Jonas Chapter 5 Blog

The United State government for the most part stays out health care system. Many other first world countries play a large role in their health care systems like running and maintaining health care institutions. The Unites States on the other hand lets hospitals and doctor offices run themselves like any other businesses.1  Overall the constitution of the country does not have anything stating the government control over the health care system so the federal government leaves most up to the states and local governments on how they manage and regulate their health care system.1 Over the years there has been more government involvement due to the rise in medical expenses. This is due to the government being heavily involved in the payment of medical expenses. The federal government does provide insurance to those that serve in the military and their family. The federal government for the most part is only paying the medical needs and they will get health care treatments from privately funded hospitals or doctor offices. The federal government has slowly instituted health care service such as the Woman, Infant, and Child (WIC) program as well as other health related services like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), School breakfast and lunch program through Food and Nutrition Service of the Department of Agriculture. These programs are federally funded but are run through the state government. This means the money is given to the state and the state determines how the money is spent in these programs. Due to the federal government staying out of the health care system it lands mostly on state and local governments. A large percentage of the state government budget is used on medical expenses through the Medicaid/Medicare program. This program is state medical insurance that helps finance medical needs for low-income families and elderly people in the state. The state is also often the majority provider for mental health care for those that are suffering from mental illnesses. The state is also in charge of license for practicing physician in the state.1 This has become one the most important  health care involvements that the government has done due to the health care advancements. Local governments run health departments and other health care services for their community. This is mostly to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as STDs and to provide immunization to the community. Overall, the federal government treats the health care system like most businesses and only intervenes when there are harmful practices or are exploiting consumers. This can be seen when the government punished pharmaceutical company for profiteering on drug such as 100,000% price increase on the drug call Acthar.2 The government judicial branch allows patient that believe they were wrongly treated to settle disputes through due process.1 The government does also spend money in the health care system through grants to provide help to areas in need or to increase research in a health care field to better fill gaps in health care services. This was seen recently when the government provide large grants to research into COVID-19 and the development of vaccines. The grants did go to private companies and the government did not attempt make their own vaccine. This is a continual theme with the United States government. The government spends or gives money to private companies in the health care system for the needs of citizens without the government themselves having any real ownership of the products created. The government continues to become more involved in the health care system with Obama care being one of the largest health care actions taken by the federal governments. There have been further policies in association with Obama care and current discussion of the involvement the government should have in health care. Many other first world counties provide health insurance through the government for all of their citizens. The United States only has Medicaid/Medicare as a government funded insurance which is mostly for low-income families or those receiving social security. The rest of the insurance coverages the United States citizens are all from private businesses.  Health care services and funding by the government will most likely continue to grow due to the continual increase in money spent in the sector by the government.

  1. Goldsteen RL, Goldsteen K, Goldsteen B. Jonas’ Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System. King of Prussia, PA: Springer Publishing Company; 2021.
  2. STAHL LESLEY. The problem with prescription drug prices. May 6, 2018.

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