
Welcome to COHE 6000 blog space. This is the home page and it will display every time you visit to remind you of the written assignments for this course.  The purpose of the course blog is to be a medium for communication and learning as well as to provide the physical space for posting the following assignment deliverables:

3 original blog posts

3 reply/commentary posts

  • 1 reply to a colleague’s original Jonas’ post (up to one day after the original blog post deadline; check Jonas blog schedule here)
  • 1 reply/comment for a colleague’s original HBR article post (Feb. 13 – 17)
  • 1 reply to a colleague’s “PBS”  film review (Jan. 24 – Feb. 20) OR reply to An American Sickness book review (again ASAP but deadline for this reply/comment is Feb. 21)

Refer to the Course Syllabus in Canvas for more detailed information about how the course is organized and how students will be evaluated. For example, don’t forget to complete the Jonas text chapter quizzes for Chps 1-11 located in the learning modules on the canvas course.

Go to  canvas now to link to the course site and read the syllabus as well as other content material.

Ready to read blogs? Scroll back up to “Menu” select “Blog” and you will be on the blog page where you can read blog content posted by me and your colleagues in the class.