Visit the Continuing and Professional Education website to register for the microcredentials offered this fall!

Reimagining Professional Learning for Educational Leaders

Working educational leaders need personalized and flexible professional learning experiences to learn and practice new knowledge and/or skills and demonstrate new competencies. Our approach to professional learning is two tiered. We offer 8-week Microcredential experiences that engage leaders in specific content (e.g., equitable academic discourse, authentic community engagement) that transforms leadership. Additionally, we listen to educational leaders in schools and districts and consider ways to craft customized learning specific to the needs in that community, bridging research and practice.


We offer a series of Microcredentials applicable to educational development.

Customizable Educational Leadership Development

We believe, the people closest to the issues are the best situated to discover answers to local concerns. Our team partners with teams of educational leaders to listen and customize educational leadership development that meets the needs of schools and districts.