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NSF CRISES Planning Grant – Building a Center for Resiliency in Rapidly Developing Communities

What is this planning project about?

We are planning for a future Center for Resiliency in Rapidly Developing Communities (CRRDC). Planning activities for the CRRDC focus on key elements for the development of an effective organizational design of a center, including the mission statement, strategic goals and objectives, key positions and personnel needed, scope of research and outreach activities, and mechanisms to build a solid network of academic researchers and community partners to provide timely and consequential assistance to improving outcomes for communities.


Why focus on rapid growth and resiliency?

Evolving patterns of growth and migration impact the ability to understand and respond to global climate change. Due, in part, to historically high housing prices exacerbated by rising interest rates and inflation and the social changes that resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic, the United States is experiencing new rapid population shifts with implications for the pursuit and potential successes of environmental, economic, and social policy. Many of the areas that are and have experienced rapid growth are those with historically lower cost of living, are identified as or near Justice40 disadvantaged areas, and are perceived to have more desirable climates. However, many of these regions are home to ecologically sensitive and critical habitats that are at risk from sea level rise while also being prone to natural hazards, extreme weather events, and other negative effects associated with human activities. The impact of human activities can amplify the intensity and frequency of natural hazards while increasing the general risk and costs of recovery.

Interested in joining our planning group?

Our planning timeline will conclude at the end of 2024. We meet virtually every month and have two workshops planned for December 2023 and Fall 2024. If you have any additional questions or would like to learn more, please email Samantha Mosier (

If you are ready to join our group

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation through the CRISES program under Grant Number 2334144.