About Us

and who we are

Digital Buenos Aires started during a Summer 2019 Study Abroad Program in Buenos Aires with a project that asked students to collaborate on the creation of a group digital project: Digital Buenos Aires, which consists of the mapping of digital artifacts (images, texts, audio, videos) compiled by the students during their cultural visits around Buenos Aires. Throughout this study abroad experience, students captured digital artifacts (images, videos) during the visits and created relevant supporting artifacts (audio, text, in English) to provide context for the digital artifacts. This project was designed and led by Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter, with the collaboration of Prof. Magalí Krosl, Dr. Irina Swain, and Brandon Suggs, as well as Makayla Harris, Lena Hobson, Max Kilgore, Brianna Plumb, and Garrett Reid.

Since then, Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter added a new advanced Spanish Directed Readings course for students who studied abroad in her and Dr. Mauro Falasca’s faculty-led Summer in Buenos Aires program. The goal of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to explore more in depth spaces and places visited as part of their study abroad experience and connect of those spaces and places to their academic experiences at ECU . The updated Digital Buenos Aires project part of the Directed Readings course allowed Dr. Levi Altstaedter and her team to add the opportunity for advanced Spanish students interested in designing and implementing a Digital Humanities project connected to their study abroad experience upon return from their program.

Faculty and Staff

Dr. Laura Levi Altstaedter

Dr. Levi Altstaedter’s research focuses primarily on second language pedagogical innovation at the college level. Her research has focused on second language writing, particularly on how peer feedback impacts students’ writing proficiency in their L2, as well as on technology-mediated L2 instruction. She also specializes in L2 student motivation and has published on student perceptions of second language assessment and pedagogical innovations such as a Spanish for Health Professions course. Her background includes a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Wake Forest University, as well as a an MA in History/Latin American Studies, a Future Professoriate Graduate Certificate, and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, Second Language Education, from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She holds NC teaching licenses in Spanish K-12 and Academically and Intellectually Gifted.

Lily Johnson

After completing her degree in Information and Computer Technology with a concentration in Security, Lily was inspired to work for the department of Foreign Languages and Literatures by childhood experiences abroad. Lily lived in Japan for 18 years prior to moving to the US and has a deep love for foreign cultures. She has enjoyed working as an Educational Technology Consultant because it has allowed her to work closely with faculty and students, to combine her knowledge of technology and love for language and culture to enhance the faculty-student teaching and learning experiences.

Student Researchers

2024 Student Researchers

Coming soon…

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