September 2014 Minutes


Minutes for September 8, 2014

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, September 8, 2014 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 313.  Members present:  Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Bethann Fine, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representative Tiffany Vincent, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Sandra Seay, Lora Lee Smith Canter, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams.  Absent were Lena Carawan, Lisa Rogerson, Cynthia Wagoner, and Christy Walcott.

All were welcomed to the first meeting for this year and each member introduced themselves.  The programs of Adult Education, Counselor Education have merged with the Department of Information and Library Science to create one new department, called the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions (IDP).

Approval of Minutes April 14, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The Teacher Education Forum was September 25-26, 2014 at the North Raleigh Hilton.  Approximately 47 institutions with teacher education programs usually attend.  The Office of Teacher Education will reimburse the registration fee for CTE members.

The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, “Apple Book”, can be found online at by clicking on Handbook.  The book is more functional with most forms writable and savable.

The State Board of Education met September 4-5, 2014 and set the scores for the Pearson NCEL tests, which will replace the Elementary PRAXIS II test (#5015) and part of the tests required for Special Education-General Curriculum.  The scores for the Pearson NCEL tests are: Foundations of Reading, 229; General Curriculum-Multi-Subjects, 227; and General Curriculum-Mathematics, 227.  A handout showing the cut scores for the NC Tests for Educator Licensure (NCEL) was distributed.

A Licensure Exam Requirements Update was also distributed.  Individuals completing requirements for their initial teaching license on/after July 1, 2014 are required to take the appropriate test(s) for their license area.  However, N.C. General Statute 115C-296 Section 9.3 (c) directs the State Board of Education to permit applicants to meet licensure exam requirements during their second year of teaching provided the exam(s) were taken at least once during the first year of teaching. Given the need to adhere to both state and national requirements, refer to the information below to learn how this change applies to specific licensure areas.  This applies to all licensure areas requiring the test(s) for licensure with the exception of Special Education-General Curriculum and Elementary.

Special Education: General Curriculum

Effective October 1, 2014 – Special Education: General Curriculum initial teaching licensure candidates MUST pass the Praxis II 0543/5543 Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications exam PRIOR to being recommended by the IHE. This exam is used to meet the federal requirement of highly qualified.  Special Education: General Curriculum licensure applicants must then meet the remaining licensure exam requirements (Pearson’s Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum exams) in compliance with NC General Statues.  Special Education: General Curriculum candidates who do NOT pass the Pearson Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum exams prior to IHE recommendation are required:

  1.  to take the exam(s) at least once during their first year of teaching.
  2. to pass the exam(s) in order to convert the Standard Professional I license to the Standard Professional II license.

Elementary Education **

Effective October 1, 2014 – Elementary Education initial teaching licensure candidates must PASS the Pearson Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum exams PRIOR to being recommended by the IHE. These exams are used to meet the federal requirement of highly qualified.

**  Fall 2014 graduates/completers in elementary can use PRAXIS test 5015, if taken and passed by 9/30/2014.  Students testing after 9/30/2014 and program completers after Fall 2014, must take and pass the new Pearson tests.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an overview of CAEP and the upcoming visit.

In July 1, 2013, the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) created the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the unit accreditation body.  The CAEP onsite visit will be February 8-10, 2015.  A more detailed schedule will be available at the October meeting.

The Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) includes all programs at the institution who prepare candidates to work in P-12 educational settings.  During ECU’s 2006 NCATE visit, this same unit was called the Professional Education Unit.  All programs in the EPP are united by the Provost’s Council, the Council for Teacher Education, and the ECU Conceptual Framework for Educator Preparation.

ECU’s EPP is required by the UNC System to be nationally accredited by CAEP.  The ECU EPP elected, based on the support from the Council for Teacher Education and the Provost’s Council on Teacher Education, to pursue a Transformation Initiative (TI) Pathway.  Our TI is commonly called the Pirate CODE: Continuum of Developing Expertise.  ECU’s accreditation cycle was extended by one year – from Spring 2014 to Spring 2015 – when our TI was approved.  As a result, ECU was allowed to complete this accreditation visit under the old NCATE Standards, not the newly approved CAEP Standards.  Therefore, our visit is an NCATE-Legacy Transformation Initiative.

Once the Site Visit schedule is determined, individual faculty, candidates, clinical teachers, university supervisors and other EPP stakeholders may be asked to meet with the Site Visit Team.  CAEP Accreditation Board of Examiners Team members are Dr. W. Hal Knight, BOE Chair, East Tennessee State University; Dr. Linda F. Cornelious, Mississippi State University; Dr. Harold London, a high school principal in Norridge, Illinois and a visiting assistant professor at Depaul University; Mr. Thomas J. White, an elementary school teacher in Lynnwood, Washington; Dr. Pamela S. Wolfe, Penn State University; and Dr. Debbie Hill, consultant for NC Ready for Success.

The URL for the CAEP blog site is

There were no updates on DPI/Program Approval or SACS.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information.  Senior I and II Seminars were held in August.  For this fall there are 369 Senior I’s and 125 Senior II’s.  Practica placements were due early September.  Senior I applications for Spring 2015 are due November 3.  The last date to apply for spring/fall 2015 Internship is January 12, 2015.  Internship placement forms for Senior I/II interns requesting the list of their clinical teachers were sent to Program Area Coordinators earlier.  Licensure Only and Lateral Entry inquiries are up with 85 plans of study completed in one month.  Licensure Only Plans of Study are no longer on the website.  Students were taking courses without approval or guidance.  If anyone has anything to submit in the LCSN Newsletter, please send it to

Old Business

The purpose of CTE is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and public school community directly concerned with educator preparation and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to educator preparation at East Carolina University.  The Director of Teacher Education will serve as permanent Chair of the Council.  Bylaws, minutes and committees can be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

New Business

The chair plans to discuss with the university attorney the possibility of allowing interns to go out a week prior to the beginning of the semester to get end of year data sooner for SACS purposes.

Applications for 149 “early spring” graduates completing a graduate level degree in May were submitted to DPI prior to the deadline of May 7, 2014.  The advanced pay will be awarded if an individual has enrolled in a graduate course by the 2013 Summer Session. We assume this means a course that will count towards a Master’s degree program.

A requirement to enter an M.A.Ed program is that the individual hold or be eligible to hold a NC license.  Some students that are not eligible have wanted to pursue this degree, knowing that a license cannot be obtained.  Two options are being discussed; create a M.A. degree with different tracks or generate a waiver process with a statement added to their transcript.  This could increase graduate enrollment also.

Nominations for a Vice-Chair were solicited.  Patch Clark volunteered to serve.  Kathy Misulis moved to close the nominations, and the motion was seconded.  Nominations were closed and Sheri Steadman moved to accept Dr. Patch Clark by acclamation, and the motion was seconded by Charity Cayton.  Dr. Patch Clark was elected Vice-Chair of CTE by acclamation.

The chair asked for names for student representatives.  Two undergraduate students and two graduate students are needed to serve on the committee, preferably not a student in Sr. II in the spring (would include MAT students).  One student in each category would serve as an alternate.  Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp,

Members remained after the meeting to elect chairs of the Standing Committees.


Committee Membership 2014-2015

Admission & Retention (5) at least 2 from COE plus DoTEd

Patch Clark CFAC, THEA
Hal Holloman COE, LEED
Diana Lys Director of Assessment & Accreditation
Charity Cayton COE, MSITE
Shari Steadman, Chair COE, LEHE
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Evaluation and Planning (6) at least 1 from COE plus DoTEd

Liz Doster-Taft COE, MSITE
Jeff Pizzutilla CHHP, KINE
Cheryl Johnson CHE, FACS
Lora lee Smith Canter COE, SEFR
Kristen Cuthrell, Chair COE, ELMID
Kathy Misulis COE, LEHE
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Curriculum   (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00) (8) at least 2 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Bethann Fine COE, MSITE
Christy Walcott HCAS, PSYC
Lisa Rogerson COE, ELEM
Barbara Brehm CHE, B-K
Lena Carawan CHE, SOCW
Jamie Williams, Chair CHHP, HLTH
Ivan Wallace COE, IDP
Student Rep
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Policy (5) at least 1 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Student Rep
 Jamie Williams Chair of Curriculum
 Shari Steadman Chair of Admissions & Retention
 Kristen Cuthrell Chair of Evaluation & Planning
Cynthia Wagoner CFAC, MUSC
Nanyoung Kim CFAC, ART
Susan Morgan Lead Coordinator, OCE/AL
Laura Levi Altstaedter, Chair HCAS,  FORL
Sandra Seay COE, SEFR
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – No report

Evaluation & Planning Committee – (Refer to the April 2014 minutes)

The committee met March 31, 2014 and discussed a process description for innovations/pilots.  After reviewing the report from the E & P committee, a motion was made in April to table this discussion until the first meeting in September.  A vote will be taken in October.

Admissions & Retention – No report

Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.  The next meeting will be October 20, 2014 in Speight 313. NOTE **This is the 3rd Monday due to Fall Beak October 13-14, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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