Jobs where women earn less and more than men

The Glass Door study just examine the specific occupations where women earn less than men and the few where they earn more. So, for example, women who are computer scientists with the same level of experience, earn 72 cents for every dollar by men. The catch is that the occupations where women earn more than men are generally low paid overall and much lower paid than the ones where men dominate.

Top occupations where women earn the least relative to every dollar men in the same position make:

1. Computer programmer – 72 cents

2. Chef – 72 cents

3. Dentist – 72 cents

4. C-Suite – 72 cents

5. Psychologist – 73 cents

6. Pharmacist – 78 cents

7. CAD designer – 78 cents

8. Physician – 82 cents

9. Optician – 83 cents

10. Pilot – 84 cents

Top occupations where women earn more than every dollar their male peers make:

1. Social worker – $1.08

2. Merchandiser – $1.08

3. Research assistant – $1.07

4. Purchasing specialist – $1.06

5. Physician advisor – $1.02

6. Communications associate – $1.02

7. Social media – $1.02

8. Health educator – $1.01

9. Procurement – $1.01

10. Business coordinators and therapists – $1.01