September 2013 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 9, 2013

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, September 9, 2013, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present Members present: Barbara Brehm, Lena Carawan, Patch Clark, Angelo Collins, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS representative Tracy Cole, Laura Levi Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Ron Preston, Lisa Rogerson, Nanyoung Kim for Borim Song, Anne Ticknor for Shari Steadman, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Dan Boudah, James McKernan, and Kathy Misulis (excused).

Order of Business

Welcome and Introductions

Everyone was welcomed to the first meeting of CTE. Members introduced themselves including new members; Patch Clark (Theatre Arts), Hal Holloman (Ed Leadership), and Nate Von der Embse (School Psychology). New members absent were Dan Boudah (Special Ed/Research/Foundations), Borim Song (Art) and Kathy Misulis (Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education). The chair, the Director of Teacher Education, is the designee of the Dean of the College of Education responsible for the oversight of teacher education programs and is accountable to the Dean of the College of Education for all recommendations relating to such programs. All members serve on one of the four Standing Committees within the council.

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the April 8, 2013 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

The Fall Teacher Education Forum will be held at the North Raleigh Hilton September 19-20, 2013. The forum focuses on relevant topics in teacher education and one session pertains to DPI updates. The registration fee will be reimbursed to CTE members or a substitute from his/her program area by the Office of Teacher Education.

The Welcome to Teacher Education 2013 Handbook, “Apple Book” can be found online at educ/teached/Index.cfm by clicking on the title or picture, and hard copies can be purchased at Dowdy Book Store. Hard copies were distributed to faculty who teach the “early experience” course and CTE members in colleges housing undergraduate programs.

The chair asked that you read the Apple book thoroughly this year. There are many changes pertaining to testing and other items. PRAXIS I, PPST tests of Reading, Writing and Mathematics is being replaced by PRAXIS Core Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Students may take either tests for admission to Upper Division this year. If a student has taken part of the PPST, it is suggested that the student finish that series. A combination of PPST and PRAXIS Core cannot be combined. The combination of SAT or ACT tests may still be combined with PPST or the new Core tests. PRAXIS I will be discontinued June 30, 2014.

Specialty Area tests for Elementary and Special Education-General Curriculum are changing. For students completing and being recommended for a license after July 1, 2014, new tests are required. Elementary license candidates will take three (3) tests offered through Pearson Education. Special Ed-General Curriculum candidates will take three (3) tests offered through Pearson Education and the Core Knowledge test through ETS. Detailed information is on pages 7-8 in the Apple Book.

There is talk that Specialty Area tests may be re-instated for all licensure areas.

Core courses need a C or better for license, no C-s. Appendix 15 explains the grading criteria for internships. An undergraduate or post bach student earning a C- in internship or a MAT student earning a B- in internship cannot be recommended for a teaching license.

Appendix 16, Technical Standards, is new. These performance standards from critical thinking to personal behavior, which refer to the NC Professional Teaching Standards and the Code of Ethics for NC Educators, describe the non- academic qualifications essential for successful admission and progression in the teacher education program. It was strongly suggested by the university attorney that these performance standards be in writing and introduced early in a student’s program. Beginning with the Spring 2014 semester, students will receive this Technical Standards’ information in the Senior I and again in the Sr. II meetings as part of the statement they sign agreeing to abide by all policies.

The 2013 IHE Institute sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will be held September 23, 2013 at the Greenville Convention Center. The target audience is college and university faculty members with responsibilities for preparing future educators.

Ron Preston asked about the Criminal Background Form. Dr. Covington stated that it was not included in the 2013 Apple Book so students would not complete the form too early and have to pay another fee later for a current background check. Prior to Upper Division, students must disclose convictions. Dr. Laura Bilbro-Berry meets with all students who answer “yes” on the application. The Senior I application contains the same question concerning any convictions since admission to Upper Division. At the Senior I meeting, students are given information to complete the Criminal Background Disclosure prior to Senior II. At the final Senior II seminar, the license application also requires disclosure.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on DPI, CAEP (formerly NCATE) and SACS.

SACS – SACS reporting is due October 1. Program areas must enter information in TracDat.

DPI – No updates at this time.

CAEP (formerly NCATE) – Members were given a copy of the letter from The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) regarding ECU’s request to do a Transformative Initiative pathway for the 2015 review. The Committee on Transformation Initiatives (TI) reviewed ECU’s TI proposal and was very impressed with the proposal to develop a model to engage faculty in practice-based research on preparing novice teachers and improving candidate readiness, referred to informally as the Pirate CODE (Continuum of Developing Expertise). A rubric and aggregate feedback on ECU’s proposal from the Committee on TI was also distributed. ECU scored 95 out of 100 on the rubric. CAEP will visit in spring of 2015.

All programs are engaged in edTPA and ECU is the largest institution using EdTPA.

Graduate level programs have sought national recognition and a lot of information and data from those reports can be used for CAEP. The MSA sought and was awarded national recognition by the ELCC and the Special Education program just submitted to the CEC.

The ECU contact for TaskStream® support is Please use this first line of defense rather than emailing OTE, OCE, or the OAA.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences and Alternative Licensure

Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan reported that Alternative Licensure issued 29 Lateral Entry (LE) plans of study since June 1; 17 Spring 2013 NCT plans; 39 NCT summer online and 8 NCT blended. NC Teach applications are being accepted now for Spring 2014. Many inquiries and 44 plans for LO have been written since July 1. All LE teachers need a TaskStream® account and must complete evidences when they are enrolled in evidence-bearing courses.

Registration opens Oct. 18 for special populations. Susan Morgan’s office registers only LE and RALC students. Licensure only (LO) and add-on students are advised by program areas and their advisors are the ones who should assist them with registration. LOs do not convert to LE until the Alternative Office writes a plan of study for them. Until that time, they should remain as Los and be advised in the program area.

Alternative licensure template changes are needed as they occur, but no later than March 15, 2014. Please alert all advisors for LO and add-ons, to please inform the Office of Alternative Licensure if you make a substitution for a class for any student. OAL has to work with licensure to recommend them when they finish their Plan of Study. In order to do this, we check against the POS, and have no way of knowing when a program has made a substitution if we are not informed.

Clinical Experiences

Two hundred ninety-four (294) clinical teachers were trained this summer in five counties. Karen (Singer) Gammon will be sending a current list of trained clinical teachers to program areas by mid October.

The three coordinators Wendy Buck, Lindsay Jones and Karen Gammon place all practica requests, except some site-based courses. If you make a placement for site-based courses, the three coordinators need to know the student’s name and placement. They are responsible for ensuring the information gets loaded in TEMS to be available to program areas for reports for multiple uses, such as DPI, SACS, CAEP, UNC-GA low-enrollment reports, criticality justifications, etc. Email to

Lindsay Jones, in Clinical Experiences, compiles information for the LCSN Newsletter. Send any items you would like considered to her via email.

The fall 2013 early release date for Senior II interns is November 20, 2013. There are 571 Senior Is and IIs this fall. Sheila Jones will send a listing by program areas to the Program Coordinators.

Two undergraduate add-on plan meetings will be held this fall; October 2, Speight 129 and October 3, Speight 211 (choose one date). Students must bring a copy of an unofficial transcript from the end of Spring 2013 or Summer 2013. Students, adding on an area, must have a plan written by Alternative Licensure and on file except for Elementary and Special Ed majors adding reading to their license.

Senior I Application Meetings will be held September 27 in Mendenhall Great Rooms. Students may choose one of any of the times listed: 8:30-10:00, 10:30-12:00 or 1:00-2:00. Program Area Coordinators are welcome to attend.

Spring 2014/Fall 2014 Senior I Placement Round due dates are: Round 1 due to OCE by November 1 at 5:00 p.m., Round 2 due to OCE by January 13, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. The Welcome to Teacher Education Handbook (Apple Book) applies to all teacher education students. All questions regarding TaskStream® should be sent to, not to OCE.

Copies of the professional education calendars for Senior I and Senior II students were distributed. A copy of ECU Internship Procedures and Responsibilities for All Teacher Education Majors was also distributed (Appendix 4 in Apple Book). This form is signed by students in Senior I and again for Senior II and now includes the Technical Standards. If a student has a disability affecting their placement, the student must notify Liz Johnston, ECU ADA Coordinator of Disability Support Services, immediately.

Agenda V –Old Business

Bylaws, minutes and committees can be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

Agenda VI –New Business

Cheryl Johnson announced that the MAED in Family and Consumer Science is going online in the spring.

Nominations for a Vice-Chair were solicited. Cheryl Johnson volunteered to serve. Kylie Dotson-Blake seconded. Nominations were closed and Dr. Johnson was elected Vice-Chair of CTE by acclamation.

The chair asked for names for student representatives. Two undergraduate students and two graduate students are needed to serve on the committee, preferably not a student in Sr. II in the spring (would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as an alternate. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp,

Masters or Above Pay

Individuals currently being paid at the masters level or above this year, 2013-14, will continue to be paid at the same level. In order to be paid for higher degrees in the following year(s), an individual must be employed in a public school and paid at the higher level this year. Anyone employed and in a masters or above program, who does not complete by May 2014, will not be paid for the higher degree in the 2014-15 school year or thereafter unless budgetary changes are approved. In order for an individual to be paid at the higher level this school year, the Licensure Division of NCSDPI must receive, by May 7, an official letter under the signature of the Executive Director of Teacher Education and Dean of the Graduate School stating that the students’ names in this official letter are on track to receive a master’s degree or above and the recommendation for the higher level license at the spring commencement. This will allow the Local Education Agency or charter school to include the appropriate salary differential in the teacher’s final June 2014 payroll. In addition to the letter, students must complete the Recommendation Form, Form V, and submit the processing fee of $55.

Departments will need to work closely with students anticipating graduation this May. Further information will be forthcoming on this matter.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 for Standing Committees to meet and elect chairs. Committees and chairs are listed below.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention (5) at least 2 from COE plus DoTEd

Patch Clark CFAC, THEA
Hal Holloman COE, LEED
Diana Lys, Chair Director of Assessment & Accreditation
Angelo Collins COE, MSITE
Shari Steadman COE, LEHE
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Evaluation and Planning (6) at least 1 from COE plus DoTEd

Ron Preston COE, MSITE
Mike Dawson, Chair CHHP, KINE
Cheryl Johnson CHE, FACS
Jim McKernan COE, SERF
Kristen Cuthrell COE, ELMID
Kathy Misulis COE, LEHE
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Curriculum (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00) (8) at least 2 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Kylie Dotson-Blake COE, HACE
Bethann Fine COE, MSITE
Nate Von der Embse HCAS, PSYC
Lisa Rogerson COE, ELEM
Barbara Brehm CHE, B-K
Lena Carawan CHE, SOCW
Jamie Williams, Chair CHHP, HLTH
Ivan Wallace COE, ILS
Student Rep
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Policy (5) at least 1 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Student Rep
Jamie Williams Chair of Curriculum
Diana Lys Chair of Adm. & Ret.
Mike Dawson Chair of Eval. & Planning
Cynthia Wagoner CFAC, MUSC
Borim Song CFAC, ART
Susan Morgan Lead Coordinator, OCE/AL
Laura Levi Altstaedter, Chair HCAS, FORL
Dan Boudah COE, SERF
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

The next meeting will be October 14, 2013 in Speight 312.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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