September 2011 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 12, 2011

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2011-2012 academic year was held Monday, September 12, 2011, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, Lena Carawan, John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Cheryl Johnson, Laura King, Diana Lys, Mark Malley, Susan Morgan, Lisa Rogerson, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Sarah Williams, and visitor Cynthia Bickley-Green. Absent were Mike Dawson, Johna Faulconer, Greg Hurley, and LCSN-PCS representative.

Order of Business

Everyone was welcomed to the first meeting of CTE. Members introduced themselves including new members, Lena Carawan (Social Work), Bethann Fine (Math/Science/Instructional Tech), Mark Malley (Art), and Lisa Rogerson (Curriculum & Instruction). Greg Hurley (Music) was absent.

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the April 11, 2011 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

The Teacher Education Forum will be held September 22-23, 2011 at the North Raleigh Hilton in Raleigh, NC. The Office of Teacher Education will reimburse CTE members for the registration fee.

September 23, 2011 is also ECU Assessment Day, which is a day designed to provide opportunities for individuals and program/unit teams new to outcomes assessment to acquire foundation knowledge about the field, for individuals familiar with outcome assessment to share their knowledge and those interested in outcomes assessment at any level to establish campus networks that serve as sources of support and expertise. As part of the day, college assessment posters will be presented.   The College of Fine Arts and Communication is allowed four posters and two for the College of Education. Each college is required to submit one poster, accounting for one experience with assessment in the college/academic programs, including concrete examples of practice and demonstrated use of results, showing how the use of results has impacted student learning.

The “Apple Book”, Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, is available in the book store and online at  Scroll to the Table of Contents to view and print the book.

An informational meeting regarding the use of TaskStream and TPAC will be presented soon at a Provost Council meeting.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on assessment and accreditation. DPI will provide professional development for the IHE faculty teams on the Common Core and Essential Standards for all content areas. This initiative is sponsored by ACRE and Race to the Top and is a collaborative effort among multiple NCDPI divisions. Three one-day institutes will be provided across the state and teams should plan on attending one location. Teams should not exceed two members per content area. CTE members are to share this with other faculty members and to send the names of interested individuals to Vivian Covington. She will submit the names of team members as a group. The times and places are:

October 7, 2011 Meredith College 7:30 am-4:30pm

October 10, 2011 UNC-Wilmington 7:30 am-4:30pm (the date was reported incorrectly at the meeting)

October 13, 2011 ASU 7:30am-4:30pm

The next NCATE visit is spring 2014. There are two options available; Continuous Improvement using electronic evidences or Transformation Initiative. More information will follow on the Transformation option.

A handout of future TaskStream trainings for Fall 2011 was distributed. Individuals teaching a course with evidence imbedded in a course must attend the orientation and evaluator trainings. An electronic copy was sent to CTE members to share with faculty.

Programs with a separate technology course other than EDTC 4001 will complete the same assignment as the EDTC 4001 course.

Clinical teachers will be submitting Form B, Disposition, an information form, and a mid-term Senior I support form through TaskStream ®. Online training or four face to face site meetings will be conducted by Ellen Dobson for clinical teachers.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL gave an update on placements. All interns have been placed. There are two coordinators assigning all students in practica placements. Within two weeks, all students should have practica placements.

Minor changes were made to the Internship Application to make the Upper Division admission date and GPA more visible. Proof of admission is to be attached to the application. Applications with incomplete statements cannot be processed. The application allows for students to list four counties in which they would like to be placed. It is important that four counties are selected, as the first choice may not be available. Students submitting their application in the first round have a better chance of getting the desired placement. The first round date for spring/fall placements is November 4, 2011 and second and final date is January 9, 2012, the first day of classes for spring. Placements will not be made without an application or an incomplete application. If you are aware that a student is cancelling an internship placement, please notify the Clinical Experiences Office.

Ms. Morgan reminded everyone that practica placements done in a day care or a setting other than a public school should still come through the placement coordinators. She thanked everyone for their work and is open to any suggestions.

Each program area coordinator received a list of current Senior I and II interns and were asked to check for accuracy.

Agenda V – Old Business

The purpose of CTE is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and public school community directly concerned with teacher education and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to teacher education at East Carolina University.

By-laws, minutes and committees may be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

Agenda VI – New Business

Mike Brown was elected Vice-Chair of CTE by acclamation.

Two student representatives in teacher education are needed to serve on the CTE Committee; two undergraduate students in their junior year and two graduate level students. One in each category will serve as an alternate.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Each standing committee met and elected a chair. Committees may be found in Outlook under Public Folders.

Curriculum, Mike Brown

Evaluation & Planning, Diana Lys

Admission & Retention, Sharon Schleigh

Policy, Johna Faulconer

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. The next meeting will be October 3, 2011 in Speight 312. (NOTE: This is the first Tuesday due to October 10 being fall break).

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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