About the Lab

Welcome to the Health Disparities Interventions Lab!

The Health Disparities Interventions Lab focuses on evaluating and disseminating psychosocial interventions to improve adjustment to and self-management of chronic diseases in disparity populations. Current research projects address disparities in chronic disease outcomes affecting racial and ethnic groups and medically-undeserved populations who often have compound economic, social, behavioral, and psychological risks for poorer health outcomes and higher mortality rates.

The Lab also focuses on interventions along the entire chronic disease continuum from prevention, to screening, diagnosis, treatment and ongoing disease management. Ongoing intervention research projects are evaluating psychosocial interventions for patients with cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, and those experiencing multiple chronic conditions.

Our lab, led by Dr. Lisa Campbell, is part of the Health Psychology Doctoral Program (Clinical Concentration) at East Carolina University. See the diagram below for an illustration of areas of interests.