PBS Film Health Care: US vs the World

PBS shows a documentary about health insurance in the United States versus other countries. The film discusses how the U.S. death rate is higher than anywhere else in the world when it comes to preventative care. In the film, the narrator visits Texas in the United States. Additionally, he visited the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, and Canada. They compare the healthcare insurance system in the United States with the world. Healthcare is one of the most critical aspects of extending one’s lifespan. Unfortunately, many Americans lack insurance because they cannot afford it. A PBS documentary highlights a prestigious hospital in Houston, Texas. Many people come for treatment, but many residents who live a few miles away and are uninsured do not receive treatment due to the high cost of healthcare. Most low-income families cannot afford health insurance and are afraid to visit the doctor. Everyone should be able to see a doctor without worrying about the cost.

Now let’s compare the countries. I would say that the Swiss healthcare insurance is similar to the Affordable Care Act, according to PBS. Switzerland’s healthcare system has good and bad points; citizens must be insured or face a fine. I am against penalizing people for not having health insurance. Healthcare insurance is necessary for everyone, but it must also be cost-effective. The Affordable Care Act is a helpful starting point in the United States. However, Americans need to examine affordable insurance more closely.
As a healthcare worker, I act as a backup financial counselor. Many patients with affordable health insurance choose a plan with a low premium but a high deductible and coinsurance. For example, you go to a primary care doctor who refers you to a specialist. The specialist recommends surgery after seeing you. Your surgery office contacts your healthcare insurance company to determine if you need authorization.
Additionally, the healthcare insurance provider informs the doctor’s office that the patient still needs to meet the deductible and is responsible for the bill until it has been met. The health insurance plan pays 80 or 70 percent of the coinsurance after the deductible is met. Therefore, patients will be responsible for 20 or 30 percent of their coinsurance. Some people may view this as the healthcare insurance company paying most of the bills. Here’s how it works: surgery costs $2000, and your deductible is $1500. Therefore, $1500 will be the patient’s responsibility. After meeting their deductible, the patient’s healthcare insurance pays 80 percent of the $500, which is $400.
Nevertheless, the patient must pay 20% of the $500. In the end, the patient owes $1600 to the doctor, and the insurance company only pays $400. How is this affordable healthcare? Healthcare insurance companies need to be scrutinized by the United States since low-income families cannot afford healthcare insurance with their job and do not qualify for government healthcare insurance. They choose to pay rent and buy food before paying for healthcare. Insufficient healthcare can cause severe problems and shorten life expectancy.

 Everyone pays into the United Kingdom’s health care system through NHS, which is excellent for primary and specialty care, but some specialty care is on a waiting list. Canada’s healthcare system is that everyone gets healthcare in the hospital, but when you leave the hospital, you are responsible for paying for medication. Medication can sometimes be just as expensive as doctor visits. In Australia, people can choose between public and private health insurance plans. The plan is excellent, in my opinion. Having private healthcare insurance is great, but you will have access to public healthcare coverage if you cannot afford private insurance.

 Regardless of income level, all Americans should have access to health insurance. How is it fair that the United States Congress and the President of the United States always have healthcare insurance, and most Americans cannot afford it? Health insurance needs to be made available to everyone in the United States. As a result, we must examine how everyone in the United States can access quality healthcare.

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