March Updates

  • A BIG congratulations to DrPH candidate, Avian White and faculty mentor, Dr Stephanie Richards on their recent publication in the latest issue of the National Journal of Environmental Health!
  • Congratulations to Dr Lok Pokhrel on his recent presentation at the 2022, Mid-Atlantic Mosquito Control Association. Congrats Dr. Pokhrel!
  • Comprehensive exams are being scheduled for May 9th – 11th. If you think you qualify, please contact Dr. Kearney. We are always ready to advise and guide, but students are responsible for monitoring their own course progress. Please alert us when you are ready, or nearing that point, always happy to help.
  • We welcome two new Pirate team members to assist with our DrPH program, Brandy L. Wilson and Lynette Norville.  Brandy is our new student services coordinator and can assist with any questions regarding registration and course offerings.  Lynette will be assisting with PUBH Field Practicum paperwork and helping to schedule the DrPH qualifying comprehensive exams.  We welcome both Brandy and Lynette and are certainly happy to have them join our department and appreciate all of their help!
  • Please keep in mind that students cannot register for PUBH 8684 Field Practicum or PUBH 9000 until all required paperwork has been submitted and approved by your faculty advisor and the program director. This is very important! Please consult with us before trying to register for either of these courses.
  • New operating procedures, that will include checklists are in development to better inform and guide students through the dissertation process while improving communication for all. Please look for those guidelines in the near future.
  • Thanks to those students that attended the Town Hall with Dr Lazorick and providing input and feedback.  Based on your suggestions, we are currently working on a DrPH student directory and other ideas that were raised.  If you would like to be listed in the directory, please Please send Brandy the following information:
    • a photo
    • what year you are in the program
    • brief bio, interests for dissertation
    • current job
    • any specific work experiences
    • email address
  • Last, on a general note, please remember that your dissertation topic and related research questions are critical to the DrPH process.  No matter where you are in the curriculum, please make the most of your time and begin communicating with any of the faculty about your research interests.  Doing so will help us guide you with identifying available resources, the appropriate committee members, IRB process and crossing the DrPH finish line in a timely manner.

Dear DrPH Students.

The 3-day, final comprehensive exam will be administered following spring semester on May 9th , 10th and 11th, 2022.

To qualify to sit for the exam, you must have completed the necessary coursework, not including the field practicum (PUBH 8684).

To determine if you qualify to take the exam, please refer to the EOH student handbook for requirements. If you do qualify or have questions, please complete the attached form and submit/contact  Dr Kearney prior to March 15th.

Thank you.

-Dr. Kearney

North Carolina Space Grant is offering an graduate fellowship opportunity in the amount of $10,000.

For more information about this opportunity, please visit: