Janina Griffis – Introduction

I currently live in the Durham area and work at UNC Health/School of Medicine in the Gastroenterology Department. I am an Administrative Specialist for the IBD Department but help the Liver team as well. I am on the non patient facing side of jobs tasks so I have a lot to learn. Over the past year I have tried out 3 different temp roles in Health Care and found that I enjoyed the different experiences. I am doing this certificate program because I wanted to be a positive influence within the health care field and I thought where better to start than with learning. I am still doing research as to where I want to end up long term but I know I lean towards event planning, logistics, quality and, patient/extend family care. I will keep exploring and learning as we go.

I look forward to reading everyones posts and learning about our very complicated and intricate Health Care System. Also I see some people are in my area so that is great news and I hope to visit the campus soon.

Thank you,

Janina (I go by Nina as well)

1 thought on “Janina Griffis – Introduction”

  1. Hi Ms. Griffis,
    Thanks for your intro message and welcome to COHE 6000. At about 1/6 of the American economy, our healthcare system is quite complex and vast and perhaps one road to reform is trying to streamline the system a bit by simplifying its operation and removing wasteful practices. Looking forward to reading your contributions on this course blog. Yes, let’s learn from each other as we try to understand how to deliver quality care to all Americans at a reasonable cost. Now, that IS a tall order but our collective future is riding on getting it right!!

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