Welcome to COHE6000 Spr 2023_intro

Hello fellow bloggers,

Welcome to COHE 6000 first 8-week block session for Spr 2023. I have several different perspectives on our health care system: as a health information management professional who worked in acute care and ambulatory settings; as a patient who had his fair share of contact with the system and got to see it at its best as well as its worst; and as an academic who spends his time researching it dispassionately to understand how it works so that I can offer my informed opinion on how to make it work better.

Whether you are new to the field or health care is already your vocation but have never formally studied the U.S. health care delivery system, this blog will be a great place to meet and discuss mutual points of insight or confusion, and where you can challenge each other while we learn. The COHE 6000 Spring, 2023 Blog will be our course medium for interaction and communication about all things related to our health care system.

As a wise man once said, “if you have your health, you have everything”. Therefore, the goal for this semester is to learn about how our system of health care functions, how it compares to that of other OECD countries, and consider how it can be improved.

You can post a comment to this blog but, more importantly, post your own introduction. Scroll up to the top toolbar hit the “+ new” icon and select “post”. Next, give your post a title. Include “_intro” at the end of your introductory blog post’s title (see my intro blog post title above). In your introduction explain why you are taking this course, and what you expect to learn during the next 7 weeks. Only include information about yourself that you feel comfortable sharing.

Let’s learn a lot and enjoy ourselves while we do. Here’s to a successful semester. Later in cyberspace.


Me with my wife and son: my biggest reasons for wanting to stay healthy and making sure there will be an effective and efficient health care system far into the future.

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