Layne Adams – Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Layne and I live in Hickory, NC. I am in the MBA program and taking this course as part of the Health Management Certificate program. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from ECU and obtained my MSN for Community/Public Health from UNC-Charlotte. I am a Registered Nurse and am currently in a Quality Improvement role. My work focuses on making sure we have programs in place to assist patients in obtaining various screenings, manage hospital utilization rates, and aid in improving quality of care while helping to decrease healthcare costs. I no longer provide direct patient care, but I have found that I am very satisfied working behind the scenes with our value-based care programs. Because I work so closely with insurance companies and various contracts, I really feel that the MBA program will help me excel in my understanding of the business side in my career. I look forward to this course and further exploring areas that are significant contributing factors to the delivery of care in our health system.

My husband and I met at ECU and we have two boys, age 7 and 5, who keep us on our toes. In my free time, I love to read, take walks, and play the piano. I am looking forward to working with each of you – good luck this semester!


1 thought on “Layne Adams – Introduction”

  1. Hi Ms. Adams,
    Thanks for your intro message and welcome to COHE 6000. Your perspective as both a clinician and liaison between the health care provider and the insurer should help inform us about how healthcare works and help point out for us where the problems may crop up in our health care system. As health care users we all expect value based care but tend to balk at the cost. So how do we achieve the holy grail of quality care for all at reasonable cost on a nationwide basis? Looking forward to your contributions to the course blog.

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