Jonas’ text chapter blog post assignment and commentary

Subject matter content is organized by chapters in 2 overarching sections or parts of the Jonas’ text: U.S. Health Care System: Present State and U.S. Health Care System in Transition: How We Got Here and Where We Are Going. The chapters are arranged by folders on the Canvas course site and also contain journal articles and periodicals that support and offer a different perspective on the same topic area. Original Blog posting responsibilities will be assigned as indicated below. While each person listed per chapter grouping below is responsible for writing a blog post based on their reading of the text content , I encourage group members to monitor blog postings from their grouping and provide feedback (comments) to their colleagues. If your name does not appear below let me know ASAP! Note the due dates:

  • Chps 1 and 2 – 6 AM Aug 28 – Beaver, Chambers, Cummings
  • Chps 3 and 4 – 6 AM Sept 4 – Dorshimer, Gorman
  • Chps 5 and 6 – 6 AM Sept 11 – Haley, Jones
  • Chps 7 and 8 – 6 AM Sept 18- Neboloisa, Nicholson
  • Chps 9 and 10 – 6 AM Sept 25 – O’Neal, Paschall
  • Chps 11 and 12 – 6 AM Oct 2 – Troutman, Warlick, Zakher

Commentary” is meant to do 2 things:

  1. respond to the author and provide her with feedback…For example state why you agree or disagree with her thesis or
  2. elaborate further on what was stated by adding information you believe should have been included.

Commentary, then, is meant to keep the conversation going and add to our learning! With that in mind, try to keep up with Jonas chapter unit blogs and respond as they are being posted.

While commentaries/replies are meant to be posted ASAP to keep up the conversation started by the original blogger, the deadline for all commentary/reply postings is at Noon on Oct 4.

You can click on the link below to get to Blogging in COHE 6000 guidelines