Eboni Campbell_Intro

Hi Everyone,

My name is Eboni Campbell and I am so glad to be a part of this course! Being that my goal is to make a difference in our healthcare system, I look forward to learning more about the functionality and delivery of our healthcare system in the United States (as it compares to healthcare in other countries). I expect to learn about the errors and gaps in our healthcare system and how I can make a difference in healthcare by keeping those errors in mind. I yearn to be a public health analyst for the Center for Disease Control. I am a student in the MPH program and this is my final semester before I move on to explore other public health endeavors :(. I obtained my BS in Public Health Studies here at ECU as well in 2017. During my free time, I like to travel, exercise, and try new foods. I am a mom 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to an almost 5-year-old boy as well. We eat different ice creams and experience different arcades.

P.S: He is the reason I am unable to lose weight…. due to all the cheese pizza! 🙂

Happy Spring semester everyone!

1 thought on “Eboni Campbell_Intro”

  1. Hi Ms. Campbell,
    Thanks for your introductory post and welcome to COHE 6000. I believe that as we move through the course the readings and blogging will help us realize how much that is not direct clinical care needs to be reinforced to improve population health outcomes for our nation. By employing public health strategies to improve upstream health determinants we can find lasting solutions for improving the health status of all Americans. Looking forward to your perspective and contributions to the word press course blog as we move through the course.

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