Below is a list of prospective studies for graduate-level research projects based in Currituck County
Local Watercraft Traditions (below is a short list).
- Watercraft modifications in Currituck during the Prohibition era (one boat from this era is known to exist in the county);
- The development of tunnel boats;
- The development of the Currituck skiff;
- The history of Walker-built boats;
- The Hayman family of boat builders;
- Innovations in documenting historic small watercraft from Currituck county small boat collections (numerous topics available).
- The “Sanctification Ark” and water-based religious activity;
Maritime Hunting Traditions
- The development of sneak and sink boxes;
- The maritime cultural landscapes of hunting (many areas, including focus on site types such as marsh/point blinds in the landscape, or the underwater remains of hunting infrastructure);
Shipwreck-based study opportunities (multiple approaches available)
- Undine (wrecked 1912);
- Brooklyn (wrecked 1876);
- Anonyona/Anonyana at Swan Island Hunt Club (wrecked 1870 or 1872);
- Shipwreck distribution studies of Currituck Sound (followup of Meverden Thesis);
- Documentation of the “Corolla Wreck” (now at Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, Hatteras).
Modern Maritime Material Culture Studies
- Outboard engines;
- Decoys;
Maritime Infrastructure
- Re-use of shipwreck structures and debris in Currituck buildings;
- Maritime archaeology of Currituck County shipyards (special emphasis on Macknight Shipyard);
- Submerged maritime archaeological resources of Port Currituck;
- The maritime archaeology of Long Point Gas Works (Long Point Island, Coinjock Bay);