Explore Artifacts and Cultures
through Digital Humanities:
Discover the vibrant culture of Argentina
through the eyes of our students!
2022 Digital
Buenos Aires
The 2022 Digital Buenos Aires interactive map includes digital artifacts documented and researched by Nina Carrillo Corujo and Julia Kohake, who studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the summer of 2022 through a faculty-led study abroad program co-directed by Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter and Dr. Mauro Falasca. The design team also includes Lily Johnson, Ed Tech Consultant in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. The artifacts (captions, videos, still images and audio) can all be accessed for free using the link below.
2019 Digital
Buenos Aires
Housed initially in Omeka, Digital Buenos Aires began in 2019 as part of a faculty-led study abroad program co-directed by Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter and Prof. Magalí Krosl. The design team included Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter, Prof. Magalí Krosl, Dr. Irina Swain (previous Ed. Tech Consultant in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures), Brandon Suggs (graduate assistant) and study abroad students Makayla Harris, Lena Hobson, Max Kilgore, Brianna Plumb, and Garrett Reid. The artifacts (captions, videos, still images and audio) can all be accessed for free using the link below.
About Digital Buenos Aires
Digital Buenos Aires started during a Summer 2019 Study Abroad Program in Buenos Aires with a project that asked students to collaborate on the creation of a group digital project: Digital Buenos Aires, which consists of the mapping of digital artifacts (images, texts, audio, videos) compiled by the students during their cultural visits around Buenos Aires. Throughout this study abroad experience, students captured digital artifacts (images, videos) during the visits and created relevant supporting artifacts (audio, text, in English) to provide context for the digital artifacts. This project was designed and led by Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter, with the collaboration of Prof. Magalí Krosl, Dr. Irina Swain, and Brandon Suggs, as well as Makayla Harris, Lena Hobson, Max Kilgore, Brianna Plumb, and Garrett Reid.
Photo Gallery: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photos provided by Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter