Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? New study says not

Nov 30th
Blog post

naturally this article knows that men aren’t from Mars and women aren’t from Venus, however the old saying that refers to men and women brains of operating differently has had new evidence against it. After a study of 1400 men and women, they have found absolutely no difference in brain functions between men and women. The variance between brain functions only varied from 0-8%, taking into account the unique genetic composition of an individuals brain, regardless of gender.
The research has found that even though brains show difference, gender or sex is not a significant indicator of these differences. To me this is important because it shows how big of an impact socialization has on males and females in society. Naturally there are biological differences between men and women, but the fact that we are led to believe that males and females are smarter in different subjects has been strongly suggested to be a myth due to this study. To me this means that socialization has a larger impact on education that the persons actual gender or sex.