan | Wallace | BITE 6983 |
Mike | Dawson, CHAIR | EXSS 1998 |
Brenda | Eastman | SOCW 4012 |
Sarah | Williams | C&I, SPED 1101 |
Vivian | Covington | Chair of CTE 2156 |
Curriculum (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00) (8) 2 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd
Carol | Brown, CHAIR | MSITE, IT 1624 |
Michael | Brown | PSYC 4170 |
Michele | Wallen | HLTH 737-1535 |
Elizabeth | Briggs | LIBS 1677 |
Troy | Jones | C&I, ELEM 737-2482 |
Jane | Teleki | CDFR, B-K 1330 |
Laura | King | C&I, SPED 737-2107 |
TBD | TBD | Student Representative |
Public School | Representatives | Latham Clinical Schools Network |
Vivian | Covington | Chair of CTE 2156 |
Policy (5) 1 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd
Johna | Faulconer | C&I, MIDG 5570 |
Michael | Bosse | MSITE, MATE 9367 |
David | Gabbard, CHAIR | C&I, Foundations 6865, 367-9768 |
Linda | High | MUSC 4277 |
Cheryl | Johnson | CDFR, FACS 5754 |
Karli | Ruscoe | Clinical Experiences/Alternative Licensure 2253 |
TBD | TBD | Student Representative |
Bill | Grobe | Chair of Admission and Retention |
Carol | Brown | Chair of Curriculum |
Mike | Dawson | Chair of Evaluation and Planning |
Vivian | Covington | Chair of CTE 2156 |