Kit Bjerk – Introduction

Hey my name is Christopher Bjerk, my preferred name is Kit but will answer to either. I am from Archdale NC and completed undergrad at Appalachian State University. I am an MS student in Nutrition and am taking this course as an elective. I choose this course because I work for a WIC as a Nutritionist and want a better understanding of the Health care system due many of the clients I work with having limited access to health care. I believe that if I gain a better understanding of the health care system I will be able to provide better support for the population that I work with. In my free time I enjoy biking and being in the outdoors.

1 thought on “Kit Bjerk – Introduction”

  1. Hi Mr. Bjerk,
    Thank you for your intro message and welcome to the course. WIC is a valuable federal program run through the department of agriculture to help ensure vulnerable populations such as low income pregnant women and their children can access basic healthful nutrition. Many beneficiaries of the program are probably also enrolled in state Medicaid programs for health care or receive subsidized ACA based health care. Unfortunately, the deficiencies in the extent of coverage (to what extent does a state “add-on” to the basic federal panel of coverage) are due to the policy decisions made at the state government level. Looking forward to your participation in the course blog discussions as you share your perspective on WIC this semester.

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