September 2017 Minutes


Minutes for September 11, 2017

The first meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2017-2018 academic year was held Monday, September 11, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Jennifer Adams, Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Ellen Dobson, Johna Faulconer, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representative Willie Joyner, Nanyoung Kim, Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Nicole Smith, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.  Visitors in attendance were Crystal Jones, Angie McCoy and Shari Steadman.  Absent were Caitlin Ryan, Christina Tschida, and Christy Walcott.

All were welcomed to the first meeting for this year and each member introduced themselves. New members for this year are Johna Faulconer (LEHE), Cheryl Johnson (rotating with Bernice Dodor (HDFS), Willie Joyner (LCSN-PCS), Nanyoung Kim (Art), Rhea Miles (MSITE), and Dan Novey (LEED).  Caitlin Ryan (LEHE) and Christina Tschida (ELMID) were unable to attend.

Approval of Minutes April 10, 2017 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The NC-ACTE Conference, also called the Teacher Education Forum, will be September 21-22, 2017 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Public and private institutions with teacher education programs normally attend the Forum.  On Thursday, a reception will be held for the Student Teacher of the Year nominees.  Rebecca Poole, a mathematics education student is representing ECU as one of six finalists.  The Office of Educator Preparation will reimburse the registration fee for CEP members or a representative in place of the CEP member.  The registration fee is $150; on-site registration is by check only.  Contact Lee Gaylord, concerning the reimbursement to your department. A receipt will be required.

The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, “Apple Book”, can be found online at Minor changes and clarifications were made.  Hard copies are available at the Dowdy Student Stores on campus. Please note references to the 2.7 GPA requirement beginning with all candidates, regardless of pipeline, admitted to UD on or after July 1, 2017. This new requirement will be upheld if a person was previously admitted under the 2.5, their GPA drops, and needs readmission. They will have to meet the new 2.7 requirement for readmission.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Ellen Dobson gave an update on CAEP. The next accreditation visit will be in 2021 by CAEP.  The last visit was a NCATE Legacy visit.  CAEP standards will be used this time.  Initial licensure programs will use InTASC, CAEP and NCDPI standards.  Advanced program will use CAEP and NCDPI advanced standards

Faculty will identify key assessments for their program (2 key assessments), conduct self-review, and revise assessments. Assessment will be reviewed using CAEP Evaluation Framework For EPP-created Assessments. Faculty will revise assessment based on review. Data collection begins fall 2018.

Diversity and Technology are no longer their own standards but rather are now cross cutting themes with the expectation that they are taught throughout your program. Diversity refers to the incorporation of multiple perspectives, respect, and responsiveness to cultural differences, and candidate understanding of their own frames of references.  Technology refers to the incorporation of technology to improve teaching effectiveness, enhance instruction, and manage student and assessment data while engaging in the application of technology to enhance their learning experiences.

In addition, for the UG level programs, the Intern Progress Report needs revision. And, NCDPI is working on a Dispositions tool that will be considered valid and reliable and IHEs can use it.

(Informational documents regarding the process were emailed to CEP members).

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith gave the following report.

Intern II Seminars for 107 candidates were held Monday, August 21. The early release date for fall interns is November 22.  Contact Angie McCoy regarding early release requests.  Intern I Seminars for 307 candidates were held Friday, August 25.

Practica placements are in full swing. An Add-on Meeting was held for degree seeking students wanting to add an additional license area.  No students responded.

A University Supervisor’s meeting was held on Monday, August 17. Several Clinical Teacher training meetings were held over the summer.  One hundred twenty-nine new clinical teachers were trained.

Internship application meetings for spring 2018 will be held October 12 from 2-4 in Speight 305 and 313 and October 13 from 9-11 in Speight 211 and 2-4 in Speight 212. Online students may use the Media Desktop Recorder (MDR) in lieu of attending the meeting.  This is only for students in approved online UG programs.

Old Business

The purpose of CEP is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and the public school community directly concerned with educator preparation and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to educator preparation at East Carolina University. The Executive Director of Educator Preparation will serve as permanent Chair of the Council.  Bylaws, members, minutes and committees can be found at CEP members should report information to faculty in their respective department areas as a primary function of their role on CEP.

In regards to the university substitutions project, Dr. Covington is working with the SEFR department and the Registrar to have EDU 216 from the NCCCS come in as direct substitution for EDUC 3200, rather than as a generic transfer course. The substitutions project should be in to UCC by October 12. These curricula changes do not go through regular channels but rather they should be submitted to the UCC mailbox, not in the Curriculog system.

Members were reminded of the 2.7 GPA requirement. Students being admitted to Upper Division as July 1, 2017 must have a 2.7 or higher GPA.

SB 599 Implications for Ed Prep: This bill (now law) has a component that will allow for profit, private entities to prepare teacher educators. At least one but not more than four can be approved to begin enrolling candidates fall 2018. The entities must be approved by the new Standards Commission (also created in this law). The application was supposed to be ready by September 1 with an October 1 due date and selection completed by November 1. The commission has not met to date.

New Business

By acclamation, Jeff Pizzutilla was elected as Vice-Chair to serve in the absence of the Chair.

The chair asked for names for two student representatives at the undergraduate and graduate level to serve on the council, preferably not a student in Intern II in the spring (which would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as the rep and one in each category would serve as an alternate.  Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp, (Since the meeting, two undergraduate representatives have been selected).

A chart from UNC General Administration showing enrollments by institutions from fall 2010 to fall 2016 was distributed. ECU had the highest counts in the master’s and other degree programs than other schools, but had a lower count at the bachelor’s level.

WRAL reported that the ECU pass rate for licensure tests was below 70%. This was reported in error and retracted by them later. A formal apology letter was sent to the Dean form DPI and the SBE minutes are being corrected.

The Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education added a math course for elementary and special education – general curriculum majors to help with the Pearson General Curriculum Mathematics subtest. It is suggested that students take the Pearson subtests of Mathematics and Multi-subjects early after taking their early general education coursework when this knowledge is most fresh in their minds.

Members were reminded that placement requests need to be made with “low-performing” schools where practicable as part of the new legislation. Clinical teachers should be meeting the state criteria, which was changed from accomplished to proficient.

A committee list was distributed and members were asked to remain after the meeting to elect a chair for each Standing Committee.


Committee Membership 2017-2018

** Denotes Chair

Admission & Retention (5) at least 2 from COE plus DoTEd

MarissaNesbitCFAC, DANCE
EllenDobsonDirector of Assessment & Accreditation
CharityCayton**COE, MSITE
CaitlynRyanCOE, LEHE
VivianCovingtonChair of CEP 2156

Evaluation and Planning (6) at least 1 from COE plus DoTEd

JeffPizzutillaCHHP, KINE
Bernice/CherylDodor/JohnsonHDFS, FACS
LauraKing**COE, SEFR
JenniferAdamsCOE, ELMID
JohnaFaulconerCOE, LEHE
VivianCovingtonChair of CEP 2156

Curriculum   (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00) (8) at least 2 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

ElaineYontz**COE, IDP
ChristyWalcottHCAS, PSYC
ChristinaTschidaCOE, ELMID
BarbaraBrehmHDFS, B-K
CynthiaWagonerCFAC, MUSC
JamieWilliamsCHHP, HLTH
Lora LeeSmith-CanterCOE, SEFR
  Student Rep
VivianCovingtonChair of CEP 2156

Policy (5) at least 1 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

KatieWhiteStudent Rep – DNCE
ElaineYontzChair of Curriculum
CharityCaytonChair of Admissions & Retention
LauraKingChair of Evaluation & Planning
KevinWhiteCHE, SOCW
NanyoungKimCFAC, ART
NicoleSmithLead Coordinator, OCE/AL
LauraLevi Altstaedter**HCAS, FORL
IvanWallaceCOE, IDP
VivianCovingtonChair of CEP 2156

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting will be October 16, 2017 in Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m. Note: This is the 3rd Monday due to fall break.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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