Jonas’ Chapter 11 and 12

In Jonas’ Chapter 11, he discusses the Affordable Care Act’s accomplishments, limitations, and opposition. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is discussed in this chapter, including its achievements, limitations, and opposition. The Obama administration passed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010. Everyone can get insurance under the ACA regardless of their health condition. As a result of the ACA, this was one of the achievements. Apparently, no Republican party voted in support of the Affordable Care Act, which I wasn’t aware of.

There is a discussion of the individual mandate in the book. The individual mandate was important for the ACA because it helped cover the cost of healthcare for everyone. It was designed to help healthy and non-healthy individuals afford insurance.

The book also discusses Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The American Healthcare Act (AHCA) and the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) were both attempted by Republicans, but neither succeeded. While the Obama administration removed junk insurance, the Trump administration brought it back. Junk insurance is a limited type of insurance. According to the book, the Trump administration’s legal action against the Affordable Care Act could not repeal and replace it but weaken it (Goldsteen et al., 2021, p.360).

Joans’ Chapter 12 – Trends in the U.S. Health Care System. This chapter describes how the ACA has helped improve the structure of health care in the United States. According to the book, many of the ACA policies will remain no matter if the ACA is overturned (Goldsteen et al., 2021, p.373). The book discusses prevention, mental health, prescription costs, and advanced technology. The chapter discusses the benefits of keeping the mixed healthcare system in place.

Goldsteen, R. L., Goldsteen, K., & Goldsteen, B. (2021). Jonas’ introduction to the U.S. health care system. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

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